Sex with My Mafia Stepbrother

Chapter 114: Watch your back

My hands were flipping the pages of a vital document I was reading, I wasn’t totally bored but it felt like there was something else I should be doing. I haven’t yet discovered the key to making me get my mind off the whole issue, particularly what my father told me days ago.

“Kill or be killed?” I said suddenly “is he kidding? I don’t think so”

Do I?

I took a deep breath and looked out the window, I was sitting in the cozy sitting room, surrounded by the trappings of a luxurious lifestyle. Tiffany was nearby, also sitted nearby, diligently working on her assignments, if this was one thing she does diligently , it was her assignment. I studied her intensely, very happy she wasn’t going to be a mother soon. I chuckled loudly without knowing and she caught me looking at her.

“Hey, why’re you staring?” She asked, her gaze was fixed.

“Oh, it’s nothing. You do your thing.”

She looked at me for a while not believing then she went back to her assignment, then suddenly she posed a question that caught me off guard.

“Luciano, do you think you could get rid of your guns and daggers? Seeing those things in the house scares the hell out of me, can you get rid of then?” Tiffany asked, her voice tinged with concern.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I focused on my own assignment, flipping through documents that detailed a recent shipment to Italy that my father had made. It was a whole lot of money to be realized if it went so well. As I reviewed the papers, I couldn’t help but notice the astounding success of our tax collections, even without my presence.

Completing my work, my attention shifted back to Tiffany, only to realize she had prepared food for herself and herself alone, I knew she prepared for herself alone becauseshe brought the pan she used to the dining table, placing it on a tray. She got up and went to the kitchen.

I was famished. Feeling a mixture of laziness and mischief, I stood helped myself to her meal. She was out in no time, looking at me. I expected her to put up a fight, to assert her own desires, but she remained silent, just looking at me like cat got her tongue.

She eventually left me and I hungrily finished the whole food, treating myself to a whole glass of orange juice. I was utterly satisfied. I was about to go back to my assignment when I saw Tiffany approaching me, she was frowning and I prepared myself for her rants because I ate all her food.

She was holding my phone.

“Three missed calls?” She said, dropping the phone on the table. “Why would he call you three times and you have his number saved!” Her last words carried a sence of betrayal from me, she really do not expect I’d have Massimo number.

I totally ignored her again, true to my elusive nature. The sense of frustration and confusion welled up within me as I realized how guarded I had become, even with Tiffany.

“I wouldn’t ask you again, Luciano, I wouldn’t.” She declared that accepting the silence for what it was, then she left.

I felt so horrible for ignoring her but I knew I just couldn’t tell her why. I had a lot on my mind that needed serious time to reflect on it and think of how to navigate, telling Tiffany everything would just put her in the risk I was in already.

I retreated to my room after going through the whole paper works. My mind wandered as he began to organize my clothes and drawers. Everything was in total shamble, and it made me remember how it was well organised days ago because Tiffany arranged them.

I checked my bed stand drawer and found a pistol and a dagger. My guns and daggers, once symbols of power and control, now seemed to taunt and tease me, their presence a testament to the life I grew up knowing and chosen. It made me question if there were other places, safer places, where I could store them, places that wouldn’t constantly remind me of the darkness within.

I decided to check on Tiffany, even if I could give her a bit of explanation for all this silent attitude. I didn’t knock because her door was ajar. She was talking to someone and at first I thought only to find her engaged in a video call with my father. Hidden out of sight, I observed their interaction, witnessing the tenderness with which my father treated her.

“I’m so sorry, my child, but soon enough, everything will be fine and we will all leave happily ever after like one of those books kids read.” I was astounded, the apologies that rolled off my father’s tongue with ease was unlike him. It struck a chord within me, a reminder of the lessons this same man I call father had imparted throughout my life.

He had always emphasized the importance of toughness, of never letting vulnerabilities show, or never settling for less. It was an outlook I had adopted as my own, to my life and into my genetics, believing it to be the key to success. But now, watching my father’s affectionate words, I couldn’t help but question if there might be another way, a way of peace and tranquility.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I felt so hurt as I went back to my room and when I was sitted on the bed, I began to reassess my choices. Yes, I chose a life of risk, yes, I lived with risk, yes, everything I do is risky, yes, I don’t know there are other ways to a better life and yes, I just found out a gentle way to look at life, without living in fear of others. I will be like father one day.

The ring of my phone jarred me back to reality and when i realised it was Massimo, I calmly ignored it, he called again, the ringing tone rang in my ears, echoing warnings of impending danger. After the third attempt, I took my phone, went to the block settings and blocked his number.

With a heavy sigh, I laid on the bed, my mind filled with unanswered questions and a newfound yearning for something more than the facade of strength I had been clinging to for so long.

My phone rang again, this time with a different number. I ignored it and it kept on ringing. But whosoever it was was determined. I hesitated, my thumb hovering over the answer button. Finally, giving in to curiosity, I answered.

“Why did you attack me?” Massimo’s voice seethed through the phone.

I couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic chuckle, unable to contain my amusement. “You are so determined to speak to me and, is that truly what you think happened, Massimo? They attacked you? You truly are clueless.”

Massimo’s voice grew serious, “watch your back, lad, I wouldn’t be so easy on you.”

I ended the call, a smirk playing on my lips. Massimo’s threats did little to faze him. I felt this was all just a ploy for hi. to talk to him once more, to try and regain control. But I wasn’t going to play into his hands.

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