Mine - The Alpha's Possession

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Mine – The Alpha’s Possession By Kylie CHAPTER 39

“Taylor. This is my brother Damon.” Stefan says.

“You’re brother? How the hell did that happen? Were you banished?” I asked Damon.

“Yeah. Dad banished me about 6 months ago.” Damon replied.

“Why the hell would he banish his own son?” I asked looking around confused.

“Wow. The Princess really doesn’t have any idea about what’s going on around here, does she?” A girl asked.

“No. She doesn’t. And that’s why she’s here. So we can educate her and she’s not a sitting duck up there at the castle.” Layla explained to everyone.

“Can she be trusted?” Another girl asked.

“I could ask the same of you.” I say.

“I guess you could. But you’re in our village right now.” She says.

“And believe me, I wasn’t expecting all of this… Is that a fucking Unicorn?” I asked looking at a creature walking into the clearing.

“Yeah. It is.” Layla says smiling at me.

“Holy shit. Dragons, Unicorns. What else? ” I asked.

“There’s a lot more to it. But right now, we need to start work. You need to learn your fae powers. And we need to start training immediately.” Layla says.

“Who’s in charge on my training?” I asked.

“Stefan and myself. We know you better than they do. They’ll help if they can, but otherwise it will be us two.” Layla says.

“Alright then. Where do we start?” I asked.

“Well, the simplest thing to do is to create energy and throw it from your hand. It’s the best defence tactic when you’re attacked.” Layla explained.

“And that’s the easiest?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah. Come on. Let’s get to it.” She says taking me past the little village to a different part of the clearing.

We were just behind the huts and Layla and Stefan were both with me and they were both helping me try to find my powers. It still needed a lot of concentration and a bit of meditation to try and crack into my powers.

But I had absolutely no luck that day. We were at it for hours and nothing was happening and I was starting to get really frustrated with it all. So that’s when Layla said that we needed to call it a day. Stefan and I needed to get back to the castle anyway in time for dinner.

So, we started walking back together, being very careful that there was no one out and about watching us or anything like that. We needed to be really careful. But once we got closer to the castle then we could relax and actually talk normally and not act like we were doing anything wrong.

“So, what did your father do to Vincent that would get him banished?” I asked.

“I don’t know if I should tell you yet.” Stefan says hesitantly.

“I think you should know that you can trust me by now. I’m not going to say anything to them. You know that.” I say.

“Alright. Well, there was a little bit of a war a while ago. And my father was sure that Vincent was going to lose. So, he sort of played double agent himself. He betrayed Vincent and started helping the enemy. But they ended up losing and they all died, which was lucky for my father. None of them could tell Vincent that dad was in on in. That he was helping them. But dad is still convinced that there are people out there that know the truth.” Stefan explained not looking at me as we were climbing the stairs to the castle. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“There are people out there that know the truth. You do.” I say.

“He knows that I won’t betray him. Damon threatened to so dad planted evidence in Damon’s room to show that he was working with the enemy. And that’s what got him banished.” Stefan says still not looking at me. I could tell that he was really disturbed be all of this. He hated his brother being banished and him being stuck here alone with his father.

“How much pressure is your father putting on you to marry me?” I asked. And that’s when he finally stopped and looked at me.

“A lot. He wants to know a play by play every day of what we have done together. He’s pissed that we’re still just friends.” Stefan says.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you as well. If your father could get rid of Damon that easily then I’m sure he could do the same to you.” I say.

“What are you saying?” He asked.

“Alright. You are my friend and that’s as far as I want it to go. But if it means keeping your father off of your case about it, we can pretend like we’re getting closer if you want.” I say.

“You’d really do that?” He asked.

“I don’t want him banishing you too. At the moment, you are pretty much the closest friend I have here. I kind of feel safer with you around the castle.” I say.

“Alright. I guess we better start acting then.” He says holding out his hand. So I placed my hand in his and we climbed the rest of the stairs until we got to the castle.

When we got there I had to go and change for dinner and then we all met in the dining hall and Stefan stood up and pulled my chair out for me so I could sit down.

“Thank you so much.” I say sitting down. And he sat next to me.

The servers bought our food out and we all had dinner together as usual. But Vincent and Eric were talking business while Stefan and I were in our own world talking together. We were getting physically closer during the dinner and I saw Eric grinning a few times during the dinner. He really liked what he saw. And that’s what we needed. I didn’t want

Stefan going anywhere. He was my lifeline around here.

And when dinner was over Stefan, and I excused ourselves and we headed outside to walk through the gardens again. Just the two of us. But we were aware of our father’s watching us, so we needed to keep the show going. Holding hands and giggling with each other. All that sort of crap. I didn’t mind doing it with Stefan, he was a nice guy and really handsome and had a great personality. But there was that one man that I just couldn’t get off of my mind. The one man that doesn’t want me, but I want him with all my soul. The one man that I can’t just forget about and get over. I wish I could, but he was always there, just in the back of my mind.


I had called a meeting of everyone that I needed to see in the conference room of the Packhouse and by the time I got there, everyone that I called for the meeting was already waiting for me. So, I sat at the head of the table.

I hadn’t slept properly since the day that Taylor disappeared and now I know that the fae world is not on the up and up, I needed to know how much trouble she was in.

“Wyatt. What did you find out from your contacts?” I asked leaning forward on the desk.

“Well, one of my contacts has found a fae and is bringing her here. By force. And it’s proving to be very difficult because you know that they can disappear and reappear as they please. He’s had to drug her but their on there way.” Wyatt says.

“Good. When can we expect them?” I asked, very pleased with his answer.

“Tomorrow. They’ve got a long drive and they need to keep drugging the fae. We will have to try and find out a way to keep her sedated while she’s here but still able to give us the information that we need.” Wyatt says.

“Alright. Can you talk to the doctor about that after the meeting?” I asked.

“Absolutely.” He says.

“Alright. Librarian. What have you found our about the fae world?” I asked. I couldn’t remember the Librarian’s name and right now I didn’t care what it was. I just wanted the information that she had.

“Well Alpha, I have gone through every book in my private collection to find what I can about the fae world. It was created in the 1300’s by a fae that wanted to stay hidden from the vampires in this world. Apparently, vampires have a particular interest in faeries. And it’s not a good interest. They were wiping the faeries out. They were going extinct. Which is why they needed a safe place.” She explained to me.

“Is there any way at all that we can find out where the portal is to this fae world?” I asked.

“I’m still looking in to that. But from what I can tell, the main portal changes all the time. Only fae’s can actually sense it out. It was designed that way to protect them as well.” She says.

“Alright. The night when I actually got through to Taylor, she said that Vincent created that fae realm for Taylor 12 years ago. When she was born. Because he thought that he was the father back then. I explained to her.

“I don’t know where Taylor is if that’s what he is telling her. But that’s not the truth about the fae world.” She answered

“Alright. Thank you.” I say. Wyatt then got a call so he stepped outside to take it and I continued on with the meeting and talking to my warriors and whoever else I needed to speak to about rescuing Taylor from wherever she was.

Wyatt came back into the room after his phone call and he looked really disturbed.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The fae woke up. My people tried to talk to her and when they mentioned taking her to Vincent then she freaked out. She refused to go there.” Wyatt says.

“Why?” I asked standing up looking really concerned.

“This faerie said that Vincent never created a fae realm. He created a cloaked version of it on Earth.” Wyatt says.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Taylor is still on Earth. But we can’t find her because where they are has a cloaking spell around it. No one can find it except for the fae’s that already live there and have been granted permission by Vincent.

Wyatt explained.

“Taylor’s in a lot of trouble, isn’t she?” I asked.

“She’s in more than a lot of trouble. Apparently, Vincent has declared himself King and is determined to find all the other fae’s left of Earth to force them to live in this little fantasy world with him. And Taylor was his biggest prize.” Wyatt says. And I stood there staring at him, thinking of his words. She wasn’t a prize. She was my mate. But she wasn’t in a different realm. She is still on Earth.

“I still want to talk to that faerie.” I demanded.

“They’re still bringing her here. Tomorrow.” Wyatt says.

“We need to double down and find them.

Taylor’s in trouble and we’re the only ones that can help her.” I say to everyone. Who agreed with me completely.

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