Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 78

“That wasn’t so bad”, Serah giggled.

They had just finished from the meeting as they headed toward the car. Brian gripped her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. He was grateful for her strength, he didn’t know what he’d have done if she wasn’t there to support him.

“That’s because you stood up to him. He usually doesn’t behave the way he’s behaving now”, Jack said.

“How?”, Serah asked.

“He’s usually always so smitten especially when he’s with a beautiful lady and you’re one hell of a beautiful woman. I guess it’s because you showed him right from the on set that you couldn’t be pushed aside or used”, Jack said

“I’m just happy he didn’t try anything funny, I was ready to deal with him”, Brian growled.

“There wouldn’t have been any need for that, I would have dealt with him even before you get to him. I hate that man like a hate the dirt beneath my feet”, Killian said.

They got into the car soon as Brian drove straight to the club. Asides what he was worried about, the meeting had gone well and soon, a desk was brewing between both companies.

“What the hell are government hunters doing on the road”, Brian said.

Up ahead, government hunters who were fond of fishing out paranormals stood by each side of the road, flagging down incoming cars.

Brian’s wolf growled because he considered this as a threat to him. The government hunters were the greatest threat to every paranormal even to wilfred and his pack who found them as a great threat.

“Let’s stay calm guys, this will pass before we know it”, Serah said.

Brian drove towards them, bringing his car to a stop. He wound down the glass, staring through the window.

“Yes?”, Brian snapped.

He hated every single one thing of them due to the fact that they were always so proud and self centered.

“Good day sir, it’s been brought to our notice that some unsavoury creatures are on the run”, the hunter said.

“Yes and how is that any of my business”, Brian growled

Serah placed an hand on his shoulder, silently telling him to be calm. She reasoned that there was no use being rude as that would draw unnecessary attention towards them.

“And who are you?”, the hunter snapped.

Brian almost got out of the car, ready to deal with the hunter who spoke rudely to his mate. Jack held him down from behind, silently telling him to give up the issue and just stay calm.

“I’m his wife”, Serah smiled, sweetly.

“I see. Could you all come down a bit for a quick search of the car”, the hunter said.

“And do you have a warrant to that effect?”, Brien asked.

He was tired of playing nice to the people who wouldn’t hesitate to kill him if reverse were the case the government hunters were a pain to every paranormal and Brian’s hands were itching to deal with them.

“No, but we’ve been made to believe that you and your friends are of a suspicious kind”, he said.

Without thinking, Brian slammed the car brakes as he zoomed away. He wasn’t going to stay there and waste precious time talking to someone who had no importance.

“They’re on our tail”, Killian said.

“Loose them man”, Jack said.

“Hold up. I know what to do”, Serah said.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

She took the wheels from Brian with her magic. She now controlled the car and the way she drove had Brian surprised and in love with her all the more. She drove like one who was experienced and Brian put it at the back of her mind to ask her where she learnt how to drive later.

“Your woman is a pro”, Jack laughed.

“Hold on guys”, Serah said.

At that moment, the car went flying in the air as it moved past different buildings at the speed of light. There was no doubt now in Brian’s mind that they had finally lost the government hunters.

Soon, Serah brought the car to a stop right in front of the club. They were all quiet for several minutes as they listened for usual noises as a sign that the government hunters were still around.

Just as Brian was about to compliment his mate, a bullet wheezed past them at the speed of light, nearly touching his ear.

“Get down”, Brian screamed.

He whipped out his gun, cocking it in the process as he served as a human shield for his mate who was crouched behind the wheels.

“We need to find a way to come out”, Jack said.

“We’re surrounded and the only way we can take them down is by shifting. Our guns her limited”, Killian said.

“Okay guys, on the count if three… I’ll take the rear, Killian and Jack front while Serah would be at the middle”, Brian said.

“Alright”, Killian said.

“1, 2, 3…”, Brian thundered.

They burst through the side of the car, making their way towards the back entrance of the club. Bullets rained down on them as they ran for safety. Once inside, they shut the door quickly and at that moment they were safe.

“We’re surrounded”, Killian said.

“Quick, we need to arm ourselves”, Serah said.

Without another minute to spare, she shifted into her wolf form, a pure white that left them in awe. There was no time for Brian to admire his mate as right about that moment, the government hunters burst through the door.

Brian shifted immediately, pouncing on the first hunter who was unlucky to come in at that moment. Brian tore him into pieces, jumping on the next hapless victim who was too slow to defend himself.

Jack and Killian were still in their human forms as they were both recovering from the wounds they encountered. They engaged the hunters in a gun fight, bravely taking them down one after the other.

“We’ll surround the back, you guys deal with the front”, Jack said.

Brian bobbed his head, indicating that he knew what he meant. He and Serah fought bravely as they moved through the throngs of hunters who fought to defeat them.

Soon, all was quiet as they dealt with the last of the hunters. Brian shifted back into his human form and a second later, Serah did the same.

Brian gripped her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he silently thanked her for fighting with him and besides him. Now, he was assured that their fight against Wilfred would be easy.

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