Married to the Secret Australian Mafia

Let’s go back to the room

“I won’t sir, I promise” Ken said.

“You better” Fred said.

The door of the office opened and Stephanie entered the room.

“How are you Stephanie?” Fred asked.

“I am find boss” she replied, went closer to him and sat on his lap.

“You can go now, Ken” Fred said and he left the room.

“How was school today, Steph?” Fred asked.

“It was great, boss” she replied.

“Call me Fred if we are alone” he said.

“Okay boss”

“Now let’s go to my room, shall we” he suggested.

“Sure Fred” Stephanie replied.

She got up and Fred led him to his room, “remove your clothes fast” he ordered when they entered the room.

Stephanie started removing her clothes slowly when Celine came into the room.

“We need to talk” she said to Fred and left the room.

“I am coming” Fred said to Stephanie and followed Celine.

Celine was standing at the door of her office when he caught up with her.

“You shouldn’t have barged into my room like that” he said.

Celine ignored him, opened the door and went in and sat down.

“What do you want to talk about that you have to invade my privacy?” Fred asked and sat opposite her.

Celine opened her a bag and brought out her phone, “watch this” she said and kept the phone on the table.

Fred took the phone and click on the play button and a video started playing.

“This is bullshit, Miss S” Fred said.

“Yeah it is bullshit, are dare you scam me?”

“Miss S, I can guarantee you this, that is not our coke” Fred said.

“Really?” Celine chuckled.

“Yes” Fred replied.

“Well I didn’t come here to argue with you, just transfer my money before tomorrow” Celine said, standing up.

“Wait what !” He exclaimed.

“You heard me right, and not a penny should be missing” she said.

Fred stared intensively at her face hoping to read her expression but he failed.

“And I will give my clients the honor to know who supplied the fake drugs to them” she added and wanted to leave when Fred called her.

“You have connection so solving the problem won’t be hard for you, what should I do?” He asked.

“That is not how to beg Fred, have heard of Candace?, they are the ones that bought the drugs” Celine said.

All the colour on Fred’s face vanished immediately he heard the name.

“Did you just said Candace?” He asked.

“Yes, Candace” Celine replied.

He got down on his knees immediately and pleaded for her to forgive him.

“I will think about it but meanwhile lay low” Celine said and left the office.

She walked out of the building and entered her car, “how did it go?” Tiger asked from the driver’s seat.

“It went just as planned, the poor man didn’t even know that the Candace group was no longer available,” Celine replied.

“When you are only familiar with your country, I guess you won’t know what is happening in other countries,” Tiger said.

“I guess you are right, Tiger” she said and wore her seatbelt.

“Please drive me out of here” she added.

“Yes, Miss S” Tiger replied and drove the car away.

“Honey mmm” Dorothy mumbled and Calvin looked at her.

He adjusted the covers and made sure that she was not feeling cold.

Calvin got up from the bed and took out his laptop from his bag and came back to the bed.

He logged into his messaged and a message from Celine popped in immediately.

“What does she want?” He thought.

He opened the message and saw that she was asking about a group called Candace.

“I don’t know about it” he texted in reply.

“Of course you do, remember that group you defeated in Canada that likes making trouble and you had to get rid of them?” Celine asked.

Yeah, I remember them, why are you asking me about them?” Calvin asked back.

“Please, I need you to tell me everything about them” she replied.

“Fuck you Celine” Calvin texted and blocked her from texting him again.

He closed the Laptop and kept it on the bed beside him, then took his phone and dialled a number.

“Investigate Celine and find out what she is up to” he said when the call was connected and then hung up.

He then laid on the bed and pulled Dorothy closer to him and closed his eyes.

Marcy could feel her knuckles getting numb but she ignored it and continued banging at the door.

Since she and Taylor made up, he has been ignoring her calls so she went to the house.

But the people there told her that he had relocated and gave her his new address.

So she was at the address banging at the door, “who is that?, you better be someone important !” Someone yelled from inside the house.

Marcy heard footsteps coming and the door was opened and Taylor came out.

He was shirtless and Marcy wanted to kidnap him all to herself.

“Hi babe,” she said and hugged him.

“What are you doing here, Marcy?” He asked, very surprised to see her.

“You were not picking my call so I decided to visit your house but it turns out that you have relocated” she replied.

“That’s great, but you need to leave now” Taylor said.

“And why is that?” She asked.

“Why would you come here without informing me?” He asked.

“Are you for real Taylor?, I am not going anywhere and besides it is late now” she replied.

“You have to go now, here take this” Taylor said and brought out some money from his pant’s pocket and gave to her.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Use it and lodge in a hotel, I will call you in the morning” he said.

“You are acting suspicious Taylor but I will do as you said. Where is the nearest hotel located?” Marcy asked.

“It is thirty minutes drive from here” Taylor replied.

“Okay I will be waiting for your call” she said and pecked him on the cheek.

She left his house and entered a cab to the nearest hotel to lodge.

“Is she gone?” a woman asked Taylor when he entered the house.

“Yes but she might come back in the morning” Taylor replied.

“I will be gone before she comes back” the woman replied.

“Let’s go back to the room” she said and held his hand and they walked back to the room.

“Wait, could there be a woman in his room and that is why he sent me away?” Marcy thought.

She was in a cab taking her to the nearest hotel.

“I shouldn’t have left” she muttered.

“But at least, I got some money” she said, opened her bag and started counting the money.

“We are here, Miss” the driver announced.

“Okay” Marcy said and got out of the car, paid the driver and entered into the hotel.

She majestically walked to the reception and booked a room, she was given the room key and she went to the elevator.

Her room was so beautiful that she wished she could live there forever.

“Hmm so amazing” she said when she drank the wine brought by the room service.

She finished her food and showered then laid down on the bed to sleep but not before setting an alarm to wake her up early.

Edward sat on a chair in the balcony of his room and stared at his phone.

He was debating whether to call Kyla or not but then he decided to and he dialed her number.

“Finally you decided to return my calls” Kyla said when she answered at the first ring.

“How are you?” Edward asked.

“I am good, how was the trip?” She asked.

“Great, sorry I didn’t tell you that I was going on a trip” he apologized.

“It is fine, I know you have a lot in your mind” she replied.

“Thanks for understanding, I am going to buy you a present when I come back” he promised.

“Okay I will be expecting it” Kyla said.

“Bye babe” he said.

“Bye Ed” she replied and the call ended.

“You should just break up with him, why are you wasting time?” Diego asked.

They were at the back room if a strip club waiting for Kyla’s turn.

“I can’t, I need his money” Kyla replied.

“How rich is he?, is he more richer than the Dennis family?” Diego asked.

“That I don’t know but I know that he is very rich” she replied.

“And don’t worry, I am waiting for the perfect time to break up with him” she added.

“Okay, if you say so” Diego replied.

“You are up next Kyla” a girl said entering the room.

“Okay” Kyla said and took one last look at the mirror.

“You look great, Kyla” Diego complimented.

“Thanks” she replied and went out of the door into the stage.

Kyla was actually a stripper before and that was how she met Edward but she had to stop because of him.

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