Reyona’s Revenge

Smudging The Line

The ringing phone woke Reyona up.

Without opening her eyes, she stretched her hands towards the direction of the sound.

The phone stopped ringing just as her hands touched something warm.

Her foggy mind was confused for a moment as she poked at the firm, warm…

“Fleshy form?!” Reyona’s eyes popped open as she suddenly realised that she was not alone in bed.

Not only was she not alone, but she was wrapped in his arms like…

Didn’t he say he was going to leave after she fell asleep?

What the…

Reyona lay still as she listened to his rhythmic breathing.

She was half-tempted to give him a little accidental jab.

Maybe that would knock some sense into him, she mused, even as she knew that she was not going to do it.

As she tried to wriggle out of his arms, she suddenly froze when she felt a well-recognised budge cradling her ass.

“Damn,” Reyona thought as her insides automatically reacted to his boner.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

She needed to get up as soon as possible.

She did not consent to this.

Having sex with him was a different thing, but sleeping with him like this?

It was something else entirely.

He knew she had never accepted his invitation that they should sleep together!

How dare he trick her like that?!

After the kids went to bed the night before, he had wanted to follow her to her room, but she told him she was too tired for any action that night.

He accepted and informed her that he just wanted to talk.

Though she was reluctant about it, Reyona allowed him to come into the mini living room in her suite, while she went in to take her shower.

He had made a joke of joining her, but she had firmly declined, knowing that the shower would end up in something else.

Then she had come back to see him with a glass of wine, which he had invited her to.

They sat and talked mostly about what they had done that day, and also touched on what he had planned if Han did not deliver on his promise.

When he started getting that disturbing look on his face, Reyona knew he had something on his mind that she might not like.

Before he could get around to it, she yawned loudly and told him she wanted to sleep.

“Okay,” he said without making any move to leave.

Reyona looked at him, then subtly looked in the direction of the door.

She was certain he would get the hint since he had decided not to do what was required.

Instead of getting up, he only continued turning the base of the wine glass over and over in his hands.

Then he asked, “Can I come?”

Come where?

“I already told you I do not…”

“I understand that you don’t like staying with me after we make love, but we did not make love now. So, can I come?” he asked again.

Make love.

Why did he keep getting these things mixed up?

They were not making love. They were having sex.

Sex borne off passion alone.

It was vital for Reyona to keep reminding herself that there was a line between the two, yet he seemed hellbent on smudging that line.

She had told him many times already, yet he kept using that term as if they were two people who were in a relationship or love….

“No, I don’t want to sleep with you,” she said hastily. When he raised his brow, she merely continued “It’s been a long day. I just want to have a good night’s rest. Alone” she added emphatically.

“I understand,” he said, as if he really understood what she meant. Then when she expected him to get his fine ass out of the door, he simply said “Can I watch you sleep then?”

“What does that even mean?” Reyona blurted out.

“I am not allowed to sleep with you, we can only make love. I understand that, but I would really love to watch you sleep. I promise I won’t bother you.”

“Being around me would be a bother enough. How can I sleep when…”

“Are you that afraid of me, Reyona?” he asked with his roguish grin.” Are you scared that you won’t be able to resist me after all, and you will pull me into bed with you to…”

“Enough!” Reyona said more to stop her mind from conjuring the bothering pictures that his words were provoking.

When he only looked at her expectantly with an innocent expression, Reyona said “Fine, do as you like. I don’t care. It is your home, anyway, you can choose to be wherever you want. Just don’t… bother me”

“If that is a ploy to guilt-trip me, Miss Dexter. I am afraid it is not working” he said as he stood up expectantly.

Reyona glared at him and went into the bedroom.

She suddenly became very self-conscious about everything.

Did she have anything lying around that she shouldn’t? Did she…

She mentally stopped herself from obsessing about anything.

She didn’t ask him to come into her room anyway.

Even if she had a bloodied tampon lying around, it wouldn’t be her fault if he saw it.

Nobody forced him to follow her.

Though he was sitting on a couch, she lay at the side of the bed farthest from where he was seated.

Even at that, she couldn’t relax.

She lay rigidly at her side, hoping he would take that as a sign that she had slept off and simply leave her alone.

The man could be full of lots of shit at times.

What on earth does watching her sleep have to do with anything?

“I think you are at the risk of falling off the bed, Miss Dexter”, his voice interrupted her thoughts.

“You said you wouldn’t bother me!” she said in exasperation as she shot up from the bed and shot him a glare.

She might have well been wasting her energy because he only smiled as he said “Ah, I did say that, didn’t I? I am sorry. Carry on.”

Reyona flopped back into bed and thumped one of the extra pillows hard.

She stopped trying to hold her breath and faced the ceiling as she held the mangled pillow to her body.

Why did she even agree to this nonsense?

She should have stood her ground and personally tossed him out of the door if he refused to leave.

If she told him she had changed her mind now, he would definitely find a way to turn it on her and call her a coward or something.

He believed she was afraid of him. Idiot. Why would she be afraid of him?

Now she wouldn’t be able to sleep while he was sitting there and watching her like a hawk.

She would open her eyes, tossing and turning all night because he couldn’t comprehend something as simple as a no.

She will have bags under her eyes tomorrow and probably end up scaring the kids shitless.

Then she would be drowsy all day and…

The next thing she heard was the sound of the ringing phone.

As Reyona looked at the well-lit room that indicated that it was already morning, she wondered how she had been able to fall asleep.

The main question was, how did she end up wrapped in his arms and had to wake up to his bony while he slept on innocently?

She ignored the hard flesh poking at the exposed part of her lap and tried to get up again.

She had hardly shifted when he murmured and held her more tightly to himself, this time his hands firmly grabbing her breasts.

“Oh, hell no”

Reyona raised her elbow just as hot breath caressed her ears as she heard “Hmm, what wouldn’t I give to wake up every day like this, wifey?”

“Get your hands off…”

He kissed her cheek firmly as he reluctantly pulled his hand away from her breasts.

She was sure he deliberately dragged his hand over her flesh in its exit, making her nipples hardened, and she had to catch her breath before she could speak coherently.

First, she quickly moved away from him and his poking rod as fast as she could.

“Oops,” he said as he seemed to finally realise his boner. “See? All of me will be glad to see you any day, any time,” he said, with a wink.

“You said you were going to lea…”

His phone started ringing again.

“Sorry, I have to pick this, ma’am,” he said unapologetically as he rolled out of bed.

Reyona gasped as she saw that he was entirely naked under the sheet.

He looked at her in confusion, then looked down at his protruding dick hanging out in all its glory.

Then he looked back at her shocked face in disbelief as he said “Come on. Don’t act like you’ve never met him before.”

“Get out!” she said through gritted teeth.

He chuckled and went to the living room to get his call.

Reyona was fanning herself with her hands when she heard him swear and asked “Are you sure?” paused. “When?”

Reyona’s phone started ringing as well.

It was her mom.

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