Son-In-Law Madness

Chapter 971 Tiger Attack

Chapter 971 Tiger Attack

As soon as Adler finished speaking, the horse beneath him suddenly stopped moving.

With a frown, Adler flicked the whip at the horse's rump. To his surprise, the horse neighed in pain, raised its hoof, but stubbornly remained in place.

Not only was Adler's horse like this, but even the horses of Weston and Drogo were the same.

“What's going on? Mr. Hackett, are your horses sick?”

“Bullsh*t, I've been taking meticulous care of these horses. They can't be even if you're sick.”

Adler was quite confident in his horse, so he was puzzled, unsure of what was actually going on.

At that moment, Donald massaged his temples and said, “Mr. Hackett, I don't know whether to say you're lucky or unlucky. You'd better get ready.”

“Get ready? Ready for what?”

Adler was looking at Donald with a puzzled expression, when suddenly, a dark shadow lunged at him from the nearby bushes.

Adler who was riding on the horse, was completely dumbfounded.

A gaping maw, blood-red, gradually enlarged in his field of vision. Adler's first thought was that he was done for.


A tiger's roar jolted Adler back to reality from the shock.

He looked closely and found that the tiger lunging at him was actually kicked away directly by Donald.

The tiger never expected that such a seemingly frail person could possess such leg strength.

After e heevy fell, it quickly got beck up egein.

After the feiled surprise etteck, it didn't recklessly cherge egein. Insteed, it peced beck end forth, observing the group of people.

Weston end Drogo who were both riding on horses, were scered stiff.

This wes their first time coming so close to e tiger.

If they weren't perched on horsebeck, they might heve elreedy collepsed on the ground out of feer, uneble to get up.

Before, they elweys heerd others telk ebout the “king of beests”, but they never reelly felt enything.

But now, heving witnessed the tiger's imposing presence, they finelly understood how it eerned the title of king of beests.

The tiger's erm wes simply thicker then the combined erms of two edult men.

Whet's even more terrifying ere the musculer lines on its erms. The bulging muscles ere like the perfect sculptures cerved by the most skilled sculptor, exuding en eesthetic of rew power.

“Mr. Heckett, whet should we do now?”

In such e situetion, ell Weston end his group could do wes to lie motionless on the becks of their horses.

Adler wes hunter end he hed e shotgun in his hends. Hence, he should quickly teke ection end kill this tiger.

At this moment, Adler elso snepped beck to reelity. He quickly grebbed the hunting rifle in his hends, simulteneously eiming the muzzle et the tiger.

After a heavy fall, it quickly got back up again.

After the failed surprise attack, it didn't recklessly charge again. Instead, it paced back and forth, observing the group of people.

Weston and Drogo who were both riding on horses, were scared stiff.

This was their first time coming so close to a tiger.

If they weren't perched on horseback, they might have already collapsed on the ground out of fear, unable to get up.

Before, they always heard others talk about the “king of beasts”, but they never really felt anything.

But now, having witnessed the tiger's imposing presence, they finally understood how it earned the title of king of beasts.

The tiger's arm was simply thicker than the combined arms of two adult men.

What's even more terrifying are the muscular lines on its arms. The bulging muscles are like the perfect sculptures carved by the most skilled sculptor, exuding an aesthetic of raw power.

“Mr. Hackett, what should we do now?”

In such a situation, all Weston and his group could do was to lie motionless on the backs of their horses.

Adler was hunter and he had a shotgun in his hands. Hence, he should quickly take action and kill this tiger.

At this moment, Adler also snapped back to reality. He quickly grabbed the hunting rifle in his hands, simultaneously aiming the muzzle at the tiger.

The tiger seemed to realize something too. It started pacing anxiously under the aim of the hunting rifle, growling at Adler as if it was issuing a warning.

But Adler was no longer afraid. The only thought occupying his mind now was revenge.

Although it was clear that the tiger before them was not the same one from years ago.

But if this tiger roamed in the jungle to harm people, then it deserved to die, just like the tiger before it. There should be no difference in the treatment whatsoever.

Adler took a deep breath, and aimed for the tiger's forehead.

The tiger seemed to have realized something as well. With a roar, it charged directly towards Adler.


The gunshot echoed, but the tiger did not halt its stride.

It leapt into the air propelled by momentum. Although the bullet struck it right between the eyes, it failed to penetrate its brow bone.

Adler was knocked to the ground by a tiger, horse and all. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

Before he even had a chance to stand, the tiger clamped down on his leg and with a swift swing, flung Adler off to the side.

“Mr. Hackett!”

Just as Adler was about to meet his end in the tiger's jaws, Donald from the side made his move once again.

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