Owning the Mafia Don

Sophie. Damsel in Distress


Three months ago

Sophie was serving drinks at the Club.

Her feet ached, her hands smarted to slap some of the lecherous men who thought all women enjoyed being pawed.

She stomped into the kitchen, her tray in her hand when one of the girls stopped her.

“Hey Sophie,’ said the girl as she swayed past,’ You have a visitor. At the back door.’

Sophie trotted across, alarmed. Had something happened at home? Was it about Mom? Or Paddy?

A couple of girls stood, smoking around the doorway and one of them indicated a figure waiting beside the gate set in the wall. The gate opened onto a narrow road that took the staff directly to the main highway, bypassing the front gates. The delivery vans generally made their way in this manner to the kitchens.

Sophie marched across, worry in every step.

“is it..’ she began

But one of the figures stepped forward and said in a low voice,

“This is for you. Your sister sent it.’

And before she could make sense of the whole thing, the man had disappeared.

She looked at the crumpled paper in the palm of her hand and her eyes filled.

It was a letter.


Later, in the relative privacy of the staff washroom cubicles, Sophie read the note. It was in Sondra’s handwriting.

” Kiddo, ‘ it read,

” I have managed to escape from W. He will come after Paddy. Do not try to contact me. Please keep Paddy safe.’



She had her duty at the Club in the afternoon today. Naturally, she thought sorely as she loaded the cart at the supermarket, Naturally, with all the fighting and the feeding of people that was going to happen, she might get back home at around five in the morning.

Paddy who was sitting in the cart nodded his head and smiled aimlessly.

Sophie stroked his curls tenderly and glared at an older woman who was looking his way curiously. She was terribly protective of him, and now that she was earning a little more than before, she spent most of her money on her little family.

Paddy being at the top of the list.


When they returned home, she frowned as she saw an unfamiliar car parked in the narrow street outside her dilapidated looking apartment. A couple of the street teens watched curiously as a Man with tattoos on his bald head stood guard beside the vehicle.

“Who…?’ she thought and then tore inside, clutching Paddy in her arms. The large shopping bag hit her thighs as she ran, bounding up the two flights of stairs to their dinghy apartment.

The door was slightly open and she dashed in

And came to a grinding halt,


Paul Worthington sat on one of the old chairs. Her mother stood by the kitchen door, her greyish pallor more pronounced than ever.

Worthington sneered at her as she screeched to a halt, dropping the groceries on the floor.

She erupted in fury. And fear.

“What are you doing in my house?’ she hissed, advancing at the man who sat like an oily toad, his gelled hair gleaming, a smirk on his face. He was dressed impeccably, in square-toe stomper boots, jumbo loafers, and a large blazer. The colours were striking, even for a man of his age and he must have been in his late forties. Pale blue striped jacket over a rich brown shirt and deeper blue trousers.

His cold eyes gleamed at her through the thick, gold-rimmed glasses he wore. Paddy began to whimper. The sight of strangers invariably upset him

“Sondra’s boy, eh?’ said the man, his eyes sliding over Paddy and dismissing him as being inconsequential.

“I asked you a question,’ spat Sophie, her red face almost as red as her hair.

Her corkscrew curls which had been confined in a high bun bounced free.

“Ah, you must teach the little girl some manners, Mrs…’ he smiled at her mother who stood, frozen at the doorway.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Especially when she is addressing the landlord.’

Sophie stepped back in shock.

“Landlord?’ she whispered in disbelief.

Worthington rose and came closer. His voice was pleasant but the ugly look on his face belied his tone.

“Did you think I only made porn movies and sold girls like your sister ?’ he asked, his voice conversational. As though they were discussing the price of cabbages at the supermarket, she thought wildly.


Sophie stood and stared at him, her eyes wide with shock.

“Oh no. Red.’ He said as now he was close enough for her to smell his expensive. cologne. It hit her in the face, the sharp, tangy smell and his hot breath as he raked her face.

“Oh, no, Red.” He said again, almost sadly.

“I own this building and a lot of others. In fact, I own all the buildings on this street.”

“What do you want?’ she whispered, not wanting to upset her mother and Paddy further.

“No James Schwartz to come leaping to your rescue here, eh?’ he sneered.

She stared at him.

” Maybe because I want you to take over your sister’s roles.’ He said almost playfully, watching her.

Sophie flinched.

“Where is Sondra? “she demanded, her breath coming quickly,

“What have you done to my sister?’

“Oh, did you not know?’ said the man, smiling,’ She has not been a good girl. Not at all.’

He sighed, almost ruefully,

“So we had to punish her a little. ‘

Again a sigh.


“Why have you come here?’ asked Sophie, her voice quavering with emotion.

The man’s face altered. It was a mask of rage.

“Your sister has run away from me again.’ He gripped Sophie’s arm and twisted it cruelly, the anger on his face was terrifying.

“I am going to take that half-wit away so that she will come back like an obedient woman and play games for us…’

‘No…’screamed Sophie wildly.

“No…Please, do not take Paddy.’

The man was breathing hard, his fury evident as he brought his face close to her.

” I …know where she is…,’cried Sophie.

She heard her mother give an audible gasp and she sobbed,

“Mom, I had to…she swore me to secrecy.’

Worthington’s eyes shifted from her face to her mother’s shocked one and back to her.

What he saw convinced him that she was telling the truth.


“Ah… I knew it. I knew it when you kept running away.’ he breathed,

Sophie was pleading now,

‘Please, I can get her to come back to you…but just leave Paddy, please.’

The man studied her struggling form. He seemed to be calculating.

“And how can I believe you, Red?’ he sneered, tightening his grip just a little more.

‘Sophie glared at him, her natural defiance surfacing even though he held all the cards.

“You have to. ‘ she hissed as she handed him the crumpled paper with the damning details of Sondra’s hideout.


As the sound of Worthington’s footsteps faded, she sank to the ground, her head reeling. Her mother shuffled forward, Paddy in her arms.

“Why ?’ her mother whispered

“Why cucciolo? Why did you tell him?’ she whispered, gently stroking Sophie’s bowed head.

“Don’t you see, Mom?’ said Sophie, her eyes brimming with tears,

“Don’t you see? He would have taken away our Paddy.’ She bowed her head and sobbed ” I could not have that. Sondra would not have allowed that either.’


Later that night, Sophie sat, thinking hard.

She knew someone who might yet help her to save her sister.

Handsome James.

James Schwartz.

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