Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 127 Twenty-Five

chapter 127 Twenty-Five

Evelyn POV

I wake up just as the sun was rising to someone climbing in bed next to me. Opening my eyes, I

find Orion looking down at me.

“You’re here,” I mumble, half asleep and placing my head in his lap. Orion tucks in the surrounding

blanket, trying to keep me warm against his cold skin. Amara moves behind me, and his eyes snap to

her, a smirk on his face as she chucks her leg and arm over me, rolling into me. She was the worst

person to sleep next to, hogging all the bed. I was awoken a few times to her hand or leg being

randomly chucked on me and was even smacked in the face with her elbow. Just as Orion goes to say

something, Theo walks in. He smiles down at us before walking over, shaking his head at his daughter

who was half on top of me snoring like a chainsaw.

“Can I speak to you inside for a minute?” he asks Orion, who nods before hopping off the bed.

“I will be back soon,“ he whispers, kissing my head before following after his father-in-law. I close

my eyes, trying to go back to my slumber I was awoken from. Amara tugs me against her, snuggling

into me like I am her personal teddy bear. Sighing, I give up trying to get out of her grasp. Closing my

eyes, I drift off but not for long it must have been only a couple of hours because my eyes feel like

sandpaper as I am awoken by a loud growl. Stretching, I find Amara’s head on my boob, her arm over

my waist, and we were tangled in the blanket. But that isn’t what woke me. It was the menacing growl

of Thaddeus who was standing next to the bed looking down, his eyes on his sister.

“I thought Orion was only coming,” I say, looking up at him. I notice his teeth protruding, his eyes

snapping to his sister as she sits up slightly looking down at me.

“I drooled on you,” she says, not realising her brother was in the room with us. Looking down, she

indeed drooled on me. She smiles before brushing my hair over my ear before sniffing the air and

turning her face to see Thaddeus glaring at her.

“Brother, finally you’re here. See perfectly safe snuggled with me,” she says, a smirk on her lips.

“Get off my mate,” he spits at her, and she rolls on her back yawning.

“You are far too angry for this early in the morning,” she mutters, stretching as Thaddeus picks me

up out of the bed, crushing me against his chest. I inhale his scent, wrapping my legs around him,

loving the warmth of his skin and his closeness.

“Where is Ryland?” I ask.

“Inside with my parents,” he says, hugging me close. “You smell like my sister,” he growls

annoyed. I shrug not seeing that as a problem.

“So you saw your parents?” He shakes his head and I pull back, looking at him. His eyes

searching mine. He places me down on my feet. “I have to go meet my aunty in town. Ryland and

Orion will stay with you for the day,” he tells me, making me confused.

“You’re not going in to say hello?” I ask.

“No, Evelyn, I am not. I will see them when I get back. I need to go verify something.”

I nod wondering what he needs to verify but let it go. I could tell he was angry through the bond

and it was way too early to put up with his wrath this early in the morning.

“Sounds good to me. I want to take her shopping. She has no clothes,” Amara tells him, and he

glares at her.

“No, you’re not taking her anywhere, Amara. Ryland and Orion can take her,” he snaps at her, and

she rolls her eyes at him, making me smirk. Thaddeus then walks out slamming the door behind him,

making the floor vibrate.

“Come on let’s get breakfast and head to the city,” she tells me swinging her arm over me tugging

me toward the door.

“Ah Amara, I only have panties and a singlet on,” I screech as she goes to take me through the


“Oh right, hang on.” She ducks back in her room before giving me a pair of shorts. I slip them on

following her to the main house. Her mother rushing out before frowning, and I guessed she was ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

hoping Thaddeus was coming in. I shake my head sadly at her, and she looks a little disappointed.

Walking in the kitchen I find Ryland and Orion talking with Thaddeus fathers, all of them looking up

when we walk in. Orion instantly grabs me crushing me against him before sitting me on his lap on a

stool. Ryland comes over gripping my chin, so I am looking up at him before kissing me, forcing his

tongue between my lips. I push on his chest, embarrassed that we are in a room full of people, but he

doesn’t seem to care.

“Ryland,” I scold, pulling away from him. His eyes darken, but he steps away. My face heating up

with embarrassment, but no one seemed to care except me. Imogen hands me a coffee, and Tobias

was cooking what smelt like bacon. Amara stealing a piece from the frypan as her father smacked her

hand with the tongs, but she still managed to pinch a piece a silly smirk on her face.

“I am kidnapping your mate again,” she tells Orion, who looks to Ryland.

“Why?” he asks, not even hiding his disapproval.

“Geez what is your problem? It is shopping; I am not taking her to some whore house,” she snaps.

“Does Thaddeus approve this?” he asks. Amara crosses her arms over her chest pouting, making

me giggle.

“Didn’t think so. Orion and I will take her,” Ryland tells her. Amara glares at him but adds nothing,

and I was suspecting Amara was used to getting her way.

“Let Amara take her. I don’t see it being problem,” Imogen tells him, but Ryland shakes his head.

“I agree with Ryland, love. If she goes into heat, what good is Amara going to be to her?” Tobias

says while removing the frypan from the stove.

“Ryland is just worried I may satisfy his mate more than him,” Amara taunts, making me confused

until it clicked.

“You’re lesbian?” I ask. Amara nods, a cheeky grin on her face. Now I know why Thaddeus was so

upset I was in bed with his sister.

“Yep, she has excellent tits by the way. Perfect little button nipples,” Amara says to Ryland and he

chucks a tea towel at her, which she catches and throws back.

“I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells,” Amara says, licking her lips before jumping off the

stool and running for the back door just as Ryland lunges at her. I hear her laugh as she runs outside.

Theo and Tobias laugh at the pair of them before Tobias rushes to the door.

“Oi don’t ruin my garden, Amara,” he yells after her, making me chuckle.

“Never a dull day when Amara is around,” Imogen says. Tobias hands me a plate of food and my

stomach growls. I couldn’t even remember the last time I ate, making me blush with how loud it

sounded. “Don’t you boys feed her?” Imogen scolds.

“We do, but sometimes we forget she is human,” he says apologetically. I lean against him and he

rubs his chin across my shoulder.

“Food is ready,” Tobias yells out the back door. I can hear Amara and Ryland still running around

outside, and it sounds like Amara is winning with the way she keeps teasing him.

“Amara, my bloody roses you wench,” Tobias yells before darting out the back. I watch as he drags

his daughter inside covered in grass, a very ticked off Ryland walking in behind her.

“She killed my rose tree,” Tobias says angrily, walking over and sitting next to his wife. Imogen

shakes her head before glaring at her daughter.

“What Ryland landed on it, not me.”

“You shouldn’t have riled him up,” Imogen snaps at her.

Ryland grabs a plate sitting next to me. We eat our breakfast, and after Tobias walks out to fix the

mess his daughter and Ryland made, muttering under his breath.

Imogen walks upstairs, retrieving some clothes for me before showing me where the bathroom is.

Ryland and Orion walk in a few seconds after me. Pulling my clothes off, I hop in only to be slammed

against the shower wall by Ryland. I wrap my legs around his waist while he devours my lips, his

tongue playing with mine, and I can feel his erection pressing between my folds making me moan into

his mouth. I kiss him back and he presses himself closer, his hands squeezing my ass, before Orion

steps in. Orion moving off to the side of me before his hand moves between us and he rubs my clit, my

hips moving against his fingers making me moan. Ryland kisses my neck before sucking on my mark

and I throw my head back at the pleasure rolling over me, only to nearly knock myself out from the


“Ow,” I squeak, making Orion chuckle. Ryland steps away and I pout, before Orion kisses me

gently. I feel his fangs graze my lip making me pull back.

“I’m fine, Evelyn, I have more control that Thaddeus,” he says, kissing me again. But I shake my

head, pulling away and moving my hair.

“You sure?” he asks gripping my chin making me look at him. I kiss him, sucking his bottom lip into

my mouth and he groans before I pull away. Ryland watches us with hungry eyes.

“I’m sure,” I tell him, offering him my neck. I feel his fangs sink into me, making me moan loudly

before Ryland kisses me, swallowing my moans. Orion only feeds for a few seconds, and I actually

miss the feeling of his teeth in my neck.

We should hurry or we may not leave,” Orion tells me, and I grab the soap. Ryland doesn’t look

like he wants to leave at all, quite content remaining in the shower. Once we are dressed, Ryland tells

Imogen we are leaving but will be back. Walking outside, I notice Ryland’s car here and realise

Thaddeus and him must have driven here.

Hopping in, I sit in the front with Ryland. We drive to a vast city that is in perfect condition, not like

Parse, which was half destroyed.

“Thaddeus hasn’t been here?” I ask.

“No, this is the first time he has been back here in decades,” Ryland answers. Driving down the

main street I look out the windows wondering where they were taking me when I see her. I hadn’t seen

her in four years, but I instantly recognised her. What I couldn’t believe was she was still with April, my

old foster mother.

“Stop, stop the car,” I yell to Ryland and he pulls the car over. Hopping out, I call out to her.

“Lana!” She turns around and I know I am right that it is indeed her. I feel tears brim in my eyes at

seeing her. She drops her bags and runs to me and I grab her, hugging her close.

“Evelyn,” she cries. I kiss her now straight blonde hair. She would be fourteen now. April walks

over warily, watching our exchange before recognising me.

“Evelyn?” she says, and she looks a little taken aback. I hear car doors making me look over my

shoulder. Orion and Ryland hop out of the car, but they stay back, just watching instead of

approaching. April’s eyes dart to them nervously, making me wonder if she recognises them. If she

does, she says nothing. I chat with her and Lana for a bit before April says they need to leave, and I

had a feeling it was because of Ryland and Orion. Lana gives me her phone number, which I put in

Ryland’s phone. Ryland and Orion hop back in the car while I say goodbye, giving Lana a hug before

April comes over and wraps her arms around me. Shocking me. I never told her what her husband did

or even Lana. I only asked Lana if Mark ever hurt her, which she denied. After that I left and never

looked back before the police arrived, never hearing from them again. I knew with him gone she was


April grips me tightly, a little too tight. Her words make my blood run cold. “I know what you did,

whore. You will pay for what you did to my husband,” she whispers before letting go and stepping back.

My heart rate rises, and I feel a little sick as I swallow back the bile rising in my throat. I feel Orion

behind me when I stumble back. April grabs Lana’s hand, tugging her away.

“Ring me, Evie,” she sings out using her nickname for me and I nod.

“You okay? What did she say to you?”

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter,” I say, turning back around and getting in the car. I can feel Orion’s

eyes on me, watching me carefully I know they must be able to feel my emotions through the bond.

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