Mistaken by the Billionaire Marquess

41: Man With A Mask

CHAPTER 41: Man With A Mask

– LIA –

Chills. That was the first thing I felt when I woke up. Light greeted my eyes, and it felt warm, but my whole body felt cold.

I moved my hand to grab the duvet and put it on top of me to cover my chilling body. I’m sure that the duvet is thick enough to warm me up. Kelleon and I bought it. However, I still feel cold that I have to hug my own body just to give more warmth.

It didn’t work, and I still feel cold. When I moved my head to look at my side, I saw my boyfriend peacefully sleeping. My lips formed a smile while staring at him. He looked so calm, unlike his self last night who looks like a horny animal ravishing its mate.

I turned my body to the side to hug him and share the warmth of his body. But it was the first wrong move I did today.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed when pain ripped through my body. My hand hurriedly went to my sensitive part to ease the pain. But instead of alleviating the uncomfortable feeling, the friction of my pussy’s skin and hand touching made it worse.

I immediately removed my hand and lay on my back, still groaning because of the pain. Where the hell did this come from?

The noise I’m making woke Kelleon up. He instantly became worried when he saw me in my current state.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Mi amor,” he said using his morning voice. “You’re burning hot,” he told me with worries while placing his palm on my forehead.

His palms touched my neck, chest, arms, hands, and tummy to check if every part of me feels hot. After that, he put his hand on my face.

“Does something hurt, mi amor?” he asked while cupping my face. “Does you head ache? Do you feel dizzy of about to throw up? Tell me.”

I pouted my lips while looking down to point my sensitive part. “It hurts down there,” I said with embarrassment.

He chuckled for a little bit, but when he saw me glaring at him, he stopped and made a serious face.

“I’ll check if it’s sore, okay?” he asked for permission. When I nodded as an answer, he went down on me and pulled my pajama down.

It was actually kind of me weird for him to just stare at my feminity while doing or saying anything. After a few moments, he put my pajama back gently. I twitch when the fabric touched the aching skin.

He blew out a breath. “You’re sore,” he said. “It’s all red and swollen.”

My eyes widened. “Why? What? How? How did that happen?” I asked.

“I think I was too big for you, mi amor,” he said with a small playful smile.

I slapped his biceps. “You think?!” I exclaimed. “You were really big for me! You don’t know how much it hurts when you entered!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he responded before pursing his lips. “But you liked it, right? You came on my huge dick,” he grinned.

I glared at him. “I liked it, last night! But not today!” I exclaimed with a hot head that became hotter when he grinned wider.

“Make this pain go away! I can’t even move my hips!” I demanded.

He laughed at me before singing. “Pain, pain, go away. Come again another day.”

I hit his arm again while furrowing my eyebrows. “Have you forgotten that I have a fever?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows at him.

His face became serious and hurriedly stood up. “I’ll call a doctor, mi amor. Can you wait here?”

I nodded. He gave me a kiss before going out of the room. I even heard him calling his parents’ name from the outside.

I sighed while touching my aching head. The headache is not that painful unlike the previous ones I had, but the pain on my feminity cannot be explained. If I will rate the pain from one to ten with ten being the highest, I will choose a hundred.

I was like mannequin on the, not moving, while waiting for Kelleon to comeback. Thankfully, he went back after a short time.

He was carrying a tray full of foods and drinks. Kelleon placed it on the bedside table before sitting beside me.

“Mama already called an obygyn to look at your situation,” he informed me. “Here’s your breakfast. Do you want to eat now?”

I nodded. “Yes. I’m already hungry.”

I tried to sit down and planned to move to the chair because I’m not used on eating on bed. However, every movement I have brought pain to my sore part that I have to stop.

“Let me help you, mi amor.”

He placed his one arm under my knees while the other one is on my back. He carried me in bridal style. While he was carrying me to the chair, I asked him.

“Am I too heavy for you?” I asked. I have a short figure, but I’m kind of chubby. My weight is about 50 kilograms, which is on the edge of being overweight for my height.

He shook his head. “You’re actually light for me. Lighter than a feather,” he said while smiling playfully.

I pinched his nose. “Stop saying those flowery words just to cheer me up. Tell me honestly, am I heavy?” I asked him again, waiting for a sincere and honest answer.

As he gently put me down on the chair, he answered. “I’m saying the truth, mi amor. You’re light for me.”

My lips formed into a small smile. I felt sexy all of a sudden because of what he said. All this time, I felt conscious on how heavy I am. Kelleon has a habit of making me sit on his lap everytime we’re just talking about random stuffs or watching something. It made me worry that I might be too heavy for him.

We ate breakfast together. He even helped me in taking a bath because I can’t really move. He made a warm bath for me and clean my body gently. I twitched everytime his hand would touched my sore labia while washing it.

He was drying my hair when Mama told us that the doctor is already here. Kelleon lay me down on the bed and gave me more warm pillows.

A woman, maybe in her fourties, entered the room together with Mama who is guiding her. The doctor smiled when she saw me.

“You have small lacerations in you vaginal walls,” Doctor Dizon said after checking my body. “Did you just have your first intercourse?”

I nodded. “Yes, doc.”

She was writing something, maybe a prescription. “There are few instances where a woman had lacerations after consensual interaction. Usually, it is because of the sizes of their genitals of having not enough lubrication before the deed,” she explained. “No matter what cause is, you need to be in complete bed rest for one week. Limit your physical activities, and no sex.”

Doctor Dizon handed Kelleon a paper. “These are the medicines for the pain, laceration, and fever. I’ll check up on you after a week, but I will call you every three days to monitor your fever and the pain.”

The checkup was finished shortly. I covered myself with layers of duvet. Finally, it gave me the warmth I was looking for. The bath earlier really helped me.

“Mi amor,” Kelleon called me, making me turn my head to him.

“Hmm?” I asked. My whole body is covered up to my nose. My eyes and forehead are the only ones visible to him.

“I will go out to buy these medicines. Cloud’s not here and I can’t order Mama to do it. The maids are on a day off,” he explained.

“It’s okay,” I answered. “You can go.”

“Will you be fine here? I can’t leave you like this,” he responded while checking my temperature.

I caressed his hand. “I’ll be fine. Go on and buy those medicines, okay? Don’t worry about me.”

He gave me a long kiss before saying goodbye. When the door closed, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and scroll in the internet to ease my boredom.

After minutes of scrolling, a notification for a video call from Althea popped up. I immediately answered it and her face greeted me.

“Hi, Althea! I miss you,” I said while positioning the camera so that she can see me.

“Miss ka na rin namin, girl,” she replied. (We also miss you, girl.)

“How are you? Is that Kelleon taking care of you properly?” she asked before the screen loads for screen sharing.

“Yeah,” I nodded with a smile. “I’m well taken care of and they’re spoiling me,” I said and added a small laugh.

“By the way,” I showed her the engagement ring that Kelleon gave to me. “Kelleon and I are engaged. We’re getting married.”

Althea’s jaw dropped. Her mouth was hanging open for seconds before speaking.

“For real?!” she exclaimed. “Oh, my god! When is the wedding?” she asked with excitement.

I smiled. “We’re not sure yet, but we’ll talk more about it when we already captured that Denisse.”

“Do you have any leads about that woman? Is she in Spain?” Althea asked while clicking some things on the screen before it stopped on a picture.

“Yes. We’re now moving and hopefully, our plan will work.”

Althea zoomed the photo on the screen she is sharing. “I’m happy that you’re getting married, but I actually called you because of this.”

The photo in the screen is Kelleon, together with Cloud, and another man who has some resemblance on my boyfriend’s bestfriend.

“What’s with that?” I asked.

Althea scratched her hair before answering. “I saw this in the internet while stalking the profile of that Cloud,” she said.

“The thing that caught my attention here is this man,” she added while pointing her cursor to the unknown man’s face and circling it.

“Do you know him?” Althea asked.

I shook my head. “No. I think I haven’t seen him before.”

Althea hit her camera with her finger as if she is trying to hit me, virtually.

“We already met this guy,” she said. “Don’t you remember? In our field trip in VGC McKinley?”

I squinted my eyes, trying to remember that man’s face in my college memories. I’m good at remembering people’s name, but not their faces.

“Wait,” I trailed off. “Is that the man who showed us the way back to our lane?” I asked.

“You’re almost right,” she said. “He was not that man. He is just with that man.”

I tilted my head as memories of that day started to come back.

“The masked man with him is the one who pointed us the direction and guided us,” Althea said, giving a sudden click on my brain to remember everything.

“Oh, yes!” I exclaimed. “The one who gave me his wallet. I remember that. I didn’t see his face, though.”

The man who helped us when we were lost during our trip was wearing a black mask, covering his nose and mouth. I remember him wearing a black tuxedo like he is going to a meeting. His hair is brown and long that it reached his shoulders.

“What about it?” I asked her.

She grinned at me. “I stalked the profile of this man and figured out that his name is Clint,” she answered. That name rings a bell. I remember Chyna telling me that name.


“I discovered that he working for your fiancé. And right now, I have a hunch,” she stopped talking, making me crave for her next words.

I took a deep breath. “What hunch?”

She leaned towards the camera before speaking.

“That masked man might be Kelleon, and he might have known you for years.”

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