Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly


Alexander’s stomach dropped. He knew this was coming, but it still hurt to hear it out loud. “I can assure you that’s not the case. Jessie is the only person I have feelings for. I don’t know where she’s getting these ideas from.”

“I think it’s because she’s noticed that you’ve been distracted lately. You haven’t been giving her the same level of attention that you used to. She feels like you’re pulling away from her.”

Alexander was silent for a moment, thinking about what Anderson said. He knew he had been distant lately, but he hadn’t realized how much it was affecting Jessie. “I didn’t realize it was that bad. I’ve just been busy with work. I’m sorry if it’s made her feel like I don’t care about her…” Alex said.

Anderson leaned closer.

“Have you redefined your relationship with Marissa? That what you guys have is just fake and not real. The fake marriage was a deal you guys made to get what you both want and not get any feelings involved.”

Alex nodded.

“Yeah, I did. I told her that we are nothing more than a fake couple and that our fake marriage would end after three months and we would go back to our individual lives.”

“Good! That’s better.” Anderson said.

“But weren’t you the one who told me that you liked Marissa more than Jessie? That Jessie would always choose her job over me. Why are you changing your words, Anderson?” Alex asked.

“Because the truth is that you’re in a serious relationship with Jessie and Marissa and you are just business partners and not like you saw her and fell in love with her at first sight, but you came together to do a business and that’s what it should be. Business.” Anderson said.

“But what if I want more from this business deal, Andy? What if I want to be with Marissa? Am I a jerk for feeling that way?” he asked, looking at Anderson for answers.

“I mean this morning, she kind of knew that I wouldn’t have had breakfast because of my early morning meetings with the board, she woke up and made breakfast for me and called my driver to deliver them to me and she even went all the way to make for my driver as well.

I call that care which I honestly don’t get from Jessie. She was awake when I woke up and showered this morning but she never thought of making breakfast for me.” Alex said.

Anderson was quiet as he didn’t know what to say about it.

“It sounds like Marissa went out of her way to do something nice for you, and I think that speaks volumes about the kind of person she is. But I also think it’s important to remember that you and Jessie have a history together, and she may show her affection in different ways. Just because she didn’t make you breakfast doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you.”

Alex nodded, considering Anderson’s words. “I know what you’re saying, but I also don’t want to hurt Marissa if she ends up developing feelings for me. I wouldn’t want to lead her on or break her heart.”

“I think it’s important to be honest with both Marissa and Jessie about your feelings. If you’re not interested in pursuing a relationship with Marissa, it’s best to be upfront about that so she doesn’t get the wrong idea.

And you should also talk to Jessie about how you feel and see if there’s a way to work through any issues you may be having in your relationship. Communication is key in any relationship, whether it’s romantic or platonic.” Anderson said gently.

“I know you’re right, but I’m scared to have those conversations. I don’t want to lose either of them. They both mean so much to me.” Alex admitted, looking down at his hands.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Anderson reached out and placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I know it’s scary, but sometimes the hardest conversations are the most important. And if you don’t have them, you may end up losing both Marissa and Jessie anyway. It’s better to take a chance on being honest and risk losing them, than to keep the status quo and lose them both anyway. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yeah, I think so. But I don’t know how to even start those conversations. What if I say the wrong thing and mess everything up?” Alex asked, looking up at Anderson with wide eyes.

Anderson gave Alex a sympathetic smile. “Well, the best way to start is by saying how you feel. Just be honest about what you’re thinking and feeling, and let them respond. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it’s the only way to figure out how to move forward.

And remember, you can’t control how they feel or react, but you can control how you handle the situation. If you come from a place of honesty and respect, I think that will go a long way.”

Alex nodded, taking a deep breath. “You’re right. I need to do this, even if it’s hard. It’s the only way to move forward and make sure everyone is on the same page.”

“Exactly . It may be painful, but it’s the only way to ensure that you’re all on the same page and that there’s no confusion about how anyone feels. Do you feel a little better about it now?”

“Yeah, I do. Thanks for listening and for the advice. I feel like I can actually do this now, instead of just feeling overwhelmed and paralyzed.” Alex said, a smile forming on his lips.

“Of course, that’s what friends are for! I’m glad I could help. And just know that no matter what happens, you’re not alone in this. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” Anderson said, giving Alex a reassuring smile.

“Thank you so much, Anderson. I don’t know what I would do without you as a friend. You’re the best.” Alex said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

“Anytime, Alex.”

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