Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly

Cooking Breakfast For Him

As Alexander drove home, he thought about how important it was to talk to Marissa carefully.

He didn’t want to argue again. Instead, he wanted to make things right.

While driving, he rehearsed what he’d say. He knew he needed to admit his own mistakes and apologize for the hurtful things he said.

He also wanted to emphasize his commitment to their fake marriage and reassure Marissa that it wouldn’t affect his relationship with Jessie.

Alexander kept driving, determined to make amends with Marissa and move forward with their complicated situation.

When Alexander arrived home, he found Marissa in the living room, her face etched with worry. She seemed taken aback when he entered.

He took a deep breath and approached her with a sincere expression.

“Marissa, I want to talk to you.”

Marissa looked up at him, a mixture of curiosity and caution in her eyes.

“Okay, go ahead.”

“I want to apologize for what I said earlier. It was uncalled for, and I shouldn’t have used hurtful words.”

She nodded slowly, her guard beginning to come down.

“I appreciate the apology, Alexander.”

“Even though I honestly didn’t expect that you would apologize, but thank you for apologizing to me.” she smiled at him.

He continued,

“I also want you to know that, despite our differences, we need to make this fake marriage work.

I don’t want it to affect my relationship with Jessie. It’s important to me that we find a way to cooperate and make it convincing for the sake of the contract and our lives.”

Marissa seemed to consider his words.

“I agree. Let’s try to work together without all the fighting.”

Alexander felt a sense of relief that she was willing to cooperate.

“Thank you for understanding. Let’s start fresh and find a way to make this situation work for both of us.”

“We may have started as adversaries, but at this moment, we need to be ready to make this work at all cost.” she said.

She sat back on the couch as he also sat down on the couch.

“So when are we doing the private wedding and all?”

“Uh um….. Let’s make it tomorrow by 4pm. Is that fine?” He looked at her waiting for her response.

“Hmmm…. I kinda have something to do by that time, but I think I could move it so that we can do whatever we wanna do by that time.”She replied.

“Okay, great!” he clasped his hands together.

“I guess it’s settled then.” he got up and began to walk out of the sitting room.

“I’ll let you rest now. I need to be up and out of the house early cause I have an early appointment with a client.” He informed her.

She smiled, her hand brushing some strands of hair to the side of her ear.

Alexander didn’t know why she smiled, so he asked her.

“Why are you smiling?”

Marissa’s smile remained as she responded, “I’m smiling because it’s a relief that we can have a civil conversation for once. It’s been quite a rollercoaster, and I’m glad we’re on the same page now.”

Alexander’s lips curled into a faint smile. “I’m glad too. Let’s try to make this work.”

With a nod of agreement, Marissa watched him as he made his way towards the door. “I’ll rest up for our meeting tomorrow. Have a good day with your client, Alexander.”

“Thank you, Marissa. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he replied before leaving the room, this time with a sense of hope that their strange partnership might just survive.

“Should I wake up early and prepare breakfast for him…?

Wouldn’t it sound weird or look weird after all we are not an actual couple?” she spoke to herself.

As Marissa contemplated whether to prepare breakfast for Alexander, she realized that it might be a way to bridge the gap between them. After all, they were playing the roles of a married couple, even if it was fake.

With a determined look, she decided to set her alarm a bit earlier to whip up a simple breakfast. It was a small gesture, but she hoped it would contribute to a more harmonious relationship between her and Alexander.

The next morning, Marissa was up as she yawned and stretched.

Honestly, left to her she would have loved to stay in bed and sleep longer, but she felt she needed to wake up and prepare breakfast for Alexander as a kind gesture and nothing more.

Or could there be another reason she was doing it? Could she be growing feelings for him?

She shook her head and told herself.

“I’m just doing it to just show that I was appreciative for his help and all and nothing more.”

She nodded to herself and smiled then got out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

“Okay…. so what can I prepare this morning that could be fast before he wakes up?” she thought as she searched the fridge.

She looked at the fridge for sometime contemplating what to prepare for breakfast. She wanted something quick yet satisfying.

As she stood in the kitchen, her eyes roamed over the content of the fridge.

Then, she noticed the eggs. A plan formed in her mind.

“I could prepare some scrambled eggs, toast a few slices of bread and brew a pot of fresh coffee for him.” she decided.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

She nodded to herself and decided to go along with her plans to prepare the breakfast.

She took a pan from a cupboard, cracked a few eggs into a bowl, and whisked them until they were smooth.

The smell of coffee filled the kitchen as she set up the coffee maker and brewed a pot.

She slid slices of bread into the toaster, making sure they were golden brown before placing it into a plate.

Soon the kitchen was filled with the delightful aroma of freshly scrambled eggs and the rich fragrance of coffee.

Marissa set the table, placing a plate of eggs and toast along with a steaming cup of coffee at one setting.

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