Married to the Secret Australian Mafia

Looking for you

“See I was just looking out for you, I will be a bad person if I did not ask you how you are” Mia said.

“I appreciate your concern” Edward replied.

“It is my pleasure” Mia said and opened a plate which has not been opened before.

“So these are here” she said and took out the food inside the plate.

It was sausage which has been fried and dipped in sauce.

Mia started licking the sauce on the sausage making sure that it was clean.

Edward felt his member become more harder as he looked at Mia licking the sausage.

She then keep the sausage aside and poured cream on her salad and started eating it.

“Are you okay?” She asked Edward was sweating even though the air conditioner was on.

“I haven’t taken my bath today, that’s why” he replied.

“Well you should” Mia said and continued eating her food.

She took the sausage again and started licking it pushing in and out of her mouth.

He nodded and watched her, Mia felt him staring at her and she met his stare.

Edward imagined himself going to her and shoving his member in mouth so she can treat it the same way she was treating the sausage.

“Gosh get a grip on yourself” Edward scolded at himself.

He broke the stare and looked somewhere else, he could imagine Levi’s shocked and pain expression if he came in and saw them in such position.

Mia smile satisfactory and finally chewed the sausage eating it with the salad.

Levi then entered the dining room with the eggs, “you have started eating the salad?” He asked Mia.

“Of course I had to, you were taking long in boiling the egg” Mia replied.

Levi gave one of the egg to Edward and started peeling one.

“Where is mine?” Mia asked.

“I am peeling it for you” Levi replied.

“Oh thanks my love” Mia said.

Levi finished peeling the egg and gave it her and she put it in her plate.

She kissed him on the lips and continued eating.

“I will be retiring to bed, see you tomorrow Levi” Edward said, standing up.

“Okay goodnight Ed” Levi replied.

Edward then went out of the dining room and went straight to his room.

Kyla was sleeping on his bed without any care in the world.

He started waking her up but she didn’t wake up so he decided to do whatever he wants with her.

But as he stared at her naked body, the hunger to eat her left him so he wore her her clothes back and laid beside her.

“What was that in the in living room?” Edward asked himself.

“Am I lusting after Mia or what?, no that can’t be the case I think it is a sign that I need to fuck another girl instead of Kyla” he thought.

“That will be when I arrive at China tomorrow” he thought and laid down on the bed to sleep.

At Calvin’s room, he had coerced Dorothy to sleep in his room so they were currently on the bed discussing.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“You should sleep Doll so you can wake up early” Calvin said to her.

“Okay” she said.

Calvin got up and switched the lights and went back to the bed only to find that Dorothy was already asleep.

“So you were sleepy but was still trying to be awake just to talk with me” he thought.

“Oh my Doll” Calvin said and tucked the blanket on her.

The next morning which was Thursday, Dorothy woke up immediately the alarm sounded.

She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Calvin staring down at her.

“Time to wake up Doll” he said.

“Did you set the alarm?” She asked, getting up from the bed.

“Yes I did, now go and prepare” Calvin replied.

“Okay Honey pie” Dorothy said and left the room for hers.

She reached her room and knocked on the door, a sleepy Mia opened the door for her and went back to the bed.

“You are still sleeping Mia?” She asked her but Mia did not answer.

Dorothy then went into the bathroom to take her bath.

She came out five minutes later and dressed up, when she was ready she woke Mia asked and told her that she was going.

“Okay let me escort you to the airport” she said, rushing into the bathroom to refreshen up.

After that she helped Dorothy carry her bag out of the room.

Calvin was waiting in the living room for her and he hugged her when she entered it.

“I am really going to miss you” he said.

“And I will miss you too” Dorothy replied.

“Does this bag contains the clothes you are going to use for the competition?” Calvin asked.

“No my lecturer will bring it to the airport” Dorothy replied.

“Okay that’s great get going” Calvin said, he collected her bag from Mia and they went out if the house.

Dorothy entered the car with Mia and they drove to the airport.

“Who are you chatting with?” Dorothy asked Mia who was smiling at her phone.

“Levi, he also left the country today on a business trip” she replied.

“Wow where did he go?” Dorothy asked.

“I don’t know, he didn’t tell me” Mia replied.

“So the lecturer is bringing the clothes to the airport?” Mia asked.

“Yes” she replied.

“Maybe you should call him to tell him that you are already on the way” Mia suggested.

“I texted him now and he said that he is on his way” Dorothy replied.

“Oh that’s great” Mia said.

They arrived at the airport and got out of the car, “thanks for escorting me” Dorothy said to Mia.

“You are welcome, make sure that you buy me a lot of goodies” Mia replied.

“Let get you inside before your flight leaves” Mia said and they started walking into airport.

Dorothy met the lecturer and wanted to collect the dresses from him but he told her that he was going with her.

“Oh I didn’t know that you were going with me, Mr Lookman” Dorothy said.

“It was actually a late decision” Mr Lookman replied.

“Okay Doro, goodbye” Mia said.

“Goodbye Mia, take care” Dorothy replied.

Dorothy then walked towards the terminal with Me Lookman while Mia walked towards the exit door.

After submitting their plane tickets at the terminal, Dorothy and Mr Lookman was led to the first class cabin.

“You shouldn’t have bought first class tickets” Dorothy said to him when they took their seats.

” I hate flying economy” he replied.

“Okay then” Dorothy said.

Their plane took off thirty minutes later and Dorothy anticipated how China would look like because this was her first time of visiting the country.

“I am returning from the airport, I just saw Dorothy off” Mia said on the phone.

“Seriously?, where is she going?” Levi asked even though he knew where she was going, he even assigned a secret bodyguard for her following Calvin’s order.

“She is going to China for a fashion competition” Mia replied.

“Wow that’s nice, I believe that she will surely win” Levi said.

“Of course she will, so which country did you go to?” Mia asked.

“Brazil” Levi replied.

“Okay, buy me some goodies when you are coming back” Mia said.

“I will my princess” Levi replied.

“Ok bye be safe” she said.

“Take care, love you” he replied

“Love you too” Mia said and ended the call.

She smiled and put her phone back in her bag, crossed the road and entered a cab back to Calvin’s residence.

“That will be the last call you make till we land” Edward said to him.

“Okay Ed, I hear you” Levi said.

They were in one of Calvin’s private jet going to China to deliver some coke to a customer.

So they were the only passaged in the jet.

“Can I have your phone Ed?, I want to check something” Levi asked.

Edward took his phone from the table beside him and gave to Levi.

“Kyla called you hundred missed calls” Levi said staring at the phone.

“Just do what you want to do and give it back” Edward said.

“I thought you said you guys were good, why are you ignoring her calls then” Levi asked.

“I don’t want to talk to her now, I will call her later” Edward replied.

Levi signed and started doing what he wanted to do with his phone.

“Sirs is there anything you want?” a beautiful blond woman who was their flight attendant asked them.

“Get me bread and peanut butter” Levi replied.

“Get me water” Edward replied.

“Ok” the flight attendant acknowledged and want to get what they want.

She brought the things they requested and kept it on the table beside them.

She wanted to leave but Edward motioned on her to come closer and he whispered something on her ear.

The flight attendant smiled and nodded at him, she then started walking away and Edward followed her.

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