Married to the Secret Australian Mafia

Best friends for life

Best friends forever, that’s what it means right?” Dorothy asked.

“Yes” Mia replied.

“And before I forget, I was waiting for you” she added.

“What is the matter?” Dorothy asked.

“There is a dress of yours I want to wear” Mia replied.

“Bring it let me see” Dorothy said.

Mia went to the wardrobe, opened it and brought out the dress.

“Oh, that one, of course you can wear it” Dorothy said.

“Aww thanks Doro” Mia said.

“You are welcome” Dorothy said.

Mia went into the bathroom to take a shower while Dorothy sat on the bed admiring her ring.

Mia then came out of the bathroom all dressed up.

“I am ready to go” she said.

“Okay, good luck” Dorothy said to her and she left the room.

“Kyla” Edward said.

“Stop calling me Edward, I am trying to work here” Kyla replied.

“You should eat your food before working then” he said.

“No thanks, I am not hungry” she replied.

Edward went closer to the desk where she was working on a laptop.

“Kyla” he said and held her shoulder.

“Leave me Edward !” She snapped.

“Come on Kyla, don’t tell me that you are still angry” Edward said.

She stopped what she was doing and turned in her seat, “so I am not supposed to be angry huh?” She asked.

“That brat insulted me and instead of you to scold her, you joined them in laughing at me” she added.

“Kelly is just a child, you should know that” Edward said.

“A child that knows how to insult her elders” Kyla said and continued working on her laptop.

“Please eat Kyla so you will have strength” Edward said and kissed her neck.

She didn’t react or talk just concentrated on what she was doing.

When Edward saw that she was really angry, he left her and went out the room.

“What’s wrong Ed?” Levi asked him when he came into the garden.

“Nothing is wrong” he replied.

“Let me guess, Kyla is at it again?” Levi asked.

“Shut up Levi” Edward said.

“I said it, come Ed you deserve better than that” Levi said.

“Mind your fucking business Levi, what is wrong with you?” Edward snapped at him.

“Sorry Edward, forgive me” Levi apologized.

Edward left the garden and went into the garage, he entered one of the car and took out a cigar and started smoking.

“Why is she acting like this?” He thought.

“This relationship is no longer as it is and I don’t like it, is there someone else she is seeing?” He asked himself.

“No that can’t be, I am going to kill the person” he said.

He put his hand pocket and brought out a small bottle containing a white substance. He opened it and took a little and sniffed it.

“Ahh” he said as the drug found it’s way to his brain.

“Ma, this is Trik street” the driver said to Mia.

“Oh thank you” she said, got out and paid him his money.

She entered the street and went into a hairdressing shop.

“Good day” she greeted.

“Good day” they replied.

“Please I am looking for Mr Hugo, he lives in this street” Mia said.

“Mr Hugo, is he a lawyer?” One of the woman asked her.

“Yes” Mia replied.

“Okay he live at house number ten, painted orange” the woman replied.

“Thank you so much ma” Mia said and left the place.

“Wow she looks wealthy” one of the woman said.

“Yeah and also pretty” the other woman replied.

Mia continued walking till she reached the house number, it was painted orange so she went to the door and knocked.

“Coming” said a voice from inside the house.

The door was opened to reveal a woman in her early twenties chewing gum.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“I am looking from Mr Hugo, this is his house right?” Mia replied.

“Yes, you haven’t answered my question” the woman said.

“He was my mother’s lawyer, I need to see him” Mia replied.

“Come in” the woman said and opened the door widely and Mia came in.

“Take a seat while I call him” she said and went up the stairs.

Mia took a sat on the couch waiting for him, after a little while the lawyer came down the stairs.

“Mia, oh my goodness !” he exclaimed and shook hands with her.

“How are you doing?” He asked.

“I am doing great Mr Hugo, how about you?” Mia replied.

“I am good” Mr Hugo replied and sat down opposite her.

“I am quite surprised that you recognized me Mr Hugo” Mia said.

“Why won’t I remember you Mia?, you look just like your mother” Mr Hugo replied.

“Okay what do I own this visit Mia?” He asked.

“I have some questions that I need their answers” Mia replied.

“Okay let me hear them” he said.

“What are the properties that my mother had before she died?” Mia asked.

“What is with the question Mia?, your mother’s properties was shared as she wanted it to be shared” he replied.

“That is not the answer to my question Mr Hugo” Mia said.

“I am sorry but I don’t have the answer to that your question Mia” he replied.

“You said that my mother’s properties was shared as she wanted it to be shared but you can’t tell me what exactly is the properties?” Mia asked.

“Yes, I can’t tell you” he replied.

“And why is that?” Mia asked.

“Because that is what your mother told me to do” Mr Hugo replied.

“Do you know anything about my mother’s assets and investments?” She asked.

“I am sorry Mia but you have to leave my house” he said.

“Mr Hugo…”

“Please leave before I call police” he interrupted.

Mia stood up from her seat and looked at him.

“I am still coming back” she said and left the house.

“What does that girl want?” The woman asked Mr Hugo as she came down the stairs.

“Nothing, go upstairs” he replied.

“Does she want you to be her lawyer?, she looks rich” she said.

He did not reply her but went up the stairs, he entered his bedroom and opened his cupboard.

He brought out an envelope which he opened and took out a paper.

He tore the paper into pieces and threw it in his trash can, with a satisfied smile he left the room.

“There were still debating whether to do it pink or white until I entered, they actually stopped talking and started looking at me” Kelly said.

“Why is that?” Dorothy asked.

“Because they saw a Greek goddess which is me” she replied.

“Wow that is amazing” Dorothy said.

They were in the living room discussing, “so what colour did they later used?” Dorothy asked.

“They used white which I told them to use” Kelly replied.

“I am a very capable model, people respect me” she added.

“I would be so happy to sew a dress for you one day so you can showcase it to the world” Dorothy said.

“You are a fashion designer?” Kelly asked.

“Yes” Dorothy replied.

“Omg, I am actually looking for who to design a dress for me” Kelly said.

“You looking for a fashion designer?, but there are tons of them you can use” Dorothy said.

“I don’t like them, so I am going to send the dress for you when I get home” Kelly said.

“Okay, I am going to make it beautiful for you” Dorothy said.

“Please do and make it tight” Kelly said.

“I am going to do that and more” Dorothy promised.

“You are still here brat” Calvin said entering the living room.

“Yes I am and I would be living here” Kelly replied.

“Be prepared to be thrown out” Calvin said and sat down.

“Actually the clothes are two but…”

“Stop stressing my Doll, she has been working since morning” he interrupted.

“Oh, I am sorry Doll, I didn’t know” Kelly said.

“No, it is fine, I am tired” Dorothy replied.

“I am going to leave you now Doll” Kelly said and left the living room.

“Why did you chase her away?” Dorothy asked Calvin.

“When did I do that?, she just walked out of here by herself” he replied.

“You told her that I was tired and she started feeling guilty” she said.

“Well she should feel guilty” Calvin said.

“You are not wearing my ring?” He asked looking at her hand.

“Oh, I kept it, I didn’t want to ruin it” she replied.

Calvin stood up from where he was sitting and went to her.

He took her hand and kissed it, “Doll I want you to be wearing that ring always, can you do that for me?” He asked.

Dorothy nodded and he ran his hand through her hair.

“It is my claim on you” he said.

“But I don’t have a claim on you” Dorothy said.

“What is stopping you from doing that?” Calvin asked.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

He kissed her again and went back to his seat.

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