Married At First Glance: I Am Not Ugly


Meanwhile Alexander and Jessie got to his apartment and he slumped on the couch exhausted from the journey.

“Oh baby, you must be really tired and hungry. Why don’t I order something for us to eat? Something like pizza or should we go to a restaurant and eat some pasta or something?” she asked.

Alexander tired sighed deeply and replied.

“No… I’m not hungry. I think I should go in and shower and rest for the night. I have an early morning meeting so I need to rest and wake up to prepare for it.”

Jessie was a bit surprised by Alexander’s reply. He had never turned down food before, and he always seemed to have an appetite. But she respected his decision and smiled.

“Alright, I’ll leave you to it then. If you need anything, just let me know.”

Alexander nodded and headed into the bedroom, while Jessie stayed in the living room. She thought about how strange it was that he wasn’t hungry, and she couldn’t help but worry about him. Maybe he was just tired, or maybe something else was going on.

She decided to give him some space and let him rest. After about half an hour, she heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, indicating that Alexander was showering.

She tried to focus on something else, but her mind kept going back to him. Was he really just tired, or was something else bothering him?

She stood up and walked to the door of the bathroom, debating whether or not to knock. She didn’t want to intrude, but she also wanted to make sure he was okay.

Finally, she decided to take a chance and knocked gently on the door.

“Alexander, is everything okay?” she asked, her voice full of concern

There was no response from the other side of the door, and for a moment, Jessie worried that he might not have heard her. She was about to knock again when she heard a faint reply.

“I’m fine, I’ll be out in a minute.”

His voice sounded a bit hoarse, and she wondered if he was sick. But she didn’t want to push him, so she simply said, “Okay, I’ll be here when you’re done.”

She walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch, trying to distract herself with a book she had brought with her.

As the minutes passed, she found herself growing more and more anxious. It had been over an hour since Alexander had gone into the bathroom, and she was beginning to worry that something might be wrong. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and knocked on the door again.

“Alexander, are you okay? It’s been a long time, I’m getting worried.”

There was a long pause, and then she heard the sound of the water being turned off. A few moments later, the door opened and Alexander stood in front of her, wearing only a towel around his waist.

He looked tired and a bit pale, but he gave her a small smile. “I’m sorry I took so long, I just needed a moment to clear my head.”

There was a worried look in Jessie’s eyes. “Is everything okay, Alexander? You don’t seem like yourself.”

Alexander hesitated for a moment, then let out a deep sigh. “It’s just… I’m not feeling great ever since I returned from the trip. I don’t know why but I’m just really tired. I thought a shower would help, but I guess it didn’t really do the trick.”

“Oh my. I guess you are just jet-lagged by all the traveling but you should be fine after you rest. Let me make you some lemon tea, I think it should help you.” she said.

“That sounds great, thank you. And I’m sure you’re right about jet lag. I just hope it doesn’t take too long to get back to normal.”

Jessie gave him a reassuring smile. “You’ll be fine, Alexander. Just give yourself some time to adjust and take it easy for a while. I know you’re a hard worker, but it’s okay to take a break sometimes.”

Alexander gave a small nod. “You’re right, I need to learn to slow down sometimes”

So Jessie went to the kitchen to make the lemon tea for Alex while he got dressed for the night to rest.

Alexander walked into his bedroom and changed into a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his mind and body. It had been a long day, and he felt exhausted both physically and emotionally.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He heard the kettle whistle in the kitchen, and a few minutes later, Jessie came in with a mug of hot lemon tea.

“Here you go, Alexander. This should help you relax and get a good night’s sleep.” she said with a smile.

He took the mug from her and sipped the hot liquid, feeling the warmth spread through his body. “This is perfect, thank you. You’re really a lifesaver, you know that?” he said, giving her a grateful look.

“Aw, you’re welcome. It’s the least I can do for you boo.” she said.

Alexander was surprised by Jessie sudden change in her attitude and why she was free and not busy with work.

He decided to ask her.

“Jessie, why are you around?” she was taken aback by the question.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you are around and spending time with me and not working. It is unusual of you which I appreciate a lot but it just feels…. I don’t know…” he stammered.

“Weird?” she finished his words.

“Yeah…” he nodded.

“Well…. um.. I’m not actually. I just feel we should spend some time together when you get back, since I had been away on a business trip too. I just felt we should be together.

Before, he would be so happy to spend time with Jessie and all, but why was he feeling like he wanted to be alone and not have her around? Was something wrong with him?

“Why did you ask, my love? Aren’t you happy to see me and have me here?” she asked, as she observed his countenance on his face.

Alexander hesitated, not sure how to answer her question. He wanted to say yes, but the truth was, he wasn’t sure if he really wanted her here. He felt guilty and a bit confused, and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

“I’m glad to see you, of course. I just feel a little off, like something is different. I don’t know if it’s me or what, but I feel like I can’t quite relax the way I used to.” he admitted, looking down at his hands.

“But I guess maybe it’s because I’m tired from all the traveling. A good night’s sleep should do the trick.” he said as he placed the mug close to the side of his bed and lay on his bed to sleep.

“I’ll let you sleep now.” she said and walked out of his room.

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