Possession & Shadows – The Accalia Series Book 1 & 2

Two Months Later

Unknown Pov

I have been tracking the movements of the red valley pack for over a month now. I’ve intercepted letters written by the alpha of the pack, his beta, and his parents. They are planning something big, and I know it has something to do with our queen. The history of this pack and our queen is a brutal one. I’ve heard the alpha of the pack is now so obsessed with finding her, he has resorted to hiring mercs to kidnap and torture wolves to find out secret routes in the palace where our king and queen now reside. I have been killing mercs before they could kidnap anyone else, but I messed up and left one person alive who ran back to the Red Valley Pack to warn them of me. They don’t know who I am though.

I keep a mask on, so they don’t see my face. I’m stealthy and fast. Faster than a normal werewolf. I prefer to be in and out. My legend as an assassin has spread far and wide and I know I am being hunted by many wolves, even the palace. They won’t catch me though. They will never catch me. The security around the Red Valley Pack has increased thrice because of me, but I won’t let it stop me. I will kill him. All it takes is careful planning and striking at the exact moment. Patience. They took someone very important to me, and I won’t rest until she is back where she belongs.

Oliver Pov

“What do you have to report?” I asked Darnell. I have been hiring men to kidnap palace workers to find ways to get me inside to retrieve my luna back somehow, but each merc I hire ends up dead. Someone puts their heads on pikes and leaves them in my forest to find them. I have increased security. It’s all because of that damn person who people have started to call The Nyx. Who is this person? Why are they trying to sabotage my plan? I have many enemies, but none that I can think of who would do this. Unless it is someone sent by the king. Could he finally be taking revenge on me and my pack? No. I don’t think so. I hear he is very engrossed by his queen. MY FUCKING MATE!

” Warriors have informed me it is quiet. Nothing and no one comes in or out of the pack unless approved by you. ” Darnell says, taking a seat in front of me.

” I should have found a way into that damn palace by now if it wasn’t for this “NYX” person. Who is this man that they dare to cross me? Even as much as to impale the heads of mercs I hire. Does he hold no honor? Does he not live by a code? At least we bury our dead. This man is too reckless but calculated. ” I tell my beta while pacing back and forth. My parents come into the room and sit down as well.

“don’t, you think maybe we should give up on getting her? It seems whoever this man is could be from the palace. They may know of your plan to kidnap my sister”, Darnell says, and I growl at him, slamming my hands on my desk. He bears his neck in submission.

“don’t you ever say another fucking thing like that again? She is my mate. My luna. I will do whatever it takes to get her back. Together, we will have powerful pups and I will hold control. ” I told him.

” I have the ingredients you need to render her wolf unconscious and a witch who can serve her bond to the King. At this point, all there is getting her here, my father says, and I nod. I don’t ask how he gets this, since I know he has connections from his many years as an alpha.

“If I knew she was that strong, I would have locked her up myself. The little bitch hid her wolf from us. It was a pleasure to watch her break” My mother taunted. I had her slammed against the wall instantly. My dad is behind me trying to pull me off, but I push him to the floor.

” don’t DISRESPECT YOUR LUNA EVER AGAIN. IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU, I WOULD HAVE HAD HER BY MY SIDE. SHE WAS FATED TO ME. FUCKING ME. THE NEXT TIME YOU INSULT HER WILL COST YOU YOUR LIFE. AM I FUCKING CLEAR?” I demand in my Alpha voice. Even though she is my mother, she still answers to me. She nods her head and I drop her to the ground. She grips her throat and dad is at her side instantly. I walked back to my desk and gave everyone a small smile.

” I am sorry for lashing out. The sooner I have my Luna, the better I will be. Also, the sooner this NYX man is found and killed, then I will be even happier as well. Dad talks to your witch friend. See if they know anything that could bring this “NYX” out of hiding. We need to know if they are working for the palace, because if they are, according to Wolf laws, which means they are setting the grounds for war, in which case, not only will I have my Luna, but I will have his throne as well.”

Jasmine Pov

2 months ago (first night at the palace)

I had awoken in a dark room with dark blue and white satin sheets with a blue comforter. I could smell Xavier’s scent all around me, so I knew this was his room. It was twice as big as any room I have seen before. The floors were blue marble, but there were white rugs of soft fur on top of them. On the wall behind the bed, there was a huge painting of Xavier with his shirt off and ripped black pants standing between two white tigers. He looked every bit of the alpha male as he does in person.

He wasn’t there, so I could only assume he was doing important king business. As I sat in bed, my mind drifted off to Sabrina. I know I made her a promise to move forward, but the pain hurts.

“Check your pocket,” Lunar says in my head, and I do. There are two letters and I open the first one. I can tell it’s Sabrina’s scratchy writing.


My sister, if you’re reading this, then I know I must be dead now. I wrote this letter after learning about my death from another source before it happened. I hope you can forgive me. I couldn’t tell you, which is why I wanted to spend time making sure you were taken care of after I was gone. From this same source, I learned about who you were. The Lunar Dynamis. You may not remember the legend of yourself, but here is the prophecy that surrounds you.

The Legend of Luna Dynamis

One day a She-wolf will come forth

Beside her true mate, she will hold tremendous power

She will be the one known as Luna Dynamis, unable to be commanded

The only White Wolf to hold command over all Wolves

Her fur will be white as snow

Upon her, fur will hold the mark of the Moon goddess’ blessing.

The crescent moon

It was after learning about your identity that I found out from this very same source that Xavier was your mate. I talked with him, and he promised me he would love, protect, and cherish you and I believed him. I can see he has a heart of gold beneath his alpha king phase. I promised him not to do anything to save me. His first goal was doing whatever was necessary to get you and my parents away from that awful pack. By now, I’m sure you are either at the palace or on the way.

Even though I am certain you will prosper at the palace, don’t be so quick to trust anyone other than your mate and my parents. You must be cautious. Remember your training. You are on foreign territory, and you won’t know who is all loyal to the crown, so keep your eyes sharp. Any enemies will try to use you as leverage over the king, so train daily. You must always be ready. I know my parents are most likely with you.

Please tell them I love them. They didn’t deserve this to happen to them but tell them I will be watching over them always. This was just my time. Do not waste your tears over me Jassy Jas. I am happy. I am content, and I will prosper as you do. If, by chance, you are reading my letter first, then take heed of the warning in not only mine but in that one too. Things are much darker than you can ever know, but you are strong. You will survive.

My advice to you is to stay headstrong. Do not act on impulse unless you know you have no choice. My parents have trained us on how to act in life-or-death situations. Keep these lessons as I know the three of you will keep me in your hearts. I love you sister. Always.


By the time I had finished reading Sabrina’s letter, it was like a weight was being lifted. The weight of the deep sadness I was feeling from her loss. She was still here with me in some way, and I had to let Lori and Adam see this letter. It will possibly help them too. I opened the second letter and my heart almost dropped as I recognized my mother’s handwriting.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

My beautiful daughter

If you are reading this, then it means something bad has happened to me, or I have been a coward to tell you. As I am writing this, I can only hope you can forgive me for what I am about to tell you. I have been keeping the truth from you from the day you were born, but know it has all been done to keep you protected.

15 years ago, from today, I was part of a pack known as the royal moon pack. We were a pack full of white wolves. We were more powerful with senses than regular wolves, but we all awaited the day the Luna Dynamis was born. It was a legend that the Luna Dynamis would be born among the only pack to be gifted with a white wolf, and ours was the only one in existence.

The prophecy of the Luna Dynamis states that this wolf will be blessed with powers and will hold command over all others. She would not answer to anyone but herself. The mark of the Luna Dynamis would be a crescent wolf. None of the wolves in our pack held the mark of the crescent. Not until you were born.

The day you were born was one of the happiest days of my life. Your eyes were purple. Your crescent moon was purple. We all knew you were the one we were waiting for. Our scribes had uncovered this great prophecy about you, but we only found out later that it was only half of the prophecy. The rest of it was something we had never heard before and to this day it brings chills to me. This is the prophecy in full.

The Legend of Luna Dynamis (The Full Prophecy)

One day a She-wolf will come forth

Beside her true mate, she will hold tremendous power

She will be the one known as Luna Dynamis, unable to be commanded

The only White Wolf to hold command over all Wolves

Her fur will be white as snow

Upon her, fur will hold the mark of the Moon goddess’ blessing.

The crescent moon

Among her wolves lies another fated mate. Born of hate

He holds corruptness in his heart, destruction in his mind.

His fur will be black as midnight, with a red streak of fur over his stomach.

The mark of evil

Blessed by the one who holds command over all things dark. The devil

Should Luna Dynamis ever accept him in her heart

His power will increase to be thrice more than hers

She would lose herself in his darkness.

And together, no one will stand in their way.

It was not long after we discovered the truth that our pack was attacked, causing your father to give his life for me and you to escape. Eventually, we came across this pack. We almost turned away, but I met your father, my second mate, and he took us in and kept your identity a secret. Your father already had a son from his first mate, who is your brother Darnell. We were glad your wolf decided not to reveal your identity. My wolf contacted your wolf the day of your thirteenth birthday to warn her not to, for your protection, though I suspect there are few who know about you.

Your safety is of the utmost importance. It is always necessary that you cling to the light in you. Cling to the goodness in you. Do not give in to deep and dark impulses. It will only push you further and further into your dark mate’s arms. Life will try to throw you curveballs, but you must throw them back with purity. Stay well, my daughter. Let your good fated mate keep you grounded in the world. You were born to do incredible things that are both great and evil. I pray for the sake of the world, you choose goodness. I love you, my daughter.

Love Mother

After I read the letter, I couldn’t sleep. I had so many emotions running through me. I have two mates. Two destinies? Both good and bad. Xavier is my good mate. Oliver would be the bad one, but I rejected him. He has been nothing but evil to me and Xavier is just amazing. So, Xavier is my good fated mate.

2 months later (Back to The Present)

I have been making progress by trying to be a good queen. Xavier and I spend every day together unmated and unmarked while I deal with my emotions, but he is becoming so closed off these last few days and it’s bothering both Lunar and myself. He doesn’t talk to me about any of the business and he always seems like he is busy with something. I don’t want to force him to talk to me.

I spend my time wondering if it is because I haven’t let him mark or mate me, but I don’t think it is. It must be something bigger. I decided that I would at least check on him as I walked through the palace. He needs to know I am still here, and I still love him even if he is a bit sheltered.

I followed his scent outside the palace and to the dungeons. Why is he here? He told me he was leaving the castle on business. I entered the dungeon. It smells like puke and feces. It’s horrible. Why would he lie to me about being here? This place is awful. I heard shouting and I recognized the voice as his. Why is he shouting? I can feel his fury. I walked to a door and looked through the small window. It’s locked and I see my mate along with his Cartise in the room. His Cartise is punching some man in the face who is tied down to the chair. My mate leaned against the wall with his arms folded and his eyes narrow, watching with a small smile. This isn’t his usual smile. This smile is dark and wicked. It makes me feel afraid, seeing a side I’d never seen before. Is he… enjoying this? Even Lunar is feeling questioned.

“Please, I don’t know anything”, I heard the man plead and my heart went out to him because they wouldn’t stop hitting him. Xavier puts his hands up and they retreat. Xavier walked behind the man.

“If you don’t know anything, then I promise I will let you go. So, is there nothing you can tell me?” He asks and the man shakes his head.

“No, my king. I am innocent. Please. I have a family. I would never jeopardize their safety”, the man pleads. Xavier pauses and smiles and walks in front of the man.

“Since you don’t know anything, then I will keep my promise. I will let you go,” he says, and breaks the bonds holding the man to the chair. I am happy that he is showing the man mercy as the man rushes to the door where I am, but it is short-lived. At an arrow comes rushing through his head at the last second the man’s eyes widen as he looks at me on the side before he drops down and I gasp as I look up.

Xavier is holding a bow in his hand, indicating he is the one who killed him. I started backing away and ended up knocking a tin over in the hallway by mistake, which drew the attention of Xavier, whose eyes locked on me through the small window on the door. His eyes were full of hate but they were replaced by shock when he saw it was me. I know my face showed how I felt, and he started towards me, but I was out of the dungeon faster than a speeding bullet before he had even gotten to the door. I took off to the greenhouse I had grown fond of and masked my scent so he couldn’t trace me. As I hid in the greenhouse, I couldn’t help but think…………

Xavier is the good mate from the prophecy


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