Not Your Mate Anymore

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Max had become crazy protective of me since finding out I was carrying his pup. Even when sleeping, he'd keep me close to him all night.

Send help. I am suffocating.

I'm only a day in this pregnancy and I was starting to miss my freedom.

Max woke me up to take a bath. When I walked into the bathroom, the bathtub was already filled up with water and my favorite bath foam.

He scrubbed me clean and also washed my hair. He then carried me out and dresses me in his shirt and my leggings. He tied my hair in a very neat bun and then we walked back into our room where he gave me my vitamins with water.

I had no idea wolves needed vitamins. Was he just being fussy!?.

We were now sitting having breakfast in the dining hall and he was feeding me.

If you thought it wasn't so bad...

He had the cooks prepare my meal separately from the rest and even had the gamma taste the food first before I would eat in case someone tried to poison me.

I don't know how I was going to survive the coming 6 months with this man.

Josey says I can't blame the poor guy with him being a lycan alpha and with what was to come today.

There was a sombre mood in the dining hall this morning. Not one person noticed Max's extra attention towards me.

Today could be the day that they attack as we all peacefully ate in silence. Everyone looked deep in thought and who could blame them, It's hard not to be fearful of the Unknown.

My grandpa barged into to hall with my father. Behind them was Reginald and Scarlett being carried in as they were unconscious.

"We found them at a motel close to the diner. Had to knock 'em out to bring them here" my grandfather says to Max and I.

"His family?" I ask..

"No sign of them. Couldn't catch a scent of anyone but Scarlett and the rogue" my father responds.

So they still believed we had him locked up and I guess now we do.

Max told the warriors to take them to the dungeons and to notify us when they wake. I had to read his mind to see what he's been up to if we want to keep the upper hand.

Max gently nudges me to stand and he stands right after me. He clears his throat and clinks his mug with teaspoon to get the pack's attention.

"It is time to prepare for war. We don't know when they'll be here but it's always good to be prepared. Everyone, to your stations." He says in his commanding alpha tone.

People started leaving the hall as we waited. I needed to talk to my mother so I made up an excuse that Josey and I needed to spend a few minutes with my mother as we don't know what this day has in store for us.

The thing is she had a plan in case we happened to lose this fight and we couldn't let the others know. Only myself, mom and Josey.

Before I could even link her, my mother approaches our table.

"The hunters are here. They say they spotted wolves close to the border. It's time." She says.

Celine and her family were briefed in on the coming war and they offered to help without any mention of my uncle mating with Celine. This was Celine's home and that they will only fight their own kind.


She was well known in the witch world for using dark magic. She is a powerful witch and it could be difficult to stop her as dark magic feeds off chaos and bloodshed.

They made no promises but said they'd try to subdue her for some time to let wolves be wolves.

We couldn't argue with that.

After my mother told us about the hunters, everyone decided to go get ready for what's to come. We all said to meet up outside the pack house in 5min.

After a long argument about my safety with Max, I rushed into Josey's room to find my mother, nana and Josey there.

"Sabrina, You need to remember the plan. You cannot be around Max for this plan to work." My mother says to me before I can even close the door.

"Yes. We will all shift into our wolves and drag Reginald's family away from the fight. I will not shift in front of Max" I say.

I did not like this plan but my mother convinced me that we had a better chance at winning if it was like that.

Gifts and powers.

We all had different powers and they could help us but our wolves were stronger and that's what we needed.

We agreed to run in our wolves all the way to no mans land and fight them there. Apparently the moon goddess had a plan for them that my mother wouldn't share.

Josey and I had an inkling this would happen. My mother made sure we agreed to this plan as if it were to happen.

"Why don't we just do it the minute they arrive? Or are you hoping to get Max and the twins busy enough to not notice our disappearance?" Josey asks what I was just thinking.

"I mean, let's be honest here. Max will not let Sab out of his sight now that she's carrying his pup and do I need to remind you that I have twin mates who won't want me out of their sight too? This could backfire on us " She points out.

"I hope it doesn't come to that. I hope we don't have to expose ourselves to them but you must remember that your duty is to protect these wolves. You are all descendants of the moon and this world

is only temporary. Your work is with the moon, not just this pack. We remain selfless at all times, carrying a pup or not." My mother says. Emphasizing the last part.

"We die for them you mean?" I ask my mother.

"If it comes to that, you will die in this world but your place with the moon goddess will always remain. That is our life." My nana answers me. My mother cups both my cheeks, looking into my eyes..

"Although I have a feeling you both won't die just yet. Your job is to bring soldiers of the moon goddess in to the world and that has not happened yet." My mother says immediately after my nana's answer.

"So what you're saying is we might have to watch you two die?" Josey asks with panic in her tone and in her eyes.

"Yes but you will meet us again up there." She says.. "You can also summon us in your dreams too. That is our life." My mother says.

My grandmother walks up to me and places her hand on my still very flat belly.

"We have had a very long life. There are more of us doing the very same thing all over the world. It is our duty as soldiers of the moon." She says as she rubs my belly in circular motion.

"He is going to be powerful. I can feel his aura already." My grandmother beams at me.

"He?" I say to her and she nods. A boy.

We can revisit the part about him being powerful because I expected nothing less. I just figured my child would be a girl seeing as we are of the moon and all.

"Oh mother stop scaring the children. We can have this conversation after all of this chaos." My mother says to her mother.

Cj walks in and looks between all of us.

"Having a meeting without me?" He asks. His stare seemed very accusing.

"Just mother reminding us of how crucial it is that we win this fight" Josey quickly answers saving me from giving an answer that will totally blow our cover. I could never lie to Cj, somehow he could see right through me.

"Ok well Isabella and the rest of the prisoners are outside ready to fight. The heat and motion detectors were going crazy by the pack border so I'd hate to break up this reunion but we need you all out there. Plus headmistress is asking for you, Kimberley" Cj says looking at my mother so there's no confusion.

We all walk out to meet with the hunters downstairs. They were deep in conversation with Uncle Deacon by the entrance of the house.

Right by the door stood 15 men and women holding some crazy weaponry. They had on stoic expressions but their gear showed that they were ready to kill.

This made all of it very real to me. It all clicked and I was in fighter mode. Although the idea of outing myself while I'm pregnant seemed a little too risky for me.

Only goddess knows what plans she has in store for me and she's been rather vague since we met. Not my favorite family member if we had to take a vote. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

We were introduced to all of them and I got to meet Josh and Jason again. The brothers.

We all proceeded to Max's office so our headmistress could tell us about our enemies lurking outside.

Daisy told us of the famous Locke family. Our enemies lurking outside.

Taylor being the eldest, followed by the twin sisters, Taryn and Terry. Reginald was their little brother. The loose canon.

Apparently Taylor was a calm man but loved power. He is obsessed with it and that is his only love.

It got worse after he found his mate at the age of 25. A human mate.

He completed the mating ritual and the moon blessed them with rain that night.

6months later, a son was born but his mate didn't survive. The Adam's family believe he only mated with his human mate to produce an heir but he kept her locked up and treated badly to the point where she took her own life after being thrown out of Taylor's pack grounds without her baby.

She was obviously going to die because humans who survive giving birth to pups eventually get sickly and die after some time.

The suicide was all speculation though. The Locke family were known for their brutal and barbaric lifestyle which earned them multiple visits from hunters but somehow they always survived.

Anyone think of Vera?


Just me?

My mother mentioned Vera and Daisy nodded.

Wasn't just me then.

Having the help of a witch helped them a great deal but Daisy was adamant that Vera was spreading herself too thin and her dark ways were taking a toll on her.

She was sick according to their sources and the Locke family had no idea because Vera would only visit a human hospital for ailments the poor doctors and nurses couldn't understand.

They had Vera's file with them.

The file was passed around the office until it landed on my hands.

Vera was dying.

Her one lung had already collapsed. Her liver was failing her and those poor kidneys. I can't begin to imagine the pain she must be going through.

Her body was going to give out soon. Her heart rate was unbelievably fast. Too fast to even understand how she had not suffered a stroke yet. Witches have no healing abilities and her constant use of dark magic prohibited good magic to heal her.

No wonder Celine's family didn't mind helping us fight off Vera. They must have known this was happening to her.

I mean it is known that magic has a price and hers was dark which means the price had to be high.

The price was her life and she was in too deep now.

What I didn't understand is, why would she continue to fight for that family if she was the all powerful witch? Why not just go away to die peacefully?

It didn't make sense for someone as powerful as Vera could spend her final days playing servant to the Locke family and signing her death sentence.

"Why is she still helping that family if she is dying?" I ask the hunters. I looked at them all and my eyes stopping at Daisy.

"That's what we don't understand. This war alone could kill her. There's too many wolves to fight off and now you tell us that you got witches watching your back too. It is not looking good for Vera" Daisy responds.

"Maybe one of the Lockeness monsters is her mate?" Josey says with a light chuckle.

That could be it. That's the only reason one would put their health at risk for their one true love.

"We thought so at first..." Jason says.

"Until they all found their mates and Vera stayed alone. The twins share a mate, some beta wolf from a pack up north. Reginald has Scarlett and Taylor had a human mate." Josh said to me.

Wait a minute.

"This pack's Scarlett?" I ask and before one of the hunters could respond, Max jumped in.

"My mother is mated to that rogue??" Max stands and smashing his hands on his desk.

"Scarlett didn't tell you? Reginald rejected her when they were young and she ended up in this pack." Daisy said to Max.

Max looks at Deacon who just shrugs. They were both played.

"Anyway, Vera is not mated to any of the Locke children. Something is motivating her to fight to her death, a painful one and we can't figure out what that is." Daisy says.

"Well we can find out." I say looking at my mother then at Max.

"It's too dangerous. We don't know how she will respond to having you invade her memories and who knows what she could do to you? She could retaliate and find out you are already with child and take over your mind." Max says to me.

"No. We will not let you anywhere near her. Unconscious or not." Max says to me.

I knew it was the end of that discussion so I decided to drop it.

"Ok. We can then hope Celine's family can figure it out then." Josey says and we all nod.

As if on cue, Celine walks in followed by 4 women who looked to be in their 40s..

They looked amazing, don't get me wrong but age is age and when one is human, 40 is really 40.

Unless you are one of the lucky humans who grow prettier with age.

Lucky shits.

"Hello alpha. Hello everyone.." Celine says standing next to uncle Deacon.

"Good morning Celine." Max says to her. Then nodding at the other ladies.

"We couldn't help but overhear what you were all talking about. " Celine says to us. She is suddenly interrupted by one of the ladies that came in with her.

"Vera is our problem and we will deal with her. That is all you need to know." Said one of the 4 ladies that did not introduce themselves.

"Can we trust that you will get the job done or will you need some help? She is known to be very powerful." Uncle Deacon said back to the mystery lady.

She nods.

"We will take her down and remove her from this fight. Celine will link Max as soon as we have her and you can all be the animals you were born to be." She said to us but looking at uncle Deacon.

"As long as you are in my territory, its alpha to you." Max says to the rude woman.

"Anyway, I can work with that but what if you can't take her down? How will we know you need help?" Max said to the lady.

"We will have Celine link you, alpha. I doubt it will come to that though." She said. Emphasis on the word alpha.

"How are you so sure? If you could take Vera down before why wait until now?" I ask clearly annoyed that they allowed this woman to kill us when it is clear they were able to put a stop to it before.

"She was not killing our kind. In fact, she was working with your kind to kill your kind." The lady said back to me.

"So if we worked with a witch and helped her kill your kind, you'd just let us be then?" I say back to her and she didn't respond because we all know the answer to that.

I was getting upset. How could they be so ignorant? We have been living in peace for years and not meddling in each others business but here we were, a witch meddling in wolf business and they knew all along.

"You did not stop her. You don't have to care about us but to maintain the peace, you could've tried to stop her." I say to her and she just laughs.

"I only dabble with white magic. It is pure. When a witch goes dark, she is on her own. What she does with her dark magic is up to her." She says to me.

She walks up to me and looks me straight in the eyes. We were surprisingly the same height.

"We are here to help you. Don't forget that." She says to me in a condescending tone.

I snort.

"Sure because Vera is exposed now and it would look bad if the council was to find out that a witch was playing on wolf ground and killing us." I retort back and I move closer. So close our noses were almost touching.

"Becareful pup. I wouldn't want to hurt you." She says to me.

Her aura changes and her eyes take on a dark color.

"Calm down witch. You are on wolf territory and I'm the Luna here. Know your place." I say to her and I release my power but not too much to draw attention.

She moves back and I move closer until her back hits the wall.

"I'm not your regular wolf. You'd be smart to remember that." I say and I turn around to go sit on Max's lap so I can calm my wolf down.

She straightens her clothes as if they were disheveled and stands up straighter.

"Just do what you came here to do and we won't have a problem." I say to all the witches and they nod.

"We will." Says one of the other witches as they all glare at the witch I had a power play with.

My dad clears his throat and scratches the back of his head.

"Ok then..." said Christopher senior(my dad).

"How are we on the first soldiers out there? Cj?" He asks

"The enemy is still at the border. They have not gone further than that. There's about 3000 wolves there. Although they look feral so I'd say they are rogues. There could be more as there is no sign of the Locke family." Cj told us.

They had a lot of rogues fighting for them. Which means this was Reginald's pack. They want their alpha back.

"I have an idea.." I said to everyone.

They all turned to look at me...

"You'll just have to trust that I have an idea on how to handle the rogues." I said not wanting to feed any outside source any more Intel.

If the witches were not willing to share any details about Vera, I wasn't going to share anything too.

Trust works both ways.

I wasn't about to trust them especially after how they admitted to being ignorant to one of their own killing our own.

The law for all supernaturals was straight forward.

To each their own.

Their ignorance could lead to a war between witches and wolves. This was not good and I know I'm not the only one that's upset about this.

I just couldn't hold it in but the others could and they wanted to get through this fight before starting another.

"I think we will be heading out into the forest to begin our work. As agreed, Celine will link the alpha once we have Vera." The leader of the group said. They walked out and everyone let out a breath we were all holding in.

"I don't know about you guys but they scare me." Cj said to us.

"I'm right there with you brother.." Josey chimed in and we all chuckled but those ladies were scary looking if we were being honest.

"Sabrina, are you going to share your bright idea now?" My father asked and I smiled at him.

"When it happens, you will know." I said to him.

"Don't worry sir, I believe her plan will work." Max says to my dad smirking at me.

He read my mind this mate of mine.

"Well there we have it. Father, you'll be with Cj the entire time right?" I ask looking at my father. He nods at me and puts his arm around CJ's shoulders.

"Uncle Deacon, you are with the special prisoners right?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yes yes I have to babysit your mate and his chosen mate. How fun." My uncle says to me in a bored tone and I just smile at him but he earns a warning growl from Max.

He raises his hands in surrender.

"Easy there. I was just joking.." uncle Deacon says to his son.

We stayed a while, talking about where everyone will be and all.

Everyone left to go to their stations and I walked out with Max to get the special prisoners.

I owed our rogue alpha a special visit.

As we were walking down the stairs, we get a link from Damon about a group of witches who are approaching the pack house through the forest.

"I thought we already had our helpers for the day?" I ask Max.

More witches? How strong was this Vera?

"I thought so too. Let's just see what they want." He says to me as he grabs my hand and leads me out the door to the woods.

Right by the entrance of the woods was 6 witches. These witches looked young but fierce. They looked ready for battle.

We approached them and they bowed their heads at Max first and then at me.

"Alpha and Luna" they all say at the same time.

"We know what's to come and we want to help." One of them says.

The girl on the other end shakes her head and clears her throat.

"I apologize. My sister likes to get straight to the point but I like to get a few things out of the way before we get too serious. My name is Ariel." She says and looks to the girl next to her.

"Hello. My name is Arianna." She says and looks at the other girl but before the next girl could introduce herself, Cj comes walking towards us and stops in front of us.

He goes to stand right in front of Arianna. Max and I share a knowing look before Cj could utter the one word that changes ones life forever.

"Mate!" He says.

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