Nanny and Her Four Alpha Bullies

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

“Coworkers?” I say, still slightly incredulous. 

Laura groans and stands up. “Are you daft? I just said yes.” 

I blink, still a bit confused. I shift Mia on my hip. 

“Did they swindle you into this too?” I say. 

Laura raises an eyebrow. “Swindle?” 

“Yeah,” I confirm. “They basically told me if I don’t watch the kid for them, they’d make my life miserable.” I snap my fingers. “We should team up! Bring them down together. They wouldn’t see it coming from inside their own home.” 

Laura tosses her head back and laughs. I have a sinking feeling I’ve just fucked up. She gives me a Cheshire grin. 

“I wasn’t ‘swindled into this,” she snaps. “Being Chief of Supplies is an honor. You’re out of your mind if you think I’d work with you to bring them down. This position is a fucking dream. I beat out a looot of competition to be here.” 

I’m a bit flabbergasted at that moment. My jaw opens and closes a few times as I try to figure out what to say. I shift Mia higher on my hip. 

“But your sister-” 

“What about her?” Laura cuts me off I sense I’ve hit a bit of a sore spot. 

“She’s an Untouchable,” I go on. “You can’t tell me you’d subject yourself to the same brutality that she received.” 

“I got it too,” Laura says. My jaw unhinges again. “I used to be an Untouchable.” 

“Then why are you such a bitch to Debbie?” I hiss. Laura sneers at me. “You were in her position! You know how much it blows!” 

“I do,” Laura says. “But I paid my time just as Debbie will pay hers. I know you had something to do with getting them out early.” She looks at me like I’ve just spit on her shoes. “It’s despicable, I did a year in the Cave. Debbie gets out a semester early because of what? A whore who’s managed to weasel her way into the Hayes pyramid?” 

“I didn’t weasel anything,” I snap. “I don’t want to be here. I’m only here for her.” I shift Mia in my arms. She’s looking at me waril knows something bad is happening. 

“Oh fuck off,” Laura a snaps. “You think you’re better than us? Because you’re all blasé about this? You’re not. You’re no better than any skank who made her way into the pyramid. You all want one thing: power.” 

I furrow my brow. “I don’t-” 

“Whether it be family name, ability or class,” Laura goes on. She takes a step towards me. “You all try and get something from your arrangement. But not me, no.” 


She takes another step. I take one backwards. Mia gives a soft cry in my arms. Her palm touches my face. I’m acutely aware of how close I am to the kitchen island. Laura stalks me like I’m pray. 

“Are you a devil?” Laura asks with a cock of her head. 


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Chapter 18 

“What?” I gasp. “No, Gods-” 

“It’s the only rational reason why you’re here,” she says. Another step. I take a half one back. Mia is stirring now, babbling frantically into my ear. “Some little Gods less trick to make them lose their minds, Pick up the scrubby little brat who’s mommy got her in here.” 

She takes another step and I can feel her breath on my skin. I take another step back and my ass hits the island. I’m trapped in the pit of a viper. Mia’s squealing in duress. I try and shush her gently but she keeps screaming. 

“My mother didn’t get me in here. I have a stepfather. One who will be very upset if something happens to me 

“Shut up.” Laura hisses. “Your mother seduced Mr. Jones. Just like you’re trying to do with the Hayes. It’s disgusting. Being a nanny slash mistress must run in your family.” 

Her last statement ignites a flame within me. Mia is violently screaming in my arms. Her face is as red as mine feels, burning with rage and anger. I stand up taller, so I’m nose to nose with Laura. I want to hit her–oh do I want to hit her. But I stifle it. I know violence will get me nowhere. My ass is still firmly pressed against the kitchen island but the trap doesn’t feel as intense. 

“I am not a nanny mistress. Nor is my mother,” I hiss, low and threatening, “I don’t work for a devil. I work for myself. It’s not something I’d expect you to understand. You don’t know anything but pleasing people who will never see you as an equal. The only thing that’s disgusting in your ability to turn your back against your family. You should be ashamed. I’m ashamed for you.” 

Laura lifts her chin, defiant and licked with anger. She opens her mouth to say something. It may be to curse me out, but she’s hurled backwards and out of my view. I let out a quick breathe of relief before I’m immediately trying to calm Mia down. She’s still crying a bit from the whole interaction. I soothe a hand over her head then look back towards Laura. 

She’s hidden, however, behind the hulking frame of a man. I recognize the ripple of shoulder muscles immediately. Archer has come to my This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.


“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Archer growls. “Are you losing your mind?” 

“She started it!” Laura points at me. “She tried to coerce me into teaming up against you! The conniving bitch!” 

Archer looks over his shoulder at me. He narrows his eyes but then turns back to Laura. 

“Enough!” he snaps. “You were hired to be Chief of Supplies not Chief of Drama.” 

“I’m not being dramatic!” Laura whines. “I promise everything I said is true!” 

“The Pyramid is bitch–free,” Archer says. “Beau’s rules. You’ve validated the reasoning with this little act. You’re fired,” 

“Fired?!” Laura screeches. I cover Mia’s ears with my hands. “But–1–please! I- 

“Enough, Laura,” Archer demands. 

“This is all her fault!” 

ault!” Laura cries. “She should be fired tool” 

Archer turns and looks at me again. His eyes soften slightly. They ping back and forth between me and Mia. She’s calmed down considerably and has wrapped her hand around my thumb. A suspicious sparkle twinkles in Archer’s eyes and I can’t help the way my breath hitches when 

I see it. He gives me one final look, locking our eyes together for a mere second, before he turns back to Laura. 

“Chloe stays,” Laura starts to speak but Archer speaks over her. “Unlike you, she’s unique.” 

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