Searching for Love, Found Wealth

Chapter Forty-Eight – Needing more family.

And my identity as a Martinez would be announced causing me to receive more hate than I could handle.

“But Nancy, it’s possible that your mom judge her mother’s death with a child’s mind. I mean, what about her own father? If his wife was killed by her husband’s family, your granddad should have reacted, shouldn’t he?” I tried reasoning with her.

She nodded readily, it seems she never thought of it and only reasoned based on what her mother told her.

“I haven’t even met my granddad once. My mom doesn’t know where he is” she shrugged.

Imagine that, and I who isn’t even his legitimate grandchild had spoken to him tons of times.

I felt bad for Nancy but I couldn’t just tell her. Still, I felt that my new found knowledge won’t stay hidden for long.

I further asked if she had met her mother’s sister before I knew the answer. She said her mother hadn’t even seen her for years.

I told her that before she bites in the hate that her mother has for this said sister, she should first get to know her and find out for herself if she’s as terrible.

“When you meet her, that is” I quickly added so she wouldn’t imagine I knew where the said sister was.

“I don’t care about any aunt. I have my mom and siblings. I just want my dad to be alive” she sniffed.

I felt sad but I was still very much confused on how Nancy and I’d conversation had bloomed thus deep.

Did she just open up about her family to anyone or I’m walking down a trap?

The pendant in her hands was that of a middle aged man. He looked like an astronaut.

“Your dad?” I pointed to it. She nodded.

I bought her extra burgers to make her happy. We were having a very stable friendly conversation.

My phone beeped and I looked in to see. It was mom. I’d feel tensed answering mom besides Nancy. I mean, its not like she’d perceive its her mom’s half sister but I felt tensed.

I took an excuse and left to the fields.

I was glad I did. I couldn’t have afforded destroying everyone’s ears from my yelling. What’s was my mom thinking telling me of such news?

It turned out that my dad’s older sister had found some modeling adverts of my mom at Cornfest and had phoned my mom.

She called her all sorts of names for living a typical spinster’s life when she could have taken care of Gladys.

She also said that since Gladys is still young, she needed a mother who could be there for her. Unlike my aunt who traveled a lot and left her kids, as well as Gladys, with a maid.

My mom seemed to be having herself some ideas. And I couldn’t help but yell them out of her head.

For crying out loud, Gladys was the reason we left Cornfest in the first place. And my mom is as busy as my dad’s sister.

At worst, mom could send financial help to the girl since her dad was once her husband.

That wasn’t all, when I insisted on not having Gladys over, mom added that it wasn’t just Gladys coming over. Gladys had a baby brother.

Her mother had been pregnant during the time she divorced my dad. She had tried aborting but my dad had pleaded with her not to.

After delivery, she had dumped the baby with my dad and fled the country to meet her lover. The baby was now kept at my dad’s sister’s house with little care.

I got softened. He was just an innocent little baby getting involved in theses adults mess. And I’d love to have a baby around.

“Okay mom, really sorry for yelling. I get you’re being compassionate but these kids aren’t yours you know. What about if their mom comes back for them?” I muttered.

“No problem. I just want them in good health. I’d try my best to be around for both of them” she responded. I smiled in my heart. That’s what a real mom would do.

“You know mom, its okay. Send me some money, I’d shop for them before coming home. Tell the driver to also, I’ll go with Charles” I hung up.

It could be fun. I already have a family rivalry coming, I need all the family members I could have. And with Charles closer, maybe I and Gladys could work out.

I texted Charles, asking if he could shop with me. I didn’t give much info. Mom agreeing to house them is one. Gladys agreeing to be housed is two.

I texted Chloe to. She would be shopping with me with Charles, I gave little details that I’d be expecting a child soon.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Charles answered almost immediately that he’d pick me up. I the added that I’d be coming with a friend. He texted back, “As you wish”. Why did I feel he was warning me?

Well, Chloe wasn’t a violent lover and it could improve Chloe’s mood so I’m all in.

As I went back to Nancy, Chloe texted positive that she’d be helping. She added that she’d wait at the shop since the closest one is besides her home.

Now all I had to do was wait for school to end.

I saw that Nancy had finished all her burgers, where did all the food go. Sh e was really fit. Well, maybe her super smart brain.

On the good sides, it is really nice to have a smart cousin.

I texted Charles the time I’d be expecting him. It was on WhatsApp. Nancy peeked in and saw his picture.

“Hey, are you really friends with that guy?” she askes wide eyed. I pit away my phone and nodded, “We are good friends. Why?”. Was she another secret crush of him?

“Wow. He’s really cool, I love that he’s nice with juniors. I am not saying I like him exactly. Can I meet him?” she sounded excited.

Now, wasn’t she girl two? Charles sure was a force.


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Had math ever been this boring or was it me hoping today would go faster. Pythagoras theory wasn’t complex but I wasn’t just interested.

“My math boys aren’t even here” the teacher looked dismayed looking at Reuben and his cousins empty seats.

The teacher didn’t even seem so intrigued to teach. Like they were teaching for some particular students. That always annoyed me but this time I didn’t mind, today should just end.

Chemistry came and I looked quite eager.

I noticed Sheena had a less confident look unlike before. She lost all her annoying sassiness from earlier.

She glanced at Chloe’s empty seat from time to time. I hoped she knew she was the reason Chloe angrily missed school.

Jennifer came around, sharing our chemistry test books. She gave me a smug smile as she dropped mine. I don’t know why she always had that ridiculous smile on her face.

“Give me Chloe’s” I demanded without looking at her.

She paused, “Why?”.

“I’m going out with Chloe today. I’ll give it to her” I smiled. Honestly intending to make Sheena jealous. It worked as she looked away.

Jennifer dumped the book on my table and left.

I swiftly checked my score. A glorious eighty seven percent decorated my book. First time. My heart raced faster.

That was an A already. C’s were my major deals at Chemistry, once I had B. But an A, made my day.

“I got an A. I’ve never had that before” Sheena said to me. I don’t know why she was suddenly talking to me but I gave her a thumps up, “cos of teamwork”.

She smiled and looked lovingly at her book. I was glad as Chloe would have also done well.

Sheena wanted to say something else but I acted uninterested and did my business. She shouldn’t try being friendly all of a sudden. An apology should come first.

*School bell rings*

“The end of the damn day!” I yelled to myself. I met Tina, Chloe’s supposed cousin playing at the swing with some other kids.

With Cara no longer coming to school, people seemed more confident about the things they liked. I texted Charles that I was ready and went to meet Tina and friends.

“Hey girls” I waved.

They chanted “Hello, senior”. I guess they did anyway. Their voices were piercing.

“So tell me what movies do you girls like watching. And what colors do you like on yourselves?” I was asking for Gladys sake. She was around their age somehow.

“Purple is queen” Tina said dramatically.

“Nope, pink is better. Purple is only elegant on dresses. Only” another girl revolted. She seemed to know what she was saying.

“Movies? Pixar and Disney are my favorites” a small red haired named Hailey screamed. She was the youngest in their group.

“Oh, okay, wow. You girls have wonderful tastes, I see”.

They smiled and began giving more suggestions. I guess compliments work with kids better than they worked with adults.

I got some things straight. Pink, dresses on purple. Plushy. Disney cartoons. Teddy bears. Snacks with high calories. Soft beds and pillows.

I hoped it would work for her baby brother as well. He should be around two months now. I hope he’d survive with us.

I browsed on some behavioral traits of two months old. They are prone to diseases, needed breastfeeding to fight diseases, and adequate immunization.

And with no breastfeeding, he’d be needing adequate nutrients to stay healthy.

Charles finally came to pick me.

“Guess what?” I started.

“That your half sister is coming over” he smirked.

Gosh, mom must have told him everything.

“My mom must be seeing you as her son or something” I rolled my eyes.

He laughed, “You won’t blame her. You’re quite self centered to be reliable”.

Oh, he was pulling my legs now.

“Yeah, this self centered girl is trying to go shopping for the kids, duh” I folded my arms. I could be doing a million other things but I wasn’t.

I reminded him to stop at a restaurant. Chloe had said she’d be in there.

“You know I can’t really be at public places” Charles looked worried.

I sighed. Was what it now? Was he the BTS or Justin Bieber now? How popular was he that girls can’t give him space?

Or was it to avoid a random rumor of ‘Model Charles James spotted with alleged girlfriend’? If so, fair enough.

“Then wait in the car” I slammed the car door shut, he could just have said he was anxious to meet Chloe and wanted to add more deodorant.

“Is he there?” Chloe ran to me. She was tying an apron. Was she working here?

I saw a woman behind the tables with a similar apron and she looked a lot like Chloe. Same blonde hair and brown eyes and If my eyes weren’t deceiving, same mole underneath their eyes.

“That’s my elder sister though” Chloe burst my bubble. Well, works too.

“She’s working here so I wanted to help while waiting for you. Is that his car?” Chloe was hurriedly taking off the apron.

I hoped she won’t spoil it and put her sister in trouble. I hope she won’t jump on Charles and put me in trouble.

“Oh, by the way, here’s your chemistry test. Sheena seems normal again” I smirked.

Chloe made a short “hmm” while surveying her tests. Her eyes kept on glimmering with hope as she flipped the pages.

“Miracles do happen” She showed me her book and she got a B. She ran off, I bet to show Charles. She should take it easy with her introduction.

Chloe led us to another shop she knew sold cheaper and more children friendly stuffs.

She and Charles seemed to be hitting it off and liked the same things. Video games, fashion, wrestling and anime.

Chloe bonded less wilder than I expected. She was more like “hello there” than the “hi love, I’m Chloe” kinda introduction I expected. (You get me?).

Along the way, a message buzzed in that a $5, 000 bill was sent to me. For the shopping? I knew my mom will spend a lot on the kids again.

She should anyway, we will be having them as family and for a long time. And two, the baby would be needing a lot of attention.

I should take babysitting classes as well.

We alighted the car and the shopping began. I assigned Chloe to help pick things for the baby boy since she said her sister had a baby boy.

Charles helped pick some random play stuffs and I shopped for Gladys. I made sure to get more pink than purple.

I added blue as last time she came, she wore mostly blue dresses.

I also bought a poster of black is beautiful to paste in her room, as reminder.

On my way to the cartoon department, I met a little boy looking at a Barbie movie disk. That was a bit weird for a boy to me.

“You like Barbie?” I asked him coming closer.

He tossed it away, “no”. He picked it up and replaced it at its stand.

“It is not bad though. Watch whatever you want. I like superman too” I handed him the cassette.

He looked shy, “I can’t buy it though” but I forced it in his hands.

“Sharing the kindness Barbie teaches. Have a nice day. Here go pay for it” I gave him some money.

I was glad to see the boy hop away. Kids can watch whatever. It was a KID’s movie anyway.

The cartoons at the stand were mostly Barbie collections. I bought tons, really hoping she’d like them.

I added some rhymes and songs for her brother. I don’t really know if he was of age to LISTEN to songs but anyways.

I met the other duo on their way to the counter.

Okay, Charles did a good job but what was that scary dolls doing in Chloe’s cart. Like ash penguin, tigers and three foot dolls.

Like those would scare the life out of a two month old. If those were what her sister’s baby uses, then he’s not very normal.

We bought them anyway. And of course, got ourselves a little something.

On our way back, Charles switched to Professor Charles mode full time. He was almost nerdish. Now I get how he could be acing my physics assignment.

Charles warned Chloe never to leave school cos of an argument with a friend.

He was like “Treat people nicely. You could even win nicest student of the year”.

I had a feeling Chloe was going to adhere to this advice. That hopeless simp. I gave them time together with a real excuse of needing to go to the bathroom.

Charles later dropped her back at her sister’s restaurant and we left for home.

“Baby boys are hot tempered, unlike baby girls” Charles declared along the way. I nodded. Thank you, Professor Charles.

He added more boring facts about six year olds for Gladys. I even thought she was older.

I gladly alighted his car. “Thanks for the help. Call Chloe later” I rushed in before he could protest.

I realized all the thing we had shopped for where in his car boot so I came back outside.

“If I had a baby and a six year old girl, I’d have gone with these” he smirked.

“Go get one then” I said nonchalantly. I regretted cos it reminded him of his sister.

“The one I got died to cancer” he looked down. I didn’t know what to say.

“It’s okay” I gave a half hug and we began taking the items into the house.

Now, for when they’d be ‘delivered’, mom said my dad’s sister would be dropping them here by the next tomorrow.

I bet dad’s l sister would want to see how ‘luxurious’ mom and I were living. To add to her lists when she wanted to beg for something.

Mom said she’s preparing a school already for Gladys and to my joy, a nanny for the baby. He hadn’t even been named yet.

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