Mommy daddy is the lycan king

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Fiona hadn’t seen him since her arrival at the estate, and this was her first time seeing him in over five

years. Her heart sk ipped a beat at the sight, and she wondered what it meant. Did he discover

something about them? There was no way to ascertain that he had done anything in such a manner,

and she didn’t want to worry. She couldn’t help worrying; the Lycan king was with her sons-playing with

them and having fun-that spelt worry to her.

There was no such thing; he wouldn’t know. Staring at him now, she realised the boys didn’t look like

him, and everyone who had seen the boys since they were able to walk told her they looked so much

like her. She had held on to that saying since then, and even now, staring at the Lycan king and them,

they looked nothing like him except for their thick black hair, and that was a relief for her.

Perhaps this was a scheme; he would warm his way into her sons’ hearts while making her work

herself into an early grave. Or make her sons love this place so much that they will rebel when it is time

to leave.

Was that his plan? If it was, then it wasn’t cool.

Jashin’s cackling pulled her out of her panicking mind and into the present. Her sons were having fun,

and this is the happiest she has seen in a long while.

They were playing warriors, and both Jashin and June were dressed in grey uniforms and red cloaks.

The Lycan king, who was likely playing the role of a civilian, wore his casual clothing. The boys fought

each other with their plastic knives and then together attacked the Lycan king. The real villain remained

unclear to her.

She had so many images of the Lycan king and what he should be like and how he should act; this,

however, wasn’t one of them.

This left her confused about how to go about who he was.

“Mommy” June called, and her eyes moved to find him staring at her.

He tossed the plastic knife in his hand to the ground and ran towards her. She dropped to

getting inthe ground with her arms stretched out to him, and he wasted no t

getting into it and making it his home. Jashin ran towards her seconds later, and the force of the hug

took her off her balance, and she collapsed on the ground. She didn’t have enough strength to begin

with, so she couldn’t sustain herself.

“I’m sorry, mom,” Jashin’said, rising from on top of her. June did the same.

She shook her head as she pulled herself up. “It’s fine; do not be sorry. I lost balance because I lacked

strength to hold onto you,” she told him, and he stared at her with worried eyes.

“Are you okay, mommy?” he asked.

She nodded. “I will be fined


promise. I see you two are having so much fun!” she

“Yeah, we are; Julian lets us come out to play every two days.” Jashin said.

She didn’t know that. She also didn’t know they also took his name.

“Oh, that is so nice of him. Did you tell him thank you, though?” she asked, staring at her sons.

They nodded.

“Did you tell him thank you today?”

They shook their heads and turned to the Lycan king, who had become silent since she brought herself

into the backyard. “Thank you.” They said it in unison.

The Lycan king shook his head and stepped towards them with his hands stuffed into his pocket. “It’s

fine.” He said, and a smile came to his face, and for a few seconds, she saw the much resemblance he

shared with her sons.

stopped breathing. He was such a

His eyes then moved over to her, and sheline, and a beard that

beautiful man, with piercing green eyes, a defined


him a dreamy look. His long hair was in a neat bun, and though its wildness felt. tamed, a hint of it

lingered. He didn’t look as intimidating as she thought he would be, perhaps because she saw him here

and not in his court.

Just then, she realised she hadn’t even given a formal greeting to the Lycan king since stepping into

the backyard. He might have been playing with her sons like a commoner, but he was still the king and

deserved to be treated as such.

She rose to her feet immediately, and she almost blacked out from how light her head felt. “Good

evening, my king.”

“Good evening, Ms. Lawson; the twins have told me so much about you.” He said it, his voice as calm

as the night wind.

What did they tell him about her, and how would she be able to know it? She barely had time with her

sons anymore, so she could not ask them.

It would even be correct to say they spent more time with him than they do with her now.

It also seemed that Vivian hadn’t gotten the news of her rebellion at the settlement over to him because

he seemed in good spirits. If he had gotten the news, he would have been furious.

Or not. It was a probability, and she wanted to think of the worst outcome.

She held onto a small smile and said, “I hope those were good things.”

This made him smile as well, and he nodded. “Yes, they were.” He assured her, and she nodded a little

relieved. “They are good boys and very decent. They remind me of my younger self, but I was in no

way that smart. You are doing such an amazing job with them, Ms Lawson.”

She took the compliment with joy in her heart. The Lycan king reminded her of Marion, and she felt the

same calmness with him as she did with the physician.

“Thank you.” She bowed her head only to have it pound harder in her skull, and her hands ran up to

rub against it.

She needed food, sleep, and rest, but she couldn’t say that here.

Her eyes fluttered for a second and only came back open when June began to speak.

“Mommy, why didn’t you come and visit us after the last time? It’s been many days, and you never

came back? And why do you look so skinny? Have you not had any food since then too?” June

demanded, and she knew how straight-forward her son


That would be the fault of the man you’re playing warriors with, she thought to


She tried to smile at him, but his eyes were dead serious for a five-year-old. “Work hasn’t been easy

these past few days.” Was all she could say in return. It was the truth, and though the Lycan king was

here, it didn’t change it.

They deserved to know why she hadn’t had time for them. It was all beyond her control. If she could,

she would have come to visit them every day, but she couldn’t. The tight schedule they had placed on

her since Marion’s departure didn’t even give her room to breathe.

June’s heads swirled to face the Lycan king, who was yet to take his leave. “You told

us she worked for you and does it from morning till dawn; why are you starving her? She’s so skinny

now.” Accusations were present in his voice, and his eyes didn’t make it easier either.

She swallowed, nervous a little. “June, do not speak to Mr. Julian that way.”

“It’s true, mom,” Jashin joined in. “You look so skinny; you look starved of food. Do they not feed you

anymore? We get fed every day; maybe come to our place before going to work and have food.”

She couldn’t believe the signs of starvation showed on her that much, but if her sons could notice it,

then it meant it was so obvious. Was that what Ona wanted to show her when she stood before the


Perhaps it was.

She pressed her l*ps together and bowed her head.

“I am sorry; I have indeed worked your mother beyond her limit.” The Lycan king spoke up, taking the


It wasn’t his fault though; she knew this because when Marion supervised the settlement, he made

sure there was enough food for her. It all stopped four days. ago after Vivian took over supervision. She

had cut down on her breaks and food, calling her a glutton even though she knew the food was how

she survived. Fiona was willing to bet a hand that the Lycan king had given Vivian a full supply of food.

She would even say he doubled the food supply after realising the number of plagues being cured

doubled, and the witch withheld it for her own selfish gains.

“No one deserves to be treated that way, and that is why I will give tomorrow to her for her break. I

know this wouldn’t make up for the mistake made, but it’s a start. She will stay home with you boys.”

June and Jashin looked excited for the news, and she was too. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

If there was no work for her tomorrow, that meant she would be able to rest and sleep for as long as

she wanted. She would eat a decent meal and not have it sn atched away by the plague.

The people needed a healer, though. Taking tomorrow off would be a selfish. decision, and her heart pr

icked her for it.

“The plague, my king,” she began, but he shook his head.

“The healer needs her day of rest. The plague will end on another day. Tomorrow

is for you and your sons; it is the least I can do.” He told her.

She smiled at him, “Thank you, my king.” She said happily.

“You’re welcome, Ms. Lawson.”

From the corner of her eyes, she could have sworn she saw Vivian, but when she turned in that

direction, she saw no one there.

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