Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan King


Carla walked gingerly to Nolan’s office as she couldn’t wait to surprise him.

“Oh! I can’t wait” she giggled in excitement.

She looked over Layla’s desk and noticed that she was not present there.

“I’m sure Nolan must have sent her on her errand” she thought, looking away and she headed straight to Nolan’s office.

“Hey Nolan, surprise!!!” She squealed excitedly barging into Nolan’s office.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” Nolan questioned in annoyance, why does she always show up when he’s not in a good mood and will end up ruining his mood further.

“I’m sorry ” she apologized, dropping a bag on Nolan’s table, her face still beaming with smiles.

“What’s in there?” Nolan asked, looking at the brown bag suspiciously.

“Breakfast!!” She announced excitement bubbling up within her.

“What breakfast?” His brows creased and he pushed the bag aside.

“Breakfast, your breakfast, I made them myself” she said, she had poured her heart and soul into making food for him, she sucked at cooking, but still tried her best.

“You’re a terrible cook Carla” Nolan pointed out. She was the most terrible cook ever, a person could eat her food and end up in the hospital.

“I was but not anymore” she began, she had watched how to make casserole from the Internet and made sure to do a good job.

“I’m perfect now, that’s why I made you breakfast, you can have it” she offered, knowing the kind of person Nolan was, he must have come here this morning without eating anything.

“I’m not hungry ” he declined, he had no appetite and her food would not even pass through his pharynx.

“Come on” Carla frowned deeply, she had put so much effort into making this, he couldn’t just decline.

“Take it, I’m sure you would like it” she tried to convince him.

Despite the fact that he allowed her to come to the city with him, he refused her staying with him.

Instead he gave her a place to stay, a luxurious house that belonged to him. She tried convincing him to allow her to stay with him, but he refused saying he preferred to live alone.

“I don’t want it Carla” he bluntly refused.

“But it’s nice, I promise” she remained adamant on trying to persuade him to eat the food she made for him.

“Carla…” he gritted his teeth in annoyance. He just couldn’t get why people always insisted on being persuasive. Couldn’t they just take a No for a Job and stop trying harder.

“Is everything alright Nolan?” Carla asked, observing his annoyance, he was clearly not in the mood and he looked angry.

“Everything is fine,” he uttered.


“Carla, leave my office” he ordered her in a low voice as his face held a grum expression.

Her endless questions were annoying him to the core.

“I’ll see you later” Carla mumbled walking out of his office angrily. He was angry and was trying so hard not to flare up at her.

Carla immediately went straight to Layla’s table to confront her, Carla was sure that whatever made Nolan angry, Layla was the cause.

“Why is Nolan so angry?” She asked immediately as Layla slowly lifted her face.

Layla had this passive look on her face, that spelled stay away. She was not in the mood to speak to anyone.

“Ask him yourself” Layla snapped, removing her gaze from Carla as she focused on her typing.

“Oh my, oh my” Carla scoffed in disbelief.

How dare Layla use that time to speak to me? She thought.

“I’m talking to you, look at me!” She yelled but Layla paid no attention to her.

If she was to talk back to Carla in her angry state, a fight will definitely break out between the both of them.

“The last time I checked, you’re not my employer, neither was I instructed to obey your orders. Miss this a workplace, please lower your voice, or you can as well get out” Layla phased with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Carl’s fist balled as she glared at Layla.

“I know what women like you always try to achieve,” Carla began.

“You’re always trying to seduce men, but tell you what, Nolan is not that kind of man, he will never look at you” Carla spat. The truth was that she felt threatened by Layla. Layla was beautiful, her neatly trimmed hair that stopped above her shoulders made her stand out amongst other women, her large brown eyes gave her this innocent look which made Carla very furious.

“Nolan is mine, he will never be yours!!” Carla snarled as Layla chuckled in amusement.

“If he is yours, then why are you getting worked up, unless you’re feeling insecure about your relationship with him?” Layla asked. If Nolan truly loves her like she claims, there’s no need for Carla to be scared.

“Just shut up!!”

“Now tell me what did you do to Nolan to make him that angry?” Carla requested.

“I’m sure you just came out from your boyfriend’s office, why don’t you go back and ask him the reason for his anger,” Layla retorted venomously.

These two couples should leave her alone, the boyfriend is heartless, who doesn’t care about people’s feelings, while the girlfriend is a mad woman, who’s insecure about her relationship.

She hated them both to the core.

Too bad Nolan is the father of her child, but Layla had sworn never to let him know of that.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“You really got some nerves, don’t you?” Carla smacked her lips.

“Please miss, I don’t know what issue you have with your boyfriend, but the only thing I can tell you is that, I have no interest in him and never will, so please settle your differences and don’t drag me into it, thanks” Layla flashed a polite smile at her.

“Bitch” Carla swore walking out on Layla as she stomped her feet loudly.

Layla shook her head as she watched Carla leave, there was no difference between Carla, scarlet and Rosalie. They were all witches.

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