Sold to my crush

New crush,New Job

Lily’s POV

I yawned and stretched my stiff bones as my body finally decided to regain life. My body hurt so much and throat itches with dryness as though I had walked through the wilderness all through the night without water. I sat up straight rubbing my sore eyes as I tried to adjust to the brightness of the sun that shined brightly into my room.

If only my life could feel as bright as this…

Horrible flashbacks of what transpired the night before played on my mind. From the little argument I and Alex had to the time I had a panic attack. I shuddered in embarrassment at the memory.

I have decided to forget all about it or act as though it did not happen at all. Today was a new day and so I had another opportunity to have a fresh start. Not that I could run away from all my problems even if the urge was very severe but I could just do something for me. Something that benefits just me.

I got down from the bed feeling high spirited as I watzled into the bathroom soaking myself in the bath tub for a while. I truly deserved that and it really eased my aching body. I got out from the bathroom and picked a simple yet presentable outfit.

I heaved a sigh of relief as soon as I had successfully gone out of the compound. I snuck out of the compound for fear of bumping into Mark. I did not need Alex’s help or any other person’s help in doing this.

I wanted to do this on my own.

I hailed a taxi, got into it and the driver zoomed off after i handed the address I was heading to, to him.

The drive me to my location was quiet aside from Lana Del Rey’s song “Radio” that played on the radio. I hummed along to the song feeling so much better and new sense of courage until I got to my destination.

I got down from the taxi and paid my fare. The driver flashed me smile before the taxi zoomed.

I walked up to the front of the building taking in the cozy atmosphere. The front of the shop was painted a deep shade of pink and there were tall windows that looked out onto the street. Outside the shop where I stood there was a small table with a few chairs and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted out of the open door.

It was the kind of place where you could imagine spending hours reading, chatting or enjoying a hot drink on a chilly day.

Entering into the Coffee shop, the rich aroma of freshly ground beans enveloped me. Soft Jazz and payed in the background as barristers hurriedly craft beautiful designs on cappuccinos serving their customers with warm smiles on their faces.

The barista’s were dressed in similar outfits. They had on black fitted denim jeans, black shoes with a customized orange shirt that had “Brew cloud”, the name of the shop at the back of the shirt and their name tags on the front of the shirt.

The cozy ambiance of the shop allowed customers to linger over their laptops and also savor quiet conversations.

I walked further into the shop feeling more anxious as I approached a purple head.

“Hi”. I put up my best smile. My eyes went over to her name tag before I cleared my throat and spoke with much more confidence.

“Hi Gina”. Her eyes snapped towards my voice and flashed me a sweet smile.

“Hello sweetie, what can I do for you today”. She said in her most customer friendly voice. It seemed she had rehearsed this and said this to customers countless times.

“I’m Lily and I’m here to see Grey. I have an appointment with him. ” I replied still blushing at the sweet endearment she used on me earlier.

“Oh, sweetie. He’s expecting you. Just walk down this corridor and you’ll find a door to your left. That’s it. You won’t miss it.” She responded still with the warm smile she had on earlier. It made her look more welcoming and friendly. I’m guessing that she has good customer service.

I couldn’t tell if it was her purple hair or the numerous piercings she had that made it almost impossible to not notice her easily. She had a short bob purple hair, three piercings on each of her ears and two on each of her nostrils.

Okay maybe I was exaggerating about the fact that the piercings were numerous but she sure had a lot in my opinion.

She had light makeup on her heart shaped face, her customized shirt and black denim jeans clung onto her body accentuating her small curves.

She was more on the thinner side and she was drop dead gorgeous.

By this time I had located the door that Gina had directed me to. I placed a soft knock on the door and I heard a firm “Come in” almost immediately from inside the office before I walked in, closing the door behind me.

“Please have a seat Lily “. I approached the desk taking a seat in front of Him. Grey looked to be in his early twenties and he was certainly not what I was expecting.

He had brown hair, green eyes and a tan well built body. He looked so hot and beautiful.

I was certainly not expecting a young man like him to own such a nice place. Not that it wasn’t possible, seeing as Grey has already achieved that but it wasn’t so common.

“Good morning Sir”. I wanted to be as formal as possible and in my best behavior cause I really needed this.

“Oh please call me Grey, that sounds too formal and it makes me feel old”. He flashed me a very sweet smile showcasing his white teeth. He had vampire like teeth and that was so sexy. I’m beginning to think I have a new crush now.

I couldn’t help but blush at his sweet smile. “Okay”.

“Alright then. so what do you need?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

“I need a job”. I said with a serious expression on my face. Ever since my encounter with Susan and Tiffany when I found out that Tiffany had gotten a Job with Alex and also due to some of the things Susan said to me that day, I decided to get a job and do something with my life. And so today I decided to get a job at this coffee shop.

I was also tired of sitting home all day doing nothing but overthink and await the next insult from Susan.

I could do better please.

I have been here a few times to get Coffee and snacks and I know it’s a lovely place. I had also checked out the shop and found that they were hiring and hence I was invited for an interview today.

Even though I would have loved to get a better Job, my credentials can only go so far unless I have some sort of connection but I’m not willing to take any form of help from the Dankworths or even my family.

I was determined to do this alone.

“Oh really?, what kind of Job?”. He asked again with his smirk that I’ve grown to love in this few minutes and a hand on his chin.

“I want to work for you here as a barista”. I responded confidently with my chin up refusing the urge to coil into a ball because of his intense stare.

“And why should I give you a job?.” He asked with raised brows. ” seeing from here, you have no experience whatsoever working and you’re just fresh outta school.” He gestured to the file I had placed on the table that contained my credentials.

“Because I’m the best barister you’ll ever have and anyone would want me to work for them”. The question he asked through me aback, not that I wasn’t expecting it but it was just a reminder that I was under qualified.

Well I wouldn’t let that deter me as I replied with confidence. I don’t think I need a mechanical Engineering degree to be able to serve coffee to people.

“I beg to differ. If you were so good then how come you haven’t worked anywhere else, hmm? “. He asked with a smirk on his face and his green eyes taunting me.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Maybe because I haven’t applied anywhere else and you’re the first to get to see all these goodness “. I responded with a smug smile. He looked at me intently for while without saying a word. I was beginning to get antsy and my smile was wiped off my face as I feared his rejection.

I have never dealt well with rejection.

The room was silent for a while until he burst out laughing, his face couldn’t get more gorgeous. “You’re hired Lily”. At those words I mirrored his expression, I was bubbling with joy.

“Thank you so much Grey. You wouldn’t regret this”. I stood up shaking his hands, my smile permanent on my face.

“You start tomorrow. On your way out, ask for Gina, tell her to give you a shirt. You would wear one with black denim jeans and black shoes and by tomorrow your name tag would be ready.” He said all at once as he walked me to the door.

“Thank you so much Grey”. I thanked him again. I was so happy and this was a step to a new start for me.

“You’re welcome Lily. Be here at 7:30.” That was the last thing he said before shutting the door. I couldn’t believe this. I screamed internally and did a little happy dance.

I skipped towards Gina and she had a knowing look on her face.

“I’m guessing someone got the job”. She said with a smile

“Yes Gina, I got the Job”. I responded

“Alright then. Let’s go to the back and I’ll find a shirt for you”. She responded and moved eagerly towards to the back of the shop and tailed behind her.

We got into the room and she scrambled around before she picked up one of the shirts and placed it on my body. “This should fit right?.” She asked with uncertainty.

“Yeah, it should.” I said while looking at the shirt.

“Alright then”. She put the shirt in a bag and handed it to me before guiding me out of the shop to the front door.

“Thank you Gina”. I said gesturing to the bag.

” it’s nothing Lily. I’ll see you tomorrow, can’t wait to work with a pretty girl like you”. She said with a wink causing me to blush.

We exchanged contacts and I bid her goodbye. I guess I’m looking forward to working with Gina.

I decided to walk a bit as I did not have anything urgent to do at home. I basked in joy at the achievement of my new Job but soon enough, a wave of sadness hit me.

I did not have anyone to share my news and Joy with. I couldn’t call my family as I have been trying to avoid facing the conflict at hand. I guess I was used to the avoidance techniques and we all know how badly that technique ends.

I have been a victim to it countless times. But will I learn from it and change?, well I hope on Christ.

I was still lost in my own thoughts when I bumped into something make my steps flatter and I tripped on air almost falling to the ground until strong hands held me tightly.

I could be clumsy like that at times.

I looked up to the bearer of the hands and hazel eyes were already looking at me intently with worry.

“Are you okay”. He asked with worry as he helped me steady myself.

“Ye.. yes, I’m okay”. I responded with surprise written all over my face.

“I saw you walking down from afar and you looked quite troubled. are you sure you’re okay?”. He continued scrutinizing my face as he asked.

This was really strange and I couldn’t help my face as it morphed into a more confused expression. Why on earth are we even having a conversation. I thought he and his friend hated me.

This must be some sort of prank or something.

I shifted from one foot to another as I became uncomfortable.


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