My Fake Lover



Lexis POV:


Emily and I got out of her car. We just arrived at the party. Emily’s parents think we’re at Courtney’s house for a sleep over and my parents think I’m at Emily’s. Well, I was at Emily’s house getting ready, so yeah.

I know it isn’t a good idea to lie, but my mom would never let me go to a party like this. Where there is alcohol.

“Hey bestie.” Tyler smiled, waving from the distance, just getting out of his nice car. But his smile was completely fake.

Emily looked at me like ‘what the heck?’

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Tyler and I are going to try and become fake friends now.” I said. “My life is so crazy.” How could I forget to tell Emily something as crazy as that?

“Can’t argue with you there.” Emily shrugged and we both looked back at Tyler who was now standing by us with Courtney by his side.

“Get lost jerk.” I said as I grabbed Emily’s arm, ready to pull her away with me, but Tyler stepped in front of us, blocking put path. And for now, I’m just going to completely ignore Courtney and pretend she isn’t even here. She could have at least told Tyler to back off. Damn, he was her king or some shít.

I feel totally lonely around my friends and fake

friend. Emily will soon have Nick and Courtney will soon have Tyler. And me? Nobody.

“Well that’s not a very nice thing to tell your best friend.” Tyler made a fake hurt expression, apply to my last ‘get lost’ comment.

“If you were actually my friend, you wouldn’t be my best friend.” I looked at him with my nose scrunched up in disgust.

“I was before.” Tyler smirked.

That just made me frown and walk away, dragging Emily with me. It felt awkward standing next to Courtney anyways. I just can’t stand thinking about our lost friendship.

We went inside the house and the party was already in full swing. There was people already drunk and dancing like there’s no tomorrow. Do these teenagers have anything better to do than drink and sleep with other people?

I don’t know why I even bother to come here. I only agreed to come with Emily because she’s my best friend and unlike me, she drinks. She could get drunk and have a huge hangover tomorrow morning and I’m the one who needs to drive her home.

I turned around to look at Emily but she’s already out of my sight. She always does that to me!

I signed in frustration and walked in the living room. There were people having make out sessions, but it was better than standing in there where people were dancing, rubbing there sweaty bodies against each other.

I sat down awkwardly on the sofa where there was a couple making out next to me. There was no other place to go except the backyard but it’s freezing outside.

I sat with my elbow resting on my lap and my chin resting on my palm. I’m just going to sit here and wait fir the night to be over. Yeah, I’m that boring. There’s nothing better to do. I wouldn’t want to dance alone, now would I?

Sitting all alone in the sofa, a heard a familiar voice behind me. “Hey.” Was all he said to make me turn around to look at him.

Jeremy was standing there with his hands stuffed in his jeans pocket. And he looks totally out of it.

“Hey.” I said and turned back around. Jeremy sat next to me and signed. “What do you want?” I asked flatly, my voice coming out low.

“I want you.” He answered. I looked up at his face to see that he wasn’t kidding.

“Well people don’t always get what they want.” I said fixing my gaze on the floor .

I can’t believe I wanted him so bad that I’d go to Tyler and pretend to be his girlfriend. God, I feel

so stupid.

Jeremy turned my head gently so that I was facing him. He stated at me deeply in the eye for a second before he started moving his head towards me. His head got closer and I panicked. I just froze. And he kissed me. It was only for about two seconds before I pulled away.

There was disappointment clear on his face. A part of me wanted to be with him again and listen to him whisper sweet nothings in my ear. But a bigger part of me didn’t want him back anymore. Why does he want be back so fast after he was just with Brooke?

And that kiss that he gave me… it’s not like it used to be. I can’t feel anything. The kiss was nothing like it used to be. all the Sparks between us just disappeared.

“Come on Lexi.” Jeremy pleaded, his blue eyes looking sad and desperate.

I got up from my spot on the sofa and glared at him. “You can’t just come back to me after Brooke dumped you or whatever happened! You can’t just kiss me without my permission! Your the one who dumped me for Brooke!” Is it just me, or am I always ending up yelling at this guy. The guys I liked so desperately.

“I was never with Brooke! I just used her so you would think that’s the reason we broke up but I was with-” Jeremy stopped himself. And the easy he muttered the word ‘shít’ and the way he curled his fist together tells me that he regretted spilling those words.

Somethings going on. And he so lied about the whole parents issue. He told me his parents didn’t like me. Now the story is completely different.

“You weren’t with Brooke? Then who were you with?” I crossed my hands over my chest angrily. I’m tired of taking shít from people. I’m just done.

“Forget I said anything.” Jeremy said and tried to walk away.

“Wait, tell me.” I grabbed his arm to stop him.

“Forget it.”

“Your not going anywhere until you tell me.” I glared at him.

“And what are you gonna do, hit me?”

“I just might.”

Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Please, even if you tried, you couldn’t even hurt me.”

“You want me to get Emily to force it out of you?” I raised an eyebrow.

Emily was the person who can make people scared of her. Even though she looks so sweet and innocent with her pretty smile and short blonde hair, she can be badass.

“I’m not scared of her.” He let out a laugh and walked away, leaving me there with yet again, no answer.

Oh my gosh. I can’t believe it. He wasn’t into Brooke all this time. He was using her ass. Then who was he with if he doesn’t even want to tell me?

Jeremy is hiding something from me, and I’m going to find out….


Some people left the party and went home. The people who didn’t want to stay over left. But the people who decided they’ll stay over night gathered around a circle to play a game of truth or dare.

People got dared to kiss others or dance in front of everyone or something like that. And people asked others if they were a virgin or what the most embarrassing thing that happened for those who picked truth. Not like anyone would remember anyway. They’re all drunk out of their minds.

About twenty minutes into the game, the bottle we were twisting, pointed at me. And what’s worse is that Tyler was the one who twisted the bottle. Just my luck. So that meant he had to ask me the question.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Doesn’t my life suck already?

I’m scared to death. This guy could pick the worst for dare and truth at the same level of embarrassment. He can do anything to embarrass me. Why would I even play this game if I didn’t want to get picked?

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