Sinful Mates 1-3

chapter 86

chapter 86

Imogen’s POV

Going downstairs, I make some toast. Tobias and Theo watch me, and I can feel they are worried

through the bond, and I keep seeing them glance in my direction every few seconds. When I hear a

knock at the door, I run to the door and open it, excited to see my son. Only when I open the door, it is

only Josiah. I peer outside toward his car.

“Where is Caroline and Thaddeus?” I ask, a little disappointed.

“They will by after we go see the council, you okay Imogen you seem different?” he asks. I move to

the side, letting him in.

“Yep, everything is fine” I tell him getting sick of everyone worrying. I feel normal, more normal

than I had in ages. It’s a good thing, so I don’t understand why everyone is so worried. Walking back

into the kitchen, I sit at the bench and continue eating my toast and drinking my coffee. Josiah and

Theo are over in the corner sending me nervous glances and I know they are talking about me. Tobias

comes over and places his hands on my shoulders, making me look up at him.

“What are they talking about?” I ask, and he leans down and kisses the side of my mouth.

“Nothing you need to worry about right now” I let it go, figuring they will tell me when they are

ready. Once everyone is dressed, we head to the car. The drive to the abandoned block takes forever

and I drift off to sleep, I wake with my head in Theo’s lap when he shakes my shoulder to wake me.

Sitting up, I yawn and stretch, my back aching from the seat belt clicker digging into my back.

Walking through the broken gate, I am sucked into my new surroundings. It wasn’t as scary this

time since I knew what to expect. Percy, a huge grin splitting on to his face, greeted us, and Theo

tossed him a paper bag which he happily caught before pulling out a stick of red liquorice.

“Do you just carry random paper baggies around with candy?” I asked him. He smiled and shook

his head.

“No, but Percy never leaves the council grounds, so I always make sure I have them when I come

here” He tells me. On the way to the council chambers, we are stopped multiple times by different

people. I can tell just by how many people come over to us that Josiah has a pretty enormous influence

on the people that live here, and they respect him. When an elderly lady stops us just outside.

I have a strange feeling rush over me. The old woman shakes Josiah’s hand before looking at me.

She has the palest grey eyes I had ever seen, her white hair pulled back in a long ponytail that reached

past her bum. I couldn’t help but observe her, couldn’t seem to pull my gaze from hers. She too

watched me like she was shocked at what she was seeing. When she didn’t say anything for a few

minutes, Josiah called her attention away, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Even when Josiah

introduced us.

“Imogen, this Astral,” he tells me, and she puts her hand out for me to shake, I place my hand in

hers and her eyes turn completely white. She doesn’t scare me though; in fact, I feel really relaxed in

her presence like daydreamy. She grips my hand tightly with both of hers and I see Tobias and Theo

step closer, worried. But I brush them off and they remain where they stand. I couldn’t explain it, but I

felt a connection to her in some way like we were sort of the same I just didn’t understand why I felt that


When her eyes refocus, she smiles. “Been awhile since I found another spirit user. That bracelet

won’t hold your magic for long, dear. Don’t fear it. Embrace it. Your mates will keep its darkness away”

She says like it was a normal conversation and she asked how I like my tea.

“Spirit?” Theo asks, stepping forward.

“Yes, Theo, she is the same as me. For now, she has trapped her magic, but it can’t stay that way.

The longer she leaves it in that bracelet, the worse it will get and the closer she will get to death.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, frightened by her words.

“The magic dear, spirit can drive someone mad. It’s the strongest elemental of magic there is.”

I shake my head, not understanding.

“But she is vampire?” asks Theo. Confused as me. I could see Josiah thinking, his hand rubbing

his chin like he was deep in thought.

“Of course, she is, but the magic will taint her, turn her dark. Spirit isn’t an element more of a life

force of every living thing. Imogen technically died, the DNA and her magic brought her back. Because

she is unnatural, it taints her magic. To use spirit, it pulls at your life essence because she is part

vampire it pulls on the energy, she draws around herself, whatever emotion she feels her magic draws

on it, amplifying it to create enough energy. Everything has a balance. Spirit is living while you are dead

there isn’t meant to be an in between you can’t be both. You need to choose, choose which parts of

yourself to give to it or whether to give it up completely” She explains.

“I still don’t understand?” I tell her.

“You will dear, but the longer you leave your magic, the closer you get to becoming human, and

the fact that your still partly vampire, I’m assuming you already died. Humans don’t come back to life

once they are dead. When you sent your magic into the bracelet, you sent your vampirism with it” She

tells me.

“So, I am human?” I ask, becoming more confused. The woman shook her head.

“Not yet, but the longer you leave it, it will take its toll on you and you will revert you to who you

once were.”

“How do you know all this?”

“I’m an Oracle dear, I seen it when I grabbed your hand. I knew as soon as I saw you that you

were a spirit user. Your aura is white, but I can see the darkness that surrounds you, the darkness you

trapped in your bracelet.”

Turina walked down the steps toward us, “Time to go, I am sure I will see you again Imogen, but

for now you must stand up for what is right, for now you have a bigger purpose, and it isn’t talking to

me” she said walking away.

Josiah waved his hand to Turina to let her know we were coming. I tried to think of what she meant

with me coming closer to death the thought was horrifying but how do I fix that? I got little time to

ponder before we were escorted into what reminded me of a courtroom, except instead of one judge,

there were nine seats lined up along the bench.

Only one was empty. Two women and six men sat along the bench as we approached. Taking our

seats. They glanced at us before resuming their conversation. I could tell they must be elders as they

all held a certain air of authority.

“Let’s start shall we, a man around Josiah’s age said standing up. He wore black robes and had a

cruel smile on his face. When his eyes landed on Josiah, he smirked, and Josiah growled lowly. I knew

then that he was Christopher. The two women sitting on either side of him looked bored, like they

couldn’t really care less about what was going on wanted to be anywhere other than where they sat.

The elderly white-haired man on the end looked like he was about to take a nap as he kept leaning

back in his chair.

The four men all sat staring us down while listening to the man speaking. Theo placed his hand on

my shoulder and the door at the side opened up and Bianca walked out, taking a seat at the bench

next to the man with red hair and freckles.

“As everyone is aware after we lost Alaric a seat at the council opened up. And since no one stood

up for the position, I have appointed Bianca to take her rightful position at the table. One of the women

scoffed at his words, and I could tell she didn’t agree about Bianca’s right to the position as she sent

her a glare. Bianca rolled her eyes at the dark-haired woman and made me wonder what Bianca did

that made an elder all but laugh at Bianca’s title?

“Josiah, I know you are here to appeal my decision, so say your piece. So, we can get this over

with and I Bianca can take her rightful place on the council” I could tell by what he said he would not be

changing his mind about giving the spot to her. Josiah stood up explaining why she shouldn’t be

elected and that she should be held accountable for her crimes not rewarded. But nothing he said

seemed to get through to any of the men, yet both women were nodding and agreeing with Josiah.

When he was finished, they called a vote and no surprise all the men on the council voted in

favour of Bianca. Everything Josiah explained I could tell was a waste of time and in no way did anyone

care for her crimes. When Christopher said his decision remains.

The dark-haired woman stood up and glared at him. She was very intimidating when angry, and

she looked on the verge of jumping across the bench and attacking the other council members.

Josiah was standing now too, also angry as he shook his head before saying it was unjust and

they should strip her of her new title.

“The man next to woman stood up. His red hair and smattering of freckles made him look younger

and around Tobias’s age, but age didn’t really matter in this world chances are he is probably centuries

old. He had an Irish accent.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nothing can be done, Mara, she has every right to the position. Alaric only held the position

because she handed it to him. It is her birthright to take back up the position now that Alaric is dead”

He tried to tell her.

“She has broken our laws, laws you helped write and you’re going to let her take a seat back at the

council just because of who her father is?” She screamed in anger.

Suddenly all hell broke loose, and they were all standing arguing with each other. I couldn’t but

help think if they acted like this, how the hell did anything get done. They were all acting like children,

screaming at each, and not letting anyone speak. One thing irked me though, and it didn’t click when

she said it, but having a few moments to process her words, I realised what she said. That it was

Bianca’s birthright because of her father, yet he was also mine.

So, didn’t that give me right to the position as well?

Standing up, I see Theo look up at me. I walked to the front, standing in front of the bench. Theo

and Tobias both looking at me, wondering what the hell I was doing. Tobias mouth for me to come

back, but I shook my head. I stood there for a few minutes listening to them argue amongst themselves

until the blonde-haired woman noticed me standing there and waved her hand, silencing them.

Everyone took their seats and the blonde hair woman with black eyes cocked her head to the side,

examining me before speaking.

“Would you like to add something?” I nodded my head, wondering how to start.

“Imogen, right?”

“yes Ma’am” I said politely.

“She isn’t part of the council or a community member, she can’t add anything” Christopher said

sending a glare my way. I glared back, holding his gaze, refusing to be intimidated by him.

“Well, isn’t she the woman the crime was committed against I would like to know what she has to

say” The blonde woman said.

Christopher shook his head and went to speak before the Irish man spoke.

What can it hurt Christopher let her speak it won’t change anything?” Christopher sat down and I

turned to face them.

“Well, you said it was Bianca birthright?” The Irish man nodded, and I saw Bianca out of the corner

of my eye suddenly look nervous. She knew where I was going with this.

“So wouldn’t it also be my birthright to challenge against her for the position” I asked turning to

Bianca and her face dropped and I knew I was right.

“I don’t understand, how it would it be within your right to challenge her for the position?” The man

asked, leaning forward and between the pair of us. I realised then that not once did Josiah actually tell

them I was her sister, just stated her crimes and what she did.

“Bianca is my sister isn’t that right Bianca, we have the same father. You remember Bianca, right?

The father you killed,” I said, turning to her.

“This is nonsense. Cedric only had one child not two,” Christopher said, standing up.

“Not true, I am his daughter, and I am also the reason she killed my mother. She blames me being

born destroying her family. When Cedric left her mother for mine, she killed herself,” I said. It felt

strange knowing my father’s name I hadn’t bothered to ever ask, and I could tell Caroline didn’t enjoy

talking about the events that lead to her life of immortality.

“Have you got proof?” Christopher asked, raising an eyebrow.

“A simple blood test will do if they are sisters,” said Mara a smile on her lips.

“I smiled back at her.

“You know nothing’ about the council. Why would you challenge for a position you know nothing

about? You are a newborn vampire and new to this way of life?” asked the Irish man. I think for a

second. I wasn’t sure what challenging her meant exactly, but I knew from what Josiah was talking

about earlier that a challenger had to undergo a series of tests before one-on-one duel against the


Quite barbaric way if you ask me and I doubt I would win, but I had to try.

“I don’t want the position, but you said she handed the title over to Alaric. So, if I win, I also want to

hand over the title.” I tell the Irish man.

“To whom Theo or Tobias?” He chuckled.

“No Josiah, I have seen how respected he is amongst the community and I know he would make

an exemplary member,” I said turning and looking at Josiah praying it was alright to volunteer him,

considering her retired decades ago. Josiah nodded, and a grin broke out on his face at my words

before he shot a smirk at Christopher.

“Well, that settles it, we will do the blood test and hold the challenge.”

“Unless you object to the blood test, Bianca?” said Mara.

“No need. I can confirm we are sisters no point doing the blood test when I already know what you

will find, Mara. Not that it will change anything. Imogen, you must be desperate to challenge me,” she

said confidently.

“Well, then we shall reconvene in a month for the tests and challenge,” Mara announced.

“When we stepped out of the council chambers, Tobias and Theo pulled me aside.

“Are you nuts? You can’t challenge her, she is a lot stronger than you, Imogen, and in case you’re

forgetting you have no magic. You just signed your death sentence” Theo growled annoyed before

running his hands through his hair.

“Theo is right, you can’t go back on a challenge and we can’t help you. Why would you do

something like this?” Tobias asked, and I could tell he was angry as he gripped my arm tightly.

“Leave her be. She did what she had to. We will figure out a way, even if I have to train her

myself,” Josiah said, placing a hand on my shoulder and squeezing gently.

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