Passion desire Lust

Chapter 26

“Are you ready?” she said.

“Yea, I think so.”

“Good, let’s go dancing.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Before I had a chance to protest, she had taken my hand in hers and led me towards the elevators after locking the glass doors to the office.

“I am not a very good dancer,” I said in the elevator.

“Don’t worry, I will teach you.”

“I was afraid you would say that,” I said with a sigh.

She laughed and smiled up at me with her white teeth in stark contrast to her black skin.

The drive was quite long and led us out of the city. We passed several suburbs and I saw signs saying that we were getting close to the airport. When she slowed down and turned off the main road, we drove up a smaller side street which ended at a large parking area. We got out and I heard loud music, people laughing and there was the smell of meat cooking. I realized I was quite hungry.

“This is a Rancho. It’s a bar, restaurant, and dance club. It gets its name from not having any walls, just a roof,” she said as we walked towards the music.

The place was something very different from the upper-class restaurant I had been in the night before. To my left was a bar, where I saw empty beer bottles and little plastic cups on the counter. A bit further down stood a man in front of a large grill, flipping pieces of meat and sausages. To my right were tables but in mismatching colors and made of plastic. There were a few chairs, also mismatched. The dance floor took up most of the area and on it, couples of all ages danced.

“Did you try Seco last night?” Leila said next to me.

“No, what is it?”

She spoke to the barman in Spanish. He placed two plastic cups on the bar top and poured a clear liquid into them. Then he added a slice of lemon and tonic water.

“Try it,” said Leila, handing me one of the cups.

It tasted of tonic and lemon, nothing else. “What is Seco?” I said.

“It’s an alcohol made of sugar cane, similar to rum but not as strong. It’s almost tasteless and has very little smell. The best part is that because it is so pure, you seldom get a hangover.”

I sipped from the glass and before I knew it, it was finished. Leila ordered two more and we sat down at a table. “Are you ready for your first dance lesson?” she asked when we had finished our drinks.

“I suppose there is no way I am getting out of this?”

She got up and pulled me out of the chair. “No, there isn’t. Just follow me.”

She led me onto the dance floor and slipped in close to my body. Her boobs and hips touched mine as she began to move. I followed as best as I could but my mind was on my growing cock. Her body brushed against mine on each step and I tried to leave some space between us so she wouldn’t feel my erection. I failed and after a couple of minutes, she looked up at me and gave me a naughty smile while biting her lower lip.

She put her hands around my neck and pulled my head down, and spoke into my ear. “I can feel you, and I like it. Don’t move away from me.”

I didn’t answer since there was no point in protesting. She moved closer again and this time, I relaxed while her body ground against mine, and my hand slipped down her back onto her ass cheeks. We were in our world, I didn’t even notice the people around us and, as we danced, I lifted her face and kissed her gently and tentatively on the lips. I was so much taller than her that she had to stop dancing and stand on her toes.

She took my hand and led me back to our table. She pointed for me to sit. “I’ll be right back,” she said.

I wondered if I’d gone too far with the kiss, but something in the air made me do it. I felt so different than back home. Here people were open, they showed their sexuality through dance and no one cared if they were short, fat, skinny, or old, they just danced.

When Leila came back she was carrying two paper plates stacked with red sausages and meat.

“Those are chorizos and are a bit spicy and those are pork loin,” she said.

“Great, I am starving.”

“Mmm, and since we are going to fuck soon, it is good to eat before.”

I just stared at her and then said, “What did you say?”

“What? Oh, yeah, we will fuck. I’ll show you a Push Button hotel.”

“What’s that?”

“You just have to wait and see. Finish your food, I am horny.”

Back in the car, she drove towards the city. When we reached a large building with a neon sign that read, “Sexy Dreams,” she turned off onto a small side road. It snaked behind the building and then through a gate. Inside I saw several garages and was completely confused.

“What is this place?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, she drove into one of the garages. When she’d stopped the car, she leaned out the window and pressed a button on the wall and, behind us, I heard the garage door coming down.

“This is a Push Button hotel,” she said and pointed at the button on the wall.

We got out and in front of us was a door with a two-inch-wide slit halfway down. “Give me a ten-dollar bill,” she said.

I handed her two fives and she slid them through the door. On the other side, I heard a person move around, and then a door opened and closed. A few seconds later there was a click and Leila pushed the door open. The small room had a double bed, a desk, and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. Up in one corner, a TV was screwed to the wall and a porn movie played with the sound off.

Leila began to unbutton my shirt and when I leaned down we kissed again. I reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress, and pulled it up, exposing her ass. She didn’t wear any underwear and my large hands completely covered her ass.

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