My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 They arrived at the beach and all changed into relaxing outfits, all except Aria; she preferred to stay in her crop top and leggings with sunglasses to hide her eyes. Sammy and Rosie got changed into their swimming trunks while little Lena put on a bikini. Oliver was in a simple long sleeved shirt, he had rolled the sleeves up and unbuttoned three of his upper buttons, exposing a little view of his manly chest. “Alright guys, Sammy and I would go swimming, since you guys don’t want to swim, I suggest you find something else to keep you busy,” Rosie said with a tone of excitement. “Yeah, that is right,” Sammy added in support and held her hand, intertwining their fingers. “Okay, what about you Lena, you are the main reason why we are here, you know?” Oliver asked and winked at her. She giggled softly, “Don’t worry about me dad, I asked you to bring me here because I wanted to make sand castles, mommy never lets me do that back in London,” she replied and darted her gaze to Aria. Aria furrowed her eyebrows, “Huh? That is not true, I have let you visit the beach and make sand castles a couple of times before,” she protested. “Well, it was just two times, a princess needs more fun time,” Lena argued and Oliver chuckled. He looked at Aria and noticed she wasn’t smiling so he cut the laughter immediately and coughed twice. “Lena dear, don’t argue with your mom, it is not nice to do that, you can go off and play now,” he instructed sweetly. “Hmm… Okay Dad” she muttered and turned around. She took a few steps away then paused and turned back to her dad; she winked at him and ran off, leaving Oliver chuckling. Aria, who had been left out of the joke, stood there staring at them in puzzlement. She had no idea what they were up to, but it was obvious that the father and daughter were up to no good. “What about you Aria, what would you like to do?” Oliver asked as he finally faced her. She sighed and looked away. “Nothing, I would just sit there and watch them have fun,” she replied and turned to a round table set with two chairs on either side.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Oh, it seems like we had the same plan,” Oliver said and ran after her. Of course that was the plan, they others go have fun giving them an opportunity to be together alone, Lena isn’t called smarty pants for nothing. Aria got to the table and sat on one of the chairs by its side, there was an umbrella to cover them from the sun. Oliver arrived and sat on the other one, at first they tried not to stare at each other, but Oliver remembered why he had brought them here in the first place, it was to talk with Aria and settle things once and for all, he wanted to get his wife back home. “Um… Aria, I know I didn’t have the opportunity to say this back at my house but I want to let you know now that I am really sorry for everything that happened between us in the past, I admit that I was at fault and I should have never made you sign those divorce papers the way I did, nor should I have said the words I said to you, I don’t know if…” “Please stop it Oliver,” Aria interrupted him in a calm voice, she sighed and turned towards him. “Look Oliver, I have moved on with my life and I do not want to talk about the past, which is the reason why I have stayed away from you all this time because I knew you were still dwelling in the past and the last thing I wanted was someone bringing up my past. I want you to accept the way things are right now, the only relationship we share is that you are my baby’s daddy. Princess Lena is the only thing that binds us, so let’s keep it that way and leave the past buried the way it is, I plead of you,” she said softly. Oliver was silent for a while, and then he sighed. Maybe he should give her more time, she was not ready to talk about this now and he did not want to push her away by forcing the discussion on her. Maybe he should start with another discussion and forget that issue for now; at least he should enjoy getting to hear her voice again. It was still fascinating to hear her voice again after seven long years. “Alright then, I won’t talk about us again,” he said, well he was not being hundred percent truthful, let’s just say he was taking a break but he was certainly going to bring up that discussion in no time; how else is he supposed to win his wife back? “Thank you,” Aria muttered a reply and looked towards the river.

“But I still want to know where you have been and what you have been up to for the past five years,” he said and chuckled. Aria scoffed. “I thought that was what you were paying your spies for,” she replied sarcastically. “Huh?” Oliver muttered in surprise. “Don’t be so shocked, I have seen them stalking me several times; hanging around my building, I know they work for you. Did you really think you could keep an eye on me for six years and I wouldn’t be able to know, I had no doubt that you had sent those men the moment I found them,” she stated confidently. Oliver chuckled. “Fine, you got me… but their job was just to make sure you were safe, so they are not spies, think of them more as guards.” He replied. “I have enough guards Mr. Gomez, I don’t need extra,” she scoffed and shot a gaze at him, those emerald green eyes blazing fire. “Fine,” he said and threw his hands in the air. “I would withdraw them and you would never see them again, now can you discuss the past seven years with me, please?” he pleaded. “You sound desperate, have some pride Mr. Stark,” she said and adjusted her seat. “I would tell you what you want to know, just try not to cry,” she said and Oliver chuckled. At least she still had the humor; his Aria wasn’t gone completely after all. “You already know that I have been in London so there is no need to answer the where question, but as for what I have been up too; in summary, I have been making a name for myself, I joined modeling and made it to the homepage of fifty percent of the magazines in London. As for finance, I had started off with a little withdrawal from the money you willed to my name. I am sure you already know that Mr. Stark, but don’t worry… I already replaced it so your money is there for you, I intend to transfer it back before I travel back to London,” she said in a tone that screams “I don’t really care!!” Oliver groaned, she was trying hard to piss him off on purpose. “You know Aria, you can try to be a little more nicer, first I don’t need the money back, its rightfully yours so do with it as you please, we might no longer be married but that doesn’t mean we are enemies, what is with the attitude?” he queried.

“Oh, well that is the new me, Mr. Stark, your Aria is long gone and if you dislike this egoistic selfish version of me, then maybe you should stop talking to me,” she said rudely. Oliver chuckled, he found it funny that she was trying to play touch, one touch from him and he was sure that she would melt like ice, but then that would be unfair, using her weakness against her, he wanted to play this game neat. “If you think that is going to scare me away, then you are wrong, I still want to hear what you have been up to, so go with your story,” he said and laughed softly. Aria frowned in disappointment, she had expected him to be upset with her attitude but he wasn’t, maybe she had to up her game to get him to leave her alone. She was doing all this now to get away from him because she knew that if she gave him a chance, he would easily win her back with his sweet tongue and touch of affection, but she had no interest in staying back here or starting a life with him, that chapter of her life was over already. “Alright, if you are so desperate to know what has been going on in my life, then I would happily reveal it all to you. When I got to London and started off modeling, I met quite a few good people, but there was one person whose arrival changed my life forever. His name is Mike, and well… he is my manager, he is really a very nice guy and he cares about me a lot. In fact, a few months back, he had proposed to me, he wanted us to get married and adopt Lena to live happily forever,” she said, trying to make him jealous. Oliver clenched his fist under the table as anger engulfed his heart. She had succeeded in annoying him as he was filled with a rage of jealousy. If he was still who he used to be before he met Aria, then he would have sent his men to find this Mike guy and have him erased from existence in less than twenty four hours. But no, he was a changed man now and he would not do such things. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, then let the anger out. It was obvious that Aria was trying to irritate him so he stopped talking with her but he should not let her succeed. “I see, so if he was such a nice guy, then why didn’t you go ahead and say yes, you should have married him and being happy for the rest of your life, but I don’t need a seer to tell me that you refused

his proposal, and you know why you did so, right?” he asked with a smirk “It is not what you are thinking, I am not in love with you, that died a long time ago,” she retorted loud enough to get attention, and then she sighed, regretting what she had done. She had tried to get Oliver upset but it looked like he turned the tables on her. She had lost to him this time around and that pissed her off the most. “Hahaha, I didn’t say you refused him because you were still in love with me Mrs. Gomez, but since you suggested it yourself, then maybe…” “That was not what I meant, don’t call me Mrs. Gomez ever again, my name is Arianna Joana McQueen and I am not in love with you okay?” she fired. “You are still saying the same thing,” he replied and chuckled. He was certainly enjoying this, giving her a taste of her own medicine. He really didn’t want things to turn out this way but it looks like he was not in control of it anymore, his thirst for revenge was stronger than his desire to make peace. “Well then maybe I should marry him when I go back to London, I guess that would solve the problem,” she said in a rush, breathing heavily. Okay, this was not going in a good direction; both of them seemed to have lost it completely. “Well go ahead and do it, but then don’t even think of adopting Lena because I won’t permit, rather I will take her away from you forever,” Oliver said, now losing his temper as well. “Is that a threat, Mr. Gomez?” she half-yelled and bumped her fist on the table. At this point, they both freeze as they realize what was happening, they were suddenly being hostile towards each other and this was not the way Oliver planned for things to go. He sighed and exhaled heavily. “I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said all of those things,” he apologized calmly “You don’t need to apologize, it’s obvious that you haven’t changed, you are still the same man that thinks only about himself,’ she replied softly and turned away from him. “Let’s not discuss anything further, I think we are done for today.” She concluded and faced the raging river. Her best friend could be seen having the best of her time with her soon to be husband, why did life have to be so mean to her?

Oliver sighed and turned his gaze to the beach in search of his daughter. He had just missed a day at work only to get into an argument with the woman he was supposed to win back. Today was certainly not his lucky day, was the goddess of love on a holiday too?

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