Reyona’s Revenge

Shakes Or Not

The oxygen therapy worked faster than the nurses had expected.

As she started stirring groggily, one of the nurses removed the cannula from over her nose.

Maxwell was looking at the window and the slowly darkening sky increased his dread.

It would devastate Reyona if anything happened to that girl.

For the moment, he did not even dare to think of how much losing her would hurt him.

He just knew he couldn’t let Reyona have that weight on her for the rest of her life.

Also, no child should have to be dealt such a cruel fate because of the actions of an unhinged parent.

He would get the answers he needed, even if he had to shake it out of her.

The doctor had been a bit reluctant at first when he told him to reverse the effects of the sedative she had been given.

He had to tell him how urgent it was.

Then Officer Guy also told the man the importance of waking her immediately.

“Maybe you can help to convince her about the amputation as well,” the doctor said.

That was when he suggested oxygen therapy since that would reduce the chance of adverse effects.

Maxwell turned away from the window as he heard the nurses going out.

She must have forgotten the handcuff that held her good hand to the bed as she tried to lift it.

The jangling sound of the handcuffs against the bed rail made her swear as she flopped her arm back on the bed.

Her damaged arm was held down with an immobilisation splint that kept the arm in place.

Then she suddenly reared up as she seemed to have caught sight of something close to the window.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as her face twisted with fury. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Maxwell simply walked over to the door. “Answer me, I am talking to you!” she shouted while trying to lift her splinted arm, then she yelled as pain shot through her upper arm.

She flopped back in bed, breathing harshly as sweat popped from her forehead.

Maxwell merely nodded at the police officer standing outside the door before closing the door.

She calmed down as she realised that he was not leaving after all.

“I see you have noticed that you could have saved yourself pain,” Maxwell said coldly as he looked down at her.

“What do you want? You must have been the one who told them to cut off my arm, right? It is you. You would do anything to see me suffer. I hate you.”

“Are you done?” Maxwell asked simply.

“Leave me alone. I do not have to have my arm amputated. I do not!” she cried.

“Do I look like I care if your arm rots and takes you right with it?” Maxwell asked dispassionately.

“Then why are you here? Why are you here, asshole?” she asked in a calmer tone. “To laugh at me? To watch them cut off my arm? To mock me when they take me to jail?”

“Yes, I would do every single one of those things. All in its due time though. I am here for a different reason and I would have you know that I would not accept any bullshitting from you.”

She let out a grating, humourless laughter “What would you do? What more can you do? You think I am scared of you? I am not…”

“You should be scared,” Maxwell said in a deadly tone. “You should be very scared. I have been tolerating you because of the name you carry. The name makes me think of you as family. Well, guess what? You are no longer my family. You are my enemy, and if you know what happens to those I see as my enemy, you will stop running your mouth right now.”

Fear showed on Susan’s face even as she said, “You…you can’t do anything to me. You won’t do anything to me. Dad said…”

A muscle ticked in Maxwell’s cheek as he snapped “Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare mention his name. He is not your dad. Your dad is a w**d-dealing pimp who impregnated your whore of a mother and ran. You and your mother are nothing but stray dogs who brought your soiled feet into my home and made me outsiders.”

Susan reared up again as her voice shook in her agitation: “You! How can you talk like that about my mom?! You asshole! You are just jealous that dad loved me more than you even when he was alive” she said pettily.

“You are as delusional as your two-faced mother,” Maxwell said with a pitiful smile.

That seemed to enrage her more than anything else. “Get out! Get out! Help! Officer!”

The officer opened the door and asked if all was well.

He was confused when he saw that Maxwell was not anywhere near where Susan was lying.

“He wants to kill me!” Susan yelled.

Just as Maxwell shrugged and said “There is no such thing, officer. My sister and I were just having a little family discussion.”

Calling her his sister shocked Susan enough for her to shut her mouth till the officer closed the door.

Though the door was automatic, it also had a locking knob on the back that seemed like a flaw to Maxwell.

But at the moment, he didn’t mind as he moved to it and locked the door.

“I thought you said I am no longer your family?” Susan asked in a small tone as she twitched again.

Maxwell had seen her twitching since they started talking.

She had been suppressing it, and he supposed it was also one main reason she wanted him to get out as soon as possible.

Clear signs of an ad**ct.

He didn’t care how much she had ruined her body with subs***ces, he just wanted to get the answers out of her.

And he would, shakes or not.

“You are not, and you will no longer be.”


“Allysyn is Rh-Null,” he smoothly interrupted her.

“Uh?” she asked in confusion, then her eyes clouded a bit before she slackened against the bed and said in a pitiful tone. “Your bitch made me kill my baby.”

“She is not dead,” Maxwell said.

“She is not? Is she here?” she asked with waning excitement.

“She is not better off either,” Maxwell said in answer to her first question. Then he moved closer to her bed as he said “Her blood type is RH- Null. That is not your blood type. Neither is it Thomas’s. In fact, the blood type is so rare that few people have it in the whole world.”

He paused as he saw her looking at him blankly.

Then he asked, “Who is Allysyn’s father, Susan?”Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

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