Searching for Love, Found Wealth

Chapter Fifty – Shopping for the kids.

We alighted the car and the shopping began. I assigned Chloe to help pick things for the baby boy since she said her sister had a baby boy.

Charles helped pick some random play stuffs and I shopped for Gladys. I made sure to get more pink than purple.

I added blue as last time she came, she wore mostly blue dresses.

I also bought a poster of black is beautiful to paste in her room, as reminder.

On my way to the cartoon department, I met a little boy looking at a Barbie movie disk. That was a bit weird for a boy to me.

“You like Barbie?” I asked him coming closer.

He tossed it away, “no”. He picked it up and replaced it at its stand.

“It is not bad though. Watch whatever you want. I like superman too” I handed him the cassette.

He looked shy, “I can’t buy it though” but I forced it in his hands.

“Sharing the kindness Barbie teaches. Have a nice day. Here go pay for it” I gave him some money.

I was glad to see the boy hop away. Kids can watch whatever. It was a KID’s movie anyway.

The cartoons at the stand were mostly Barbie collections. I bought tons, really hoping she’d like them.

I added some rhymes and songs for her brother. I don’t really know if he was of age to LISTEN to songs but anyways.

I met the other duo on their way to the counter.

Okay, Charles did a good job but what was that scary dolls doing in Chloe’s cart. Like ash penguin, tigers and three foot dolls.

Like those would scare the life out of a two month old. If those were what her sister’s baby uses, then he’s not very normal.

We bought them anyway. And of course, got ourselves a little something.

On our way back, Charles switched to Professor Charles mode full time. He was almost nerdish. Now I get how he could be acing my physics assignment.

Charles warned Chloe never to leave school cos of an argument with a friend.

He was like “Treat people nicely. You could even win nicest student of the year”.

I had a feeling Chloe was going to adhere to this advice. That hopeless simp. I gave them time together with a real excuse of needing to go to the bathroom.

Charles later dropped her back at her sister’s restaurant and we left for home.

“Baby boys are hot tempered, unlike baby girls” Charles declared along the way. I nodded. Thank you, Professor Charles.

He added more boring facts about six year olds for Gladys. I even thought she was older.

I gladly alighted his car. “Thanks for the help. Call Chloe later” I rushed in before he could protest.

I realized all the thing we had shopped for where in his car boot so I came back outside.

“If I had a baby and a six year old girl, I’d have gone with these” he smirked.

“Go get one then” I said nonchalantly. I regretted cos it reminded him of his sister.

“The one I got died to cancer” he looked down. I didn’t know what to say.

“It’s okay” I gave a half hug and we began taking the items into the house.

Now, for when they’d be ‘delivered’, mom said my dad’s sister would be dropping them here by the next tomorrow.

I bet dad’s sister would want to see how ‘luxurious’ mom and I were living. To add to her lists when she wanted to beg for something.

Mom said she’s preparing a school already for Gladys and to my joy, a nanny for the baby. He hadn’t even been named yet.

Chloe called asking if we got home safely.

“I bet you’re asking to know if he’s still with me” I smirked on the phone. She made a weird grunt and said something really stupid, that I wasn’t still shocked to hear.

“He likes you. He stayed close while shopping and directed me further. He saw you buy that disk for that kid and smiled endlessly. Geez, it warmed my heart actually”.

If Chloe wasn’t the most opened minded person I knew, I wonder. I know she really likes him cos she was so excited about meeting him.

But why was I suddenly in everyone’s love story? Without my permission and without me feeling anything for the male leads. With my ugly face and all? Or wasn’t I that ugly?

Jasper was cute but honestly I never wished to date him. It would be so demanding and I’m not even ready for commitments.

Charles is a best friend, and as he said, if we become anything in the future, that’s in the future.

He must have understood this and is keeping his distance but now Chloe’s getting ideas I don’t want her to.

“Baby girl, I’m rooting for you and Charles, he is a childhood best friend, Kay? Don’t disappoint me” I chuckled.

“Nah, I have a crush on him. Doesn’t mean we’d work out. Cos if I actually got to date all my crushes I’d have a Guinness record of girl with most exes, like for real” she replied with a chuckle.

“Oh.. kay. Wanna tell me now how I got to Sheena’s love story cos I think my ugly face is doing wonders” I brought back our earlier subject. She took a heavy breath, I noticed.

“What? I can’t even flirt and two boys are being accused to be fancying me. Let me understand the stories” I pleaded.

“This report is subject to change due to the fact that they were from Jennifer. They could be false, half false, true, half true. Remember that?”

I nodded, “Sure. So tell me”.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Jasper literally said you smite him” she began. My eyes widened. That’s sure to be a lie from Jennifer to put me at Sheena’s bad side.

But she is quite bad at lying. If for anything, I’d believe Reuben fancied me. But Jasper, nope.

And Sheena, wasn’t she the one saying Reuben seemed into me, did she ever notice Jasper spare me a glance? What kind of a lie was that?

“And I believed it because…” Chloe continued. What? She believed?

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