My Unwanted Billionaire

55. Pregnant?

I hold Tracy’s hand as the ambulance drives us to the hospital. I told them I was her sister so they could let me ride with them. I have not released her hand since they put her in the ambulance. I have been holding it while saying prayers for her survival.

We arrive at the hospital as quickly as possible. I walk to the waiting room as they wheel her in for surgery. I find the closest bathroom and wash my hands. My clothes are soaked in her blood. I will change later; right now, I need to call Jason. I pull out my phone from my purse and try to dial Jason’s number. I don’t even know how I am going to break this news to him. This is just too sad to tell him. I can still remember what he said about the baby last night. Oh my God, Jason is going to be crushed if something happens to the baby. I wipe away my tears and dial his number.

“Hi sweetheart, I was just about to call you. I will be running a little late to work today. Move my morning appointments; I won’t be able to attend any meeting this morning.”

“I am in the hospital, Jason” I didn’t bother to hear anything he was saying. I was just preparing my mouth to tell him the news.

“What are you doing in the hospital? Are you alright? Did something happen to you? Don’t even answer that. Please send me the address of the hospital. I will be there as soon as possible,” He says and hangs up before I can tell him it’s not me that something happened to, but instead, it’s his unborn child. I send him the address of the hospital.

I step out of the bathroom after splashing some water on my face. I am sure I must look like a zombie right now with my swollen eyes, red nose, and bloody clothes. Once Jason arrives, I will call Amber and ask her to bring me something to change into. I walk back to the waiting room to wait for Tracy while she is in recovery.

I don’t wait for long before Jason arrives, and I hear his voice asking a nurse about me.

“Please, where can I find Eleanor Brown,” He asks, sounding worried.

“I am here, Jason,” I say from behind him.

“Eleanor, oh my God, what happened to you. Why is there so much blood on your body? Why aren’t you even getting attended to with all the bleeding you are doing?”

“Jason, I am fine. The blood does not belong to me.”

“Whose blood is it then?”


“What,” Jason asks; he looks and sounds shocked to hear me say her name. I swallow a lump that forms in my throat before I continue speaking.

“Tracy had an accident” I can feel tears forming in my eyes as I watch the expression he displaces on his face. He uses his palm to rub his face. He looks at me, and I can tell from his eyes he wants me to tell him I am joking. I wish I could, but I can’t

“Have the doctors said anything so far?”

“No, they haven’t.”

“Alright, let’s pray they both come out alive,” He says, pulling me to sit down with him.

An hour or two has gone by since Tracy went in for surgery. Jason has not said anything since he arrived. He seems to be thinking a lot.

“Eleanor,” Jason says


“I think you should go home.”

“Why,” I ask, confused. Why does he not want me here?

“You reek of blood. You need to shower and change.”

“Oh,” I was actually worried for a second his reason might be something else. When people are going through a lot, they tend to push those who care about them away. I thought that was what he was doing. I am happy he is not pushing me away.

“Andrew is waiting for you out front.”

“Please call me once they are done with the surgery,” I say, standing up

“I will”

“Thank you,” I say, walking away

Jason looks at Eleanor as she walks outside the hospital. He might be staring at her as she walked out, but his mind was far from here. He could not believe that after he started preparing to raise his child, Tracy went and had an accident the following day. He was wondering if God was punishing him for all his sins. Jason did not wish to have a child right now, but he accepted the fact that he was getting one whether he was ready or not. He does not know what he will do if Tracy loses the baby. He might have wished the baby was not his, but he never prayed for this to happen. He prays to God that Tracy and the baby would come out alive.

Jason couldn’t believe the thing he was praying for to happen this morning did not even matter again. Eleanor had told him she was going to give him her answer today. He did not sleep well last night. He could not stop thinking about if she would stay with him and help him raise his child. All that does not matter now because he might lose his child. Jason holds his head in his hands as he thinks about everything happening in his life. He felt like his problems never ended these days.


After taking a shower, I put on clean clothes and head back to the hospital. I was lucky I had my hair in a high bun today. I would have had to take a longer time showering if I had to wash my hair. Andrew didn’t go back to the hospital; he waited for me to shower so that we could go back together. I step out of my room to be on my way once I put on my clothes.

I walk into the hospital after thanking Andrew for driving me.

“Any news so far?” I ask Jason as I take my seat beside him

“Nothing since you left.”

“Really nothing”


“Wow, how long since she has been in surgery.”

“It’s been three hours since you called me so three.”

“Oh, alright. Hopefully, they will be done soon.”

“I hope so too, and Eleanor, can I ask you something?’

“Sure, what’s up.”

“I know there is a chance of me losing my baby, but I still want to know what your decision was this morning before this happened.”

“I decided,” I say, taking his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. “To stay with you and help you raise the child.”


“Yes, I realized I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it, and even if I didn’t plan to raise a kid yet. I am still ready to help you raise yours.”

“Thank you so much, Eleanor. Hearing you say this is the best thing I have heard today. I hope the doctor gives us the same good news after Tracy’s surgery.”

“Me too. I might have wished you were not the father of the baby but, I never wished for this to happen.”

“I know me too.”

“Eleanor Brown,” Someone says,

“Here,” I say, standing up from my seat

“I am doctor, Mrs. Jones. Your sister sustained a lot of injuries from the accident. We were able to safely remove all the glass in her stomach and seal all her wounds. It would take time, but your sister should be okay.”

“Thank God!” I say, releasing a breath of relief

“How is the baby?” Jason asks, grabbing my hand. He holds it tightly as he waits for the doctor to answer.

“Which baby?” Mrs. Jones asks, looking confused

“Tracy is pregnant.”

“Pregnant, that’s not possible.”

“How is that not possible? You operated on her, so you should know she is pregnant.”

“Yes, I operated on her, and that’s how I know she is not pregnant.”

“I don’t understand. We just had a DNA test for the baby last week,” Jason says, sounding confused. I am also confused. How can the doctor say Tracy is not pregnant?


“Mr. Crawford”

“Mr. Crawford, I operated on Miss Tracy’s abdomen, and I can assure you she is not pregnant.”

“Wow,” I say,

“If that’s all, I will take my leave now,” Mrs. Jones says

“Can we see her?” I askFrom NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, please follow me,” Mrs. Jones says,

Jason and I walk with Mrs. Jones to Tracy’s room. I am about to turn the doorknob when Jason stops me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking at him.

“Do you think Mrs. Jones is lying, and she just wants to soften the blow of Tracy losing the baby?”

“I don’t think so, doctors might need to sugarcoat their words, but they never lie about these things.”

I also can’t believe Mrs. Jones claims Tracy was never pregnant, not because I think she is lying. I believe her; she does not know us, so she has no reason to lie. Tracy, on the other hand, I can’t say the same. I can’t believe she lied about being pregnant. How did the supposed baby in her womb pass the DNA test then?

Jason told me women are always claiming he is the father of their baby, so he has his own doctor he uses for his DNA test. The only logical explanation I can think of now is that she bribed Jason’s doctor to make the test come out positive even though there was nothing in her stomach.

“Same thing I thought, but I had a DNA test. If she is not even pregnant, how did the DNA test say I am the father? Did my doctor lie to me, and if he did, why?”

“Only one person knows the answer to all these questions, Jason.”

“Yes, you are right; only Tracy can answer all these questions,” Jason says, turning the doorknob.

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