Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 14 - So Distant, So Close

Chapter 14 - So Distant, So Close

Tuesday, April 9th. Angelo Dalaras' Country House, 12:00 p.m.


—Is everything ready? — I question, pointing to the tray full of food on the kitchen counter. I've tried to

keep a low profile since I succeeded in getting Xander out of that place, where he was kept in such

degrading conditions. I don't think Dimitri will suspect me, but you never know.

I'm well aware of how cunning and perceptive my cousin can be. But I never thought that a member of

my family, of my blood, could commit such an act of cruelty to another person, especially someone as

fragile and delicate as Xander King seems to be. I sent him as far away from the city as possible.

Once we were out of Dimitri's reach, I made all the necessary arrangements for him to be transported

safely to my country home outside of town. I couldn't stay with him there, though. It was important to

pretend that I was not involved and behave as usual, attending meetings, not canceling any

commitments, and interacting with my family members, however despicable they may be. My father

wasn't the best man in the world.

Being the brother of Dimitri's father, they shared the brutality and satisfaction of being ruthless with

their enemies, taking many innocent people along if they saw it necessary or simply because they

wanted to. I always hated him. He has been dead for two years now, being poisoned inside his own

home when an infiltrator broke into the facility. We were never close and I certainly didn't bother to go

to his funeral.

That's why I use my mother's last name, plus I didn't wish to be compared to the methods of torture

and the dirty and treacherous methods of "work" commonly used by the Zhukovskis. Yeah, I can't claim

to be a saint either. Although, I don't want to leave this world known as a heartless and bloodthirsty

being. No, that's not how I want to end up at all.

So when I saw Xander tied up, hurt and practically clinging to life by a thin thread, I couldn't resist doing

something to help him, knowing full well that I'm putting my own life in danger. I made sure that my

assistant, Rosé, took care of everything he needed, even if I would like to personally take charge of

anything he might ask.

However, I know I can trust her. She's always been there for me when I needed her most. I took

advantage of the fact that I have a couple of hours today without any commitment to come by and

check on Xander, but the news I get, even though expected, doesn't make me happy at all.

—Yes, Mr. Dalaras— she sighs with pity —. I just hope he has more appetite today. He hasn't wanted

to eat much since you brought him here, even though he's so weak — she gives me a little insecure

glare before continuing —. We have focused on healing the wounds under your guidance, but he

needs to regain energy. If he doesn't eat...

—How are his injuries progressing? — I grimace, remembering the deplorable state he was in.

The wrists were practically in shreds and the ankles were in a similar state. He had several bruises on

the torso, thighs, and back, staining his white skin in shades of green, purple, and yellow. One eye was

tightly closed due to swelling and the lips were very dry, as well as covered with dried blood. I was so

scared when I saw him up close for the first time, I didn't think he'd survive. And I honestly admire that

he held on to life the way he did.

—The bruises are almost completely gone. The eye is much better too, he can open it completely,

although the skin is still a little sensitive — she bites her lower lip, nervously —. But the wrists and

ankles... are a different case.

—Is he that bad? — I ask concerned.

—Oh, no— quickly assures —. They're healing properly, but I'm afraid they'll leave scars. Perhaps, if

he could feed on his Alpha, the recovery would be more effective. At this rate, he might lose the feeling

in some fingers. I can't say for sure, Mr. Dalaras.

A trembling sigh escapes from my mouth before I can control it. Goddamn it. I know it's important and

essential for an Omega to have his Alpha's help when injured, but it would simply be too risky for both

of us if I took him directly to Magnus.

I might have spies on my tail right now, which would result in the discovery of my involvement and not

only risk my life, but Xander's as well.

Besides, I have no notion of the reaction Magnus will have if I suddenly show up at his door with a half-

dead Xander in my arms. What could I possibly say? He'll probably tear my throat open before I can

explain the complexity of the situation from start to finish.

Fuck, this whole mess just gets more and more complicated.

—What about...? — I stop for a few seconds, gathering the courage to finish the question —. His

internal... injuries? — she inhales sharply and from the expression I can tell she's looking for the right

words to express herself.

—They're better — assures with trembling voice —. Although, it has been a struggle to apply the

treatment left by the doctor— sighs with exhaustion —. He doesn't like anyone to touch him, running

away from my contact as if my hand was on fire. In the end, I proposed him to apply the cream himself,

but he does it only in the bathroom, locking the door — swallows several times, her next words

murmured in pain —. Sometimes I hear his moaning through the door. It's... It breaks my heart, Mr.

Dalaras — lowers the eyes and blinks several times, trying to control the crying. I pat her on the NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

shoulder a couple of times, trying to comfort her.

—All right, Rosé. I appreciate everything you've done. I'm sorry to put you under such a responsibility,

but I couldn't trust Xander to anyone else — I smile at her, getting the same gesture back —. I'll try to

talk to him now.

—Wait — says as if she just remembered something —.That's what I was missing, sir. He refuses to

speak, he hasn't said a word, to anyone.

—Seriously? — The amazement is reflected in my expression —. I thought that by now he would know

even my license plate number — Rosé gives me a strange look and I hurry to clarify —. I mean, I

thought he would be intrigued to know where he is and who I am.

—Well, he did ask.

—Didn't you just tell me he hasn't spoken? — She rolls the eyes dramatically and lets out a heavy sigh.

—Yes, sir. I said he hasn't spoken, but I didn't say he hasn't communicated with me at all — from his

purse, she takes out a black leather diary, with a pencil tied by a thin string —. He writes down here

what he wants to know and I answer him. I have tried to reply to most of his questions, except for the


—Wow, but, uh... Do you think it's because of something from birth, or because his vocal cords were

injured in some way? — I'm phrasing the question cautiously.

—I don't think either one, sir — plays with her fingers, the nervousness floating on the surface again —.

I think it's just the trauma he's been through. Maybe it's his way of handling things, I don't know.

—I don't think his partner would like to hear about this at all. He'll be furious once he finds out — just

thinking about Magnus's reaction already gives me goosebumps —. But for now, we must make sure

he doesn't do anything crazy and that his energies are restored. It doesn't matter that he doesn't eat,

keep delivering food, so that when he finally gives in to what his stomach demands, he will have what

needed at hand.

—Yes, sir.

—Let me have that notebook — I point it out and she hands it to me —. If this is the only way to

communicate with him, I want to make sure I'm ready — I pick up the food tray and head to the

bedroom where Xander is, with Rosé following me closely.

The house is not very big, but each room has everything necessary for a comfortable stay. By the time

we arrive, Rosé opens the door for me and gives me a soft smile before retiring, leaving Xander and

me alone. He's sitting up, with the back against the bed, and looking at me cautiously, a little scared

too, underneath his eyelashes. He looks much better than when I first brought him, though you can still

see the ravages of the wounds and the slimness in the neck and cheeks.

He has a blue wool sweater and black pants that appear giant on him. I imagine that Rosé had difficulty

in getting clothes that fit his size and I must admit, he looks adorable, despite his bruised condition.

I approach slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements so as not to scare him. Though it doesn't

help, he quickly shrinks into place, holding the knees to his chest, gripping himself tightly with shaky


—Easy, Xander — I mumble, leaving the tray on the table by the bed —. I won't hurt you, I promise— I

smile, hoping that trust will start to grow between us —. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

He stares at me, still scared and insecure, although I can see how his shoulders are losing a little


—Look— I hold the notebook in my hand and leave it on the bed next to him —. Rosé told me that you

prefer to communicate through this, so I made sure to bring it with me. Can I sit down?

He looks at me, he looks at me, he looks at me... Then he looks at me some more. Until very, very

slowly, reaches for the notebook, all that while examining me carefully, with that gaze of a deer

cornered by a predator. When he holds it, nods to me. I sit on the edge of the mattress, as far away as

possible, without making any sudden movements.

—I'm glad to see that your wounds are healing properly— I smile and he frowns slightly —. Rosé told

me you don't want to eat. May I ask why?— He stares at me and stares at me even more, until he

opens the notebook and starts scribbling. Once ready, raises the page, letting me see the subtle and

delicate handwriting with a brief message:

—"I have no appetite"— I nod, pretending to think.

—I understand that, but you must feed yourself. The more you do, the faster you'll get back on your

feet. Besides, our cook is very good, I assure you that everything there is very delicious — lowers the

eyes and begins to write again.

—"How long will I be here?".

—I don't know yet, Xander — my answer doesn't seem to please him, as his frown deepens and the

grip on the book tightens —. I know you want to go with Magnus, believe me, I want to take you with

him too. But it's still too soon. I don't know if it's safe to move you out of here right now — his hand

moves quickly, eager to show me the new message.

—"But what if you bring Magnus here? I truly need to see him".

I'm quiet for a few minutes, trying to think if that would be a good idea. Of course, it wouldn't be

suspicious, after all, I managed to convince Magnus to finally do business with me, after so much

insistence. But I don't know if I should take the risk, everything could be ruined quickly if we let

ourselves be carried away by the impulse and don't act cautiously. I must have remained silent for a

long time, because by the time I look up, another message is in front of my face.


—I don't know, Xander — I take a deep breath —.It's too risky. There's too much that could go wrong. I

don't want to put you at risk one more time — his eyes soon turn crystal clear and a tear slowly runs

down his cheek, making my heart squeeze inside my chest.

His pain completely overwhelms me, I wish I could embrace and comfort him, but I am not sure that my

gesture will be welcomed. He looks down and his hand now trembles more intensely, moving on the

paper. He raises the notebook, the letters distorted and a bit crooked from the shaking take the breath

out of my lungs so sharply that it is as if someone is hitting me directly in the center of the chest.

—"Please... I'll do anything you ask. I'll eat whatever you bring, I'll sleep all night without screaming, I'll

take any pills you give me without complaining, but please... I need to be with him now, Angelo".

I read the note over and over again until he slowly pulls the book away, cradling it in his lap. The whole

message immerses me in a deep sadness, but one sentence, in particular, catches my attention.

"I'll sleep all night without screaming". What does he mean? Did he have nightmares? Rosé didn't say

anything about that. I must be sure to ask before I go. Although it wouldn't be surprising if he was now

suffering from night terrors. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be in a situation like he has. My

breathing is a little shaky and unsteady the moment I respond.

—Okay, Xander. Let me see what I can do.

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