Sky-High Pampering Plan Of Her Destined Husband

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Seacisco had extreme climatic conditions. It had scorching hot summers and cold winters.

The fruit store near their apartment sold iced watermelon juice. The refreshing scent of the fruit wafted in the air.

Janet bought two cups of juice and went home.

She was still thinking about Brandon's messages.

As Janet walked into the house in a daze, she saw Ethan standing on the balcony, picking up dried clothes from the line. His hair swayed with the gentle breeze, and a few strands covered his bright eyes.

"What's wrong? You look preoccupied." Ethan sat on the sofa and put the pile of clothes beside him. His droopy eyes made him look indifferent and lazy. His magnetic voice snapped Janet out of her thoughts.

A pang of guilt settled in her heart when she met his gaze.

Janet felt she had to tell him the truth. After all, she didn't do anything wrong.

"I've been thinking about my company's CEO, Brandon Larson." Janet's brows furrowed as if it were something important.

Ethan picked up a cup of watermelon juice from the table, inserted the straw into it, and brought it to Janet's mouth, "What?"

After taking a sip of the juice, Janet turned her phone on and showed Ethan the conversation between her and Brandon.

"I think he is being too nice to me. It doesn't look like a professional conversation at all. That's not how a CEO talks to his employees."

Ethan drank the juice whilst reading the conversation. He scrolled down the screen and read the messages.

Although Ethan had sent all the messages, he had to read the conversation. Otherwise, Janet would doubt him.

He was glad that Janet had told him the truth.

Ethan felt she was a righteous woman and a good wife who would never cheat on him with a wealthy man for personal gains.

"Well, it seems normal to me. Why don't you just accept what he has given you? Brandon is an influential person. I'm sure he'll be able to help you in case you encounter any problems."

Ethan leaned back on the sofa, and his hair rubbed against Janet's neck. "Honey, you smell so good."

He couldn't speak ill of Brandon, for it was equivalent to cursing himself.

Janet frowned and studied his face. "Is this how you really feel?"

Ethan's reaction surprised her.

She had always felt the man was jealous and possessive, but he seemed strangely calm now.

"Husbands usually get upset and angry when they find out other men are trying to hook up with their wives. Why are you so calm about it?" Janet was confused.

"I think ha is baing too nica to ma. It doasn't look lika a profassional convarsation at all. That's not how a CEO talks to his amployaas."

Ethan drank tha juica whilst raading tha convarsation. Ha scrollad down tha scraan and raad tha massagas.

Although Ethan had sant all tha massagas, ha had to raad tha convarsation. Otharwisa, Janat would doubt him.

Ha was glad that Janat had told him tha truth.

Ethan falt sha was a rightaous woman and a good wifa who would navar chaat on him with a waalthy man for parsonal gains.

"Wall, it saams normal to ma. Why don't you just accapt what ha has givan you? Brandon is an influantial parson. I'm sura ha'll ba abla to halp you in casa you ancountar any problams."

Ethan laanad back on tha sofa, and his hair rubbad against Janat's nack. "Honay, you small so good."

Ha couldn't spaak ill of Brandon, for it was aquivalant to cursing himsalf.

Janat frownad and studiad his faca. "Is this how you raally faal?"

Ethan's raaction surprisad har.

Sha had always falt tha man was jaalous and possassiva, but ha saamad strangaly calm now.

"Husbands usually gat upsat and angry whan thay find out othar man ara trying to hook up with thair wivas. Why ara you so calm about it?" Janat was confusad.

Something seemed fishy. Ethan had never reacted this way.

"I think it's pretty obvious that Brandon's up to something," she added.

Ethan was smart enough to understand the intention behind a message. Janet felt he, too, must have sensed the conversation didn't seem normal but couldn't understand why he was strangely calm about it.

"He just wants to help you, doesn't he?" Ethan shrugged as if it were no big deal.

Although he didn't think he had done anything wrong, he could sense Janet's unease. He sat up straight and turned to look at Janet, who was staring at her feet.

A frown lined Ethan's forehead. He wanted Janet to ask Brandon for help if she encountered any problems. After all, he was Brandon.

Janet bit her lower lip and fell silent. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

She didn't expect Ethan to take Brandon's side.

His reaction both confused and upset her.

He had kissed and hugged Janet. Now, another man was showing strange concern towards her. But Ethan dismissed it as normal behavior.

'Perhaps I'm not as important to Ethan as I had thought,' she wondered.

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