Mommy daddy is the lycan king

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Fiona got dressed and picked up all she needed for her journey as dawn arrived.

She had waited for the text from Jace, and though she expected it to come in a few. minutes, it took a

few hours. She didn’t sleep, though; she couldn’t, not while her sons were in the hands of strangers

who would harm them if they had the opportunity to.

She stayed awake until she received the text. She got up to head out, but Camila stopped her, telling

her it was too late to do that. Her friend convinced her that she needed to be me ntally sound before

she would help her sons.

She took her advice and stayed back, and in those hours, she had a little sleep, knowing the day ahead

would be the longest she had ever experienced in a long while.

Fiona gathered everything she knew she would need into her journey bag which she carried on her

back, it was the only thing she was taking on this journey. “Thank you, Camila.” She had thought ahead

for her, and she was grateful. “I thank the goddess every day for bringing you into my life.”

Camila smiled, and that was a very rare sight to see. “You have not only changed. my life, you have

also saved it. I am the lucky one to have found you when I did.”

They shared a quick hug, and when they pulled away, they both had tears in their


“Before I forget, Dr Peter likes you a lot. I think it’s high time you let go of what Orlando did to you and

give love another chance.” She encouraged.

Camila didn’t give her usual scowl at the mention of a man’s name; instead, she nodded. “I’ll think

about it.”


Fiona dragged a deep breath, knowing the chapter that awaited her, and with determination, she

moved towards it.

The direction she received from Jace was one she would follow to get to where they were. The

message told her there was an open portal that would close after 24 hours. It was a short cut that

would shorten the journey from two days to a few hours. In the message, he told her how to get to that

portal. It would take a few hours to get there, and once in the werewolf world, she would follow the next

direction sent. Funny, this time yesterday she was getting the boys ready for

school, and today she was here, going to rescue them.

The werewolf and humans had lived apart for as long as she could remember. There was no bad blood

within them, and whenever the humans crossed over to the werewolf world, they would always receive

good treatment, and the same went with werewolves in the human world. They were feared because of

their abilities, but they were still treated with kindness. This way, the two worlds kept the going for over

a hundred years.

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The trip to the portal took a few hours, as expected. After arriving at the portal that led to the werewolf

world, she took a sharp breath before stepping in. She felt edgy, as she could feel overwhelming

powers surging around her already. She had spent many years out in the human world, and now this

world felt strange to her. Still, turning around and leaving wasn’t a choice she had.

The direction from the message was that the Lycan king lived in the Rayfield. community, which,

compared to the other communities, was the city and urban settlement.

It took a few hours to reach with her speed as her ability fluttered with years of staying dormant, and as

she reached the gate of the Lycan king’s estate, the guards. let her in.

They expected her arrival.

Just like when she stepped into the werewolf world, she felt the presence of an intense power, and she

knew it had to belong to the Lycan king. He was so powerful that his presence was felt all over the


He was the Lycan king after all.

She presented herself at the gate of the pack estate, and the beta in charge of security took her and

led her over to a cream-coloured mansion she could only dream of being around. All this she did in


The beta guard knocked, and the door opened to reveal Jace, the man who took her sons. Her nose

flared at the sight of him, and her fist clenched. “Where are my sons?” she barked at him.

“Watch your tone, ma’am; the Lycan king will not tolerate disrespect and rudeness.

in his estate.” He warned.

She glared at him, angered that he wanted to order her around after what he had done. “You

kidnapped my sons; you do not get to tell me how the f**k think I should act!” She exploded on him,

surprised she hadn’t put hands on him yet. “I


am here, just as you wanted; now where are my sons?”

“Your sons are safe; they are, however, not here with me; they are in another. mansion, and you will get

to see them as long as you cooperate.” he answered.

“And I am to believe everything you say?”

Jace groaned in frustration, dipped his hand into his pocket, and pulled out his phone. After tapping on

it a few times, he showed it to her, and on the screen were Jashin and June. And though Jashin was on

the floor, playing with toy cars, June sat quietly watching his brother.

Fiona’s eyes grew glassy, and she almost reached for the phone to have a little more time with them

when Jace pulled the phone away, turned it off, and sl*pped it back into his pocket. “That’s the proof

you wanted. Your sons are safe. We have orders to follow, but that doesn’t mean we are monsters.

She scoffed, doubting his words: “Only monsters take children away from their mother.”

“Fine then, I will be the monster; just know, you refusing to help your king save those who are dying in

their hundreds every day doesn’t make you a better person. Among those who are dying are children,

some younger than the age of ten. Why do your children deserve life and not them? They are just as

innocent.” He said through gritted teeth, and for the first time since getting to know him, she saw him

display a level of rage. “So, if holding onto your sons is the only way out of this, then they will be our

prisoners until you do what you need to do.” With that said, he stormed out of the mansion, leaving her

alone in it.

She didn’t know how long she stood watching the door where Jace had walked out before she heard

footsteps from behind. She jumped and turned around to find a girl a few years younger than her,

“Who are you?” She exclaimed, startled.

“Bella, I am the maid here.” The girl answered with a timid voice.

Fiona didn’t think she would need a maid; she wouldn’t be here long and could take care of herself until

the few days she would be here. She brought everything she needed. Still, she said nothing in

opposition to her words or role here.

Fionna didn’t know why, but there was something about the younger woman that consoled her. Unlike

the others she had met so far, something about her told her she could trust her. She had felt that

around Ophelia at her parent’s estate five years ago. It was a good feeling, though.

Fiona nodded. “I am Sky Lawson. I will stay in this mansion in the next few days.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Sky; your room is ready; you can come in now. Please go in and shower, and I

will get your meal ready. I have instructions to follow. You begin your healing today, and so you have to

be at full strength. Those were Beta

Kenneth’s instructions.”

Her heart sk ipped; she remembered that name. How could she ever forget? He was the man whose

presence at the dungeon saved her life; he was the man who took her out of the dungeon on the Lycan

king’s orders. Kenneth was intimidating, and though not the Lycan king, he had so much authority that

it made her wonder how intimidating the Lycan king would be. It was best to do what she needed to do

here and leave with her sons; that was the only goal here.

She nodded but paused when she heard a familiar voice say, “Is she already here?”

Her stomach coiled because she knew who the voice belonged to; it had been over five years, but she

couldn’t forget it. The voice belonged to none other than the witch called Vivian.

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