Shackled (The Lord Series) by Carlos

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

25. Angel

A table with four chairs greets me, but I want to see the view, so I go to the railing and lean against it.

When Reyes brought me here, I could not appreciate how big the garden is, but it is bigger than the one

my father has. Trees and flowers are planted in it. Next to the house is a pool, and a tennis court

I never played tennis, but I might try to see if it is something I like.

Reyes stops next to me, two glasses in his hands-one with whiskey, the other with vodka. He gives the

one with vodka to me.

put it to my lips and take a long sip, while Reyes looks at me.

“I was thinking you were a wine girl.”

I shrug. “Wine is good, but after the day I’ve had, I will need the entire vodka bottle.”

Hell! I will probably have to drink two or three bottles while I try to understand at what point my life

became so complicated.

While my father never said out loud that he was disappointed that I was born a girl, actions speak louder

than words. I was salutatorian, the second best of my high school class. When my graduation day came,

my father didn’t show up. It crushed me, but I hid my disappointment behind a smile. When I was told I

would not go to college, I did not make a fuss. For months I pondered what to do, before deciding to go

behind my father’s back and obtain my college degree.

I never told anyone that I am an accountant. I created a fake identity for my freelancer profile. And I am

not the only one who did this: All my work-related Information is saved on a private cloud that only I, and

a few others, have access to. If someone were to check my old laptop, they would only find photos of


Reyes drinks from his whiskey. “It has been a great day for me. My blood-brothers and I finally found the

woman who will complete us

“Yeah, right,” I snort.

“The sooner you accept it, the better for all of us.”

He dips his head and k*sses me slowly. His lips, while soft, are commanding.

Many women adays dream of having a career. While I wanted to be an architect, I wouldn’t mind having

a family. But that won’t happen with Alekos, Reyes, or Stefan.

I am not sure what Alekos agenda is, but I am probably here because I remind him of his younger self,

when he did not have so many obligations as a the novelty around me wears off, he will let me go.

“Reyes, come see this,” Stefan yells, from inside the living room.

Reyes mutters something under his breath, before going inside. I remain on the balcony, finishing my

vodka, before joining the guys in the living room

Lord. Once

The three of them are sitting on the couch, their jaws clenched and their shoulders tense, as they are

listening to the news. I wonder what got them so angry, so I turn my attention to the TV. There, on the flat

screen, is a photo of me, and next to it, my name and other information about me. Under it is a message

for me.

You have until midnight to return home. Untouched.

It is from Carlos.

The photo is replaced by the reporter, and she is saying something, but I can’t hear it as my ears ring.

If I don’t return home, Carlos will start killing people. I know his modus operandi. He will first start with my

friends. Luckily, I pushed most of them aside, and the last time I spoke to any of them was a year ago. I

blocked all their numbers, before deleting all the messages from them. Since I threw away my phone

anyway, I hope Carlos won’t find them.


turns off the TV. Turning to me, he says, “I forbid you to step outside of the house. We already talked

about this, but I will remind you, in case you have forgotten: you can’t contact any of your family or

friends. Ever.”

I grit my teeth. “Despite what you think of me, I am not st upid.”


25. Angel

Alekos furrows his brow. “I never said you were stu pid”

“Please! Must I recall how many times you referred to meas

no me as “stup id bind, because I fed to sleep with you in high school Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Both eyes and Stefan have a drink in their hands, and they sp from them, while looking at how Aleks and

I fight.

“You were the one to come crawling to my offer, begging for my co ck. Not to mention you get on your

lones and de

to you because I knew y

desperate. I offered my merede, like an animal, and forced my hand into my bee and sucked your c ocks,

became I am

“Verpiss dich! Hijo de puta!” I his eyes chokes on his whiskey. “I never ned for your cod. I vignity, in

exchange for your help. You accepted, but not before moving Chip and Dude in our business. You

becoming your “woman” Alekos tries to interrupt me, but I am too angry to stop speaking. “You think to

stu pid? I might be a b itch, Alekos, but I am a smart bi tch. You better remember that?”

Alebos looks at me, with a smirk on his face. Like he is better than me.

Before I say more I

mone things that I will probably end up regretting, I go back to the balcony.

“Who’s Chip, and who’s Dale?” Stefan’s voice comes from inside.

“Hay ab,” I snarl. Laughter reaches my eaEL

I am so angry, my b*dy is shaking I want to punch Alekos and erase that stup id expression from his g

Stefan joins me, and for a few minutes, we look at the garden in silence. Slowly, I start to calm down. I

might get angry fast, but I get over it equally as fast.

“Schatzi,” Stefan starts speaking, and I turn my attention to him. “Alekos is Eke this, because he is

worried about you. We all a | sorry you felt freed to become ours, but the process of bonding has already

started-” He stops speaking, and I wonder what he means. “What I mean, in that Alekos will occasionally

say things he will later reget. But he does not think you are stup id” I snort. “Alekos told you not to go

outside, because if Carles takes you, all hell will break loose. Na one touches our woman and lives to tell

the tale. Something dark flashes in his eyes. “Bride, whatever happened between the two of you, during

high school, should pemain in the past. If he called you a ‘stu pid bitc h’, I am sure it was because he

was sour”.

Stefan is right. I can’t be angry at Alekos over things that happened years a

“Never thought Alekos could be petty,” I murmur.

Stelan chuckles. “He can be very, very petty.”

Petty Alekos is very annoying “I might have overreacted.” I finally admit…

Stefan winks at me. “No harm done. Let’s see if Giselle brought the food,” he says, before going inside.

I follow him, only to stop in the doorframe. My eyes land on a tall, blonde woman who is sitting on

Alekos” lap, k*ssing him. Her tongue is down his throat, her big

its pressed against his chest. To his credit, Alekos don’t have his hands around her.

Stefan, like me, is looking at the scene in front of him, dumbfounded. Reyes is nowhere to be seen.

mare feelings for him. Or do I still care for him, more than I want to admit?

I am not sure why seeing Alekos with another woman hurts, when I don’t have any mo

The woman slides between Alekos’ legs, her hands reaching for his belt. I don’t care who Aleks Bucks,

but I am not going to stand here and watch. I make my way to the front door, and while I n

in front of Alekos, I turn my head to look at him. He maps his eyes at me, anger flashing in them.

was wrong. I am not a ‘smart bit ch”. Just a st upid one, that got on her knees and sucked not only

Alekos” co ck, but those of Reyes and Stefan as well.

Not wanting to let Alekos know how much he hurt me-again-1 say, “Since you are already having fun, I

am sure Reyes and Stefan will love to keep me company.”

I am not sure about Stefan, but I am sure Reyes won’t deny to f uck me now, since Alekos is occupied.

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