Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 69

Brian walked into the club with a heavy heart. When he left the scene of the battle, he went over to the mansion but Serah wasn’t even looking at him talk more of engaging in a conversation.

“She’s still angry?”, Jack asked.

“Yes and it’s getting worse. She isn’t even looking at me”, Brian said.

He pulled out a bottle of cognac, downing it straight from the bottle. He felt miserable and the worst part was he didn’t know how to get better. He knew Serah was very bitter towards him for what he did and he knew he deserved what he got.

“I think you should give her time. She’ll come around”, Killian said.

“I know but when. That’s the freaking problem, it could take weeks or even months”, Brian said.

“She’ll come around, I know that”, Jack said.

Brian gulped more of the drink, spilling some on his shirt. Jack took the bottle from him, placing it far away from his reach. They all knew what would happen if when he got intoxicated, he would be too dangerous to talk to.

“What did you do that for?”, Brian asked.

“You’re going to get drunk and it’s not good for you or your health”, Killian said.

“You guys can’t fucking tell me what to do. Give me back the drink”, Brian seethed.

“No can do”, Jack said.

Brian sighed, slumping on his chair. He knew they were right but he was too stubborn to admit it when he knew he was in the wrong.

“We’ll worry about Serah later but first, let’s talk about the guns we found in their possession”, Killian said.

Brian sat up, his momentary stupor suddenly forgotten. That was one issue he wanted to talk about. It was clear now that the army chief had betrayed them towards their worst enemy.

“Those guns are from the army chief”, Brian said.

“Yes, we’ve been made to know that”, Killian said.

“What do we do now?”, Jack said.

“The only thing we should do now is confront him, we can’t let him go this way”, Brian said.

“The army chief is heavily protected. It won’t be easy dealing with him like we want”, Killian said.

“I don’t care if its risky, we have to get him here”, Brian said.

“You mean kidnap him?”, Killian said.

“Call it whatever you like, all I know is i need the army chief here and fast”, Brian said.

“Consider it done boss”, Jack said.

He tapped his phone, no doubt giving the order to bring in the army chief. Brian wasn’t sure what to do to him yet but he knew the idea would come once he saw him.

“We can’t bring him in”, Jack said.

“Why, what’s wrong?”, Brian said.

“He isn’t in his office not his home. As a matter of fact, the army chief hasn’t been seen for a while”, he said.

“I think he knew what would happen. So the bastard escaped before we could get him, he knew we would be on to him soon”, Killian said.

“This country would be too small for him to hide, I will get him no matter how long it takes”, Brian said.

“Careful on how you deal with this issue, the army chief had minions all over the place. You really don’t know who and what is watching”, Killian said.

“I’ll keep that in mind. In the meantime, I need to go pacify Serah to forgive me”, Brian said.

He rose up from his seat, snatching his car key that he had hastily dumped on the table when he came storming in.

“You should, but don’t stress or pressurize her too much. She’s still trying to heal and forget everything”, Jack said.

“I will, thank you guys. Keep me posted in case there’s any new development”, Brian said.

He walked out of the club, heading towards his car. He drove off with a screech as his mind was occupied on the things he could tell Serah.

Brian got home soon as he drove his car towards the garage. He could feel his mate’s aura, it was stronger now that he was home. He prayed within himself that her anger had been subsided a bit.

He walked towards the mansion, opening the door as silently as he could. He walked towards the living room to see his mate on the couch, watching a program on the t. v.

“Hi”, Brian said.

Serah stared at him as if seeing him for the first time. There was a look of hollowness in her eyes as she stared at him. The look gave Brian the creeps, he didn’t know what she was thinking which left him all the more worried.

“Hi”, Serah said, finally.

Brian walked towards the couch, taking a seat opposite her. Serah continued to stare at the t. v, stubbornly refusing to look at him. Brian knew she was angry and her anger was justified because anyone in their right senses would be.

“Serah, I’m sorry”, Brian said.

“Sorry doesn’t even begin to quantify what you did to me. Brian, I’m your mate and you drugged me”, she said.

“I know and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”, Brian begged.

“Sorry? Do you think sorry would change what you did”, Serah said.

Brian sighed, coming over to sit beside her. Serah moved away, declining to touch or even look at him. She was disappointed, that much was certain.

“Serah, please look at me”, Brian said.

Serah turned to face him, giving him a glare but her eyes softened just a bit when she saw the remorse in his eyes. For the last few hours they’ve been in a no talking zone, Brian had reduced to a shell of himself.

“I didn’t want you to get hurt and the only way I could protect you was by doing that. I knew you would refuse to go back on your own hence my decision to do that”, he said.

“That still doesn’t justify what you did Brian. You should never have done that”, Serah said.

“I know I shouldn’t have done that and I’m sorry”, Brian said.

“I hate you right now, you know it”, Serah said.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, I know and you have every right to be”.

There was silence for several minutes as each sat with their own thoughts. They didn’t quite know how to breach the gap and silence that had suddenly come in between them.

“Serah, please say something”, Brian said.

“There’s nothing for me to say. Brian, I can’t forgive you so easily”, Serah said.

He rose up to her feet, walking away. Brian sat there feeling worse than before, he knew she needed time to think it through and he hoped she forgave him after everything.

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