My Unwanted Billionaire

76. Be mine

As everyone walked to Eleanor’s room, Jason found it hard to move his legs. He was still in shock that he got Eleanor pregnant. He was always careful with his sex life, so it baffled him how she got pregnant. He didn’t use a condom when he had sex with Eleanor because she was always on the pill. She was the only woman he ever had sex with raw other than Christine. He always used condoms even if the woman he was sleeping with claimed to be on the pill. That’s why he was surprised Eleanor allowed herself to get pregnant. Jason knew Eleanor did not want to be a mother yet, so he is a little confused right now.

“Jason, why are you standing there?” Evan asks,

“Did everyone hear what the doctor said?”

“Yes, we did,” Everyone replies.

“If everyone did, why am I the only one who is shocked that I got Eleanor pregnant.”

“I think it’s because you are the one who got her pregnant. We are just all happy they are both fine,” Amber says

“Did she tell you she was pregnant?”

“No, she didn’t. I don’t even think Eleanor knows she is pregnant.”

“How about you, Vivienne.”

“Same answer”

“But you asked the doctor if the baby survived.”

“After the car hit Eleanor, she was bleeding between her legs, and her stomach hurt a lot. Her favorite sandwich suddenly smelled disgusting to her during lunch. I also found her napping a lot during work today. I am a woman, so I did the math.”

“So you are saying I might have lost my child.”


“Oh my God,” Jason says, passing his hand through his hair.

He could not believe he almost lost his child with Eleanor if the doctor did not save them. This has just given him more reason to forget who Eleanor’s dad is and be with the love of his life. He can’t imagine what would have happened if she had lost the baby and him. She would have been devastated. It’s a good thing she has both. Jason swears to make sure from this day onwards that Eleanor will have him by her side forever.

“Don’t let your mind go there. They are both doing fine, and that’s all that matters,” Evan says, placing his hand on Jason’s shoulder.

“You are right; Eleanor and the baby are both doing fine. I shouldn’t think about what would have happened if they were not saved.”

“Good, now, let’s go.”

The doctor continues to lead us to Eleanor’s room. Jason lets everyone see her first before he goes in. He wants to spend more time with her, so he will wait even though every fiber in his body is dying to see how Eleanor is doing.

Jason walks inside, and his heartaches as he sees the state Eleanor is in. She has bandages all over her body. The only way Jason knows she is alive is because of the heart monitor in the room. He slowly walked to the chair beside the bed and took a seat. He took Eleanor’s hand in his and gave it a warm squeeze.

“You are going to be fine, my love,” Jason says, kissing the back of Eleanor’s hand.


I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is a white ceiling. Where am I? I lift my hands to touch my head. I feel a terrible headache. My hands get in contact with something on my head. It feels like something was wrapped on my head. I am about to lift my second hand when I feel a weight on it. I look to my side and see someone’s head beside my hand, holding it tight. I don’t need to see his face to know it’s him. The few grey strands in his hair always give him away. I gently stroke his hair with my free hand. His hair feels soft and nice under my palm. I have missed feeling them in my hands this past week. We have been separated.

I am removing my hand from his hair when I feel him move under my hand. I quickly remove it and look around my surrounding to find out where I am. In front of me is nothing but a window. On my body is a gown but a hideous one. It looks like a hospital gown. I think I am in the hospital, but what am I doing here?

“Eleanor, you are awake,” Jason says, lifting his head from the bed

“Yeah, why am I in the hospital?”

“You don’t remember,” Jason asks, surprised

“Remember what?”

“The accident, you had an accident a few hours ago,” Jason says, and I try to crack my brain to remember. My eyes widen once I remember how my body hit the windshield of the car. I thought I was going to die from the pain while in Vivienne’s arms.

“I remember, thank God, I survived.”

“Yeah, thank God, my love, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

“Please water”

“Here you go,” Jason says, pouring me a glass of water from the jug beside my bed.

“Thank you,” I say, collecting the glass from his hand

“Do you feel pain anywhere? Does your stomach hurt?” Jason asks, placing his hand on my belly.

“No, I am fine. I think the pain killers are still in effect,” I say, placing my hand above his

“That’s good to hear, but if you feel any discomfort in your belly. Let me know. I will get the doctor immediately,” Jason says, rubbing my stomach.

“Jason, you are acting weird,” I say, watching his hand on my belly. Every other part of my body is bruised, but it’s my stomach he cares about. I find that a little odd.

“Eleanor, my love, there is something I need to tell you.”

“What” I can’t believe Jason is about to break up with me. I really thought that he would forget about who my dad was after he saw the state I was in. I can’t believe he can’t even wait till I recover.

“I know this past week was not easy for the both of us. The faith in our relationship laid with if I would be able to look past the fact that your dad was the drunk driver who murdered my parents.”

“Yes,” I say, feeling tears already pooling in my eyes for what Jason is about to do

“While on the way to the hospital, I realized we shouldn’t have even let it be something to think about. Yes, he was your father, but that’s all; he was the man who knocked up your mother. You are not your father, and you will never be your father. I shouldn’t associate you with him because you are his daughter. The man didn’t even raise you. He is just the man who got your mother pregnant.”

“Are you saying you can be with me and not think about who my father is and feel pain?” I say, sounding hopeful as I speak.

“Yes, Eleanor, that’s what I am saying. I can be with you and not think about it. In fact, now all I see is the mother of my child and my wife if you say yes to the next question I am about to ask.”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“What,” I ask, confused. Did he just call me his wife and mother of his child? What is Jason talking about? My hands fly to my mouth to cover it as it hangs open, watching Jason get on one knee.

“Eleanor Brown, the woman who owns my heart. The woman who gave me a reason to love again, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, Eleanor. Sometimes I think about how you are too good for me and wonder why you settled for someone like me. I am a hot-tempered, possessive billionaire with an evil woman for a grandmother, but you still choose to be with me. If that is not the greatest thing that has happened to me in this life, then I don’t know what is. I love you, Eleanor, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife” Jason asks, with a beautiful ring in his hand. It’s a pear-shaped sapphire diamond halo ring. It’s so beautiful.

“Say yes,” Voices say from the door. I look up from the ring to see Vivienne, Amber, Uncle Jack, and Evan standing by the door.

I am too overwhelmed by emotion that all I can do is nod my head.

“Is that a yes, honey” Jason asks,

“Yes,” I finally manage to say.

“She said yes,” Jason says, sliding the ring on my finger. Jason wipes away my tears as he pulls me into a hug.

“I love you,” I say, sniffing as I bury my neck in the nape of his neck.

“I love you too, and there is something else I need to tell you,” Jason says, removing his arms from around my neck. “You are pregnant,” Jason says, placing his hands on my belly.

“Oh my God, I am?” I ask, shocked. “Is that why I was bleeding in between my legs after I had the accident and my stomach hurt?” I ask, as I recall when I had the accident that I was.


“How comes I am on the pill.”

“Do you remember you stopped taking the pills after Jason was framed for cheating?” Amber says, walking to me by the bed.

“Oh,” I say, remembering I stopped taking it once Jason was framed for cheating. We had sex the night we got back together. I started retaking the pills the next day. I even forgot to take a morning-after medicine. “I can’t believe I am pregnant,” I say, placing my hand on my belly.

“Me too; I can’t believe I am going to be a father for real this time,” Jason says, smiling.

“You are not angry,” I ask, worried he might be

“No, why would I.”

“You were not too happy Tracy got pregnant unexpectedly.”

“That’s Tracy, with you, it’s different. There is no other woman I would love to bear my child than you in this world,” Jason says, smiling.

“I am happy I am pregnant too,” I say, smiling, staring at my flat belly. I can’t believe Jason and I are having a baby. That’s so amazing.

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