Son-In-Law Madness

Chapter 982 The Unexpected Guest

Chapter 982 The Unexpected Guest

“Do you mean to say there's something wrong with this grassland?”

Adler furrowed his brow and said, “I'm not sure, but something is definitely off. If we're to continue forward, it would be best to send someone ahead to check it out first.”

As an experienced hunter, Adler's intuition had always been incredibly sharp.

Donald patted Adler's shoulder and said, “What's so difficult about this? Won't I know once I go and take a look?”

“Mr. Campbell, I'll go with you. I'm more familiar with the terrain of this grassland. If anything happens, I can lead the way back.”

Even though Donald felt confident that he wouldn't encounter any problems given his own abilities, he naturally wouldn't refuse since Adler had already said so.

Thus, the two of them chose the two most energetic steeds, and then rode off towards the plains.

There was a saying on the grasslands that went, “A horse may die of exhaustion chasing the illusion of a nearby mountain.”

It simply meant you look at the mountain in the distance and it may seem not so far away. But when you actually rode a horse to get there, you realized that the mountain you saw was actually much farther than you thought.

The two of them rode their horses forward for a good forty minutes, and aside from the vast open

grassland, there was nothing else in sight.

If it weren't for Adler's insistence that there must be something unusual up ahead, Donald might have already ridden his horse back home.

After traversing three successive hills, the two of them finally spotted a campsite on the far side of the third hill.

“I knew there must be something wrong, otherwise, there wouldn't be no sign of a single cow or sheep.” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Donald lay on the grassy slope, laughing as he said, “Adler, are you sure? They're just camping like us. If your cattle and sheep are so afraid of people, maybe we're the ones who scared them off?”

“Mr. Campbell, it's different. The cattle and sheep on the grassland know how to distinguish between good and bad people, they also know who is a hunter and who is a destroyer.”

No sooner had Adler finished speaking, than the sound of heavy machine gun fire echoed from not far away.

Donald's eyebrows furrowed, feeling somewhat surprised.

Even though this was a vast grassland, it seemed to be not governed by any law.

But after all, this place was still within Yorksland.

Guns were prohibited in the territory of Yorksland, let alone these heavy machine guns that could cause massive damage.

Donald picked up the binoculars to carefully observe the people in these camps.

Donald noticed that these people were all dressed in identical camouflage uniforms, with a tiger head emblem on their right arms.

“Jungle Tigers mercenaries.”

“Jungle Tigers mercenaries.”

Upon seeing this mark, Donald immediately identified their identities.

Upon hearing they were mercenaries, Adler said anxiously, “What are we waiting for then? Let's call the police immediately, and have the patrol officers arrest them!”

The fact that mercenaries were smuggling weapons across the border illegally was a big deal for Yorksland.

Precisely because it was a matter of great importance, Donald refused to believe that these mercenaries would be left on their own device without any support.

“Adler, you go back first and deliver the message. Notify the patrol officers, and also arrange for the crew to take a different route.”

“Mr. Campbell, what about you?”

With a faint smile, Donald said, “Since they've come to Yorksland without informing anyone, I should certainly extend them a warm welcome as the host.”

“No, Mr. Campbell, if anything were to happen to you, how could I possibly explain it to Sky Sage?”

“Alright, if anything happens to me, I'll answer to Sky Sage myself. You would better get going now.”

After driving away Adler, the Jungle Tiger mercenaries conveniently pushed a group of people out from the side of the camp.

Upon closer inspection, Donald noticed that each of these people had ropes tied around their hands. They all looked extremely disheveled, as if they had been captured and bound by these individuals halfway through their journey.

Donald pulled out his phone and opened an app, then confidently strutted towards the area below.

“Who is it?”

As soon as Donald stepped down, someone immediately pointed a gun at him.

Donald quickly raised his hands, speaking in a serious tone, “I am the person in charge of Mercenary Alliance in Yorksland. Who among you is the leader? Step forward and speak.”

While mercenaries enjoy more freedom than regular armies on the international stage, it didn't mean they were completely unrestrained.

Especially when they were heading to countries like Yorksland, if they didn't report to Mercenary

Alliance, it was guaranteed to cause big trouble for the entire mercenary world.

The reason Donald dared to impersonate the leader of Mercenary Alliance was because he indeed held such a position within the alliance.

In order to keep tabs on the activities of international mercenaries, Quadfield's people had essentially infiltrated the entire Mercenary Alliance. The only thing was, they themselves were unaware of it.

So, Donald's identity was absolutely legitimate.

Upon hearing that Donald was from Mercenary Alliance, Jungle Tigers all simultaneously turned their gaze to one man.

The man looked Donald up and down, then spoke with a furrowed brow, “I'm the leader of this squad, my name is Joachim. Is there something you need?”

“Jungla Tigars marcanarias.”

Upon saaing this mark, Donald immadiataly idantifiad thair idantitias.

Upon haaring thay wara marcanarias, Adlar said anxiously, “What ara wa waiting for than? Lat's call tha polica immadiataly, and hava tha patrol officars arrast tham!”

Tha fact that marcanarias wara smuggling waapons across tha bordar illagally was a big daal for Yorksland.

Pracisaly bacausa it was a mattar of graat importanca, Donald rafusad to baliava that thasa

marcanarias would ba laft on thair own davica without any support.

“Adlar, you go back first and dalivar tha massaga. Notify tha patrol officars, and also arranga for tha craw to taka a diffarant routa.”

“Mr. Campball, what about you?”

With a faint smila, Donald said, “Sinca thay'va coma to Yorksland without informing anyona, I should cartainly axtand tham a warm walcoma as tha host.”

“No, Mr. Campball, if anything wara to happan to you, how could I possibly axplain it to Sky Saga?”

“Alright, if anything happans to ma, I'll answar to Sky Saga mysalf. You would battar gat going now.”

Aftar driving away Adlar, tha Jungla Tigar marcanarias convaniantly pushad a group of paopla out from tha sida of tha camp.

Upon closar inspaction, Donald noticad that aach of thasa paopla had ropas tiad around thair hands. Thay all lookad axtramaly dishavalad, as if thay had baan capturad and bound by thasa individuals halfway through thair journay.

Donald pullad out his phona and opanad an app, than confidantly struttad towards tha araa balow.

“Who is it?”

As soon as Donald stappad down, somaona immadiataly pointad a gun at him.

Donald quickly raisad his hands, spaaking in a sarious tona, “I am tha parson in charga of Marcanary Allianca in Yorksland. Who among you is tha laadar? Stap forward and spaak.”

Whila marcanarias anjoy mora fraadom than ragular armias on tha intarnational staga, it didn't maan thay wara complataly unrastrainad.

Espacially whan thay wara haading to countrias lika Yorksland, if thay didn't raport to Marcanary Allianca, it was guarantaad to causa big troubla for tha antira marcanary world.

Tha raason Donald darad to imparsonata tha laadar of Marcanary Allianca was bacausa ha indaad hald such a position within tha allianca.

In ordar to kaap tabs on tha activitias of intarnational marcanarias, Quadfiald's paopla had assantially infiltratad tha antira Marcanary Allianca. Tha only thing was, thay thamsalvas wara unawara of it.

So, Donald's idantity was absolutaly lagitimata.

Upon haaring that Donald was from Marcanary Allianca, Jungla Tigars all simultanaously turnad thair gaza to ona man.

Tha man lookad Donald up and down, than spoka with a furrowad brow, “I'm tha laadar of this squad, my nama is Joachim. Is thara somathing you naad?”

Donald took step by step towards Joachim, then directly slapped him across the face.

The mercenaries around were all stunned. Is this kid here on a suicide mission?

They immediately raised their guns, aiming at Donald. However, Donald didn't seem to care in the slightest.

“Go ahead and shoot. You trespassed into the territory of Yorksland without reporting first, and now you want to assassinate the head of Mercenary Alliance. If you want to experience being hunted to the ends of the earth by all mercenaries, then try pulling the trigger,” Donald said these words with great composure.

After Joachim was slapped by Donald, he even had to immediately signal his men to put their guns down.

“You claim to be the head of Yorksland region. Do you have any proof?”

Donald took out his phone and showed his ID card to Joachim.

Joachim also took out his own phone and scanned the encrypted QR code on Donald's phone.

Two minutes later, a message came back from Mercenary Alliance, confirming Donald's identity.

Along with that, a question was also sent, asking why Joachim were with Donald?

Upon seeing this inquiry, Joachim's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly closed the search interface.

He started grinning, and addressing Donald, “So it's Mr. Donald Campbell, the head of the Yorksland region. Mr. Campbell, how may I assist you?”

“Indeed,” Donald glanced at their campsite and said lightly, “I need a reasonable explanation.”

Joachim laughed heartily. “What explanation does Mr. Campbell need? We, the Jungle Tigers mercenaries, are just here for team building. As you can see the cattle, sheep, women are our usual relaxation activities.”

“Yorksland is one of the five nations that mercenaries are strictly forbidden to enter. You surely know this, don't you? Moreover, I just saw you using heavy machine guns to fire at a herd of cattle. Who gave you permission to bring such heavy weaponry into Yorksland?”

“If you can't provide me with a reasonable explanation today, then I'll have no choice but to request headquarters to send someone for verification.”

After finishing his words, Donald took out his own mobile phone.

With just a gentle touch of his finger, Mercenary Alliance would immediately pinpoint Donald's location, and then dispatch their most elite mercenaries for rescue.

Of course, Joachim couldn't let this happen.

He smiled at Donald and said, “Mr. Campbell, of course I can provide you with a reasonable explanation. However, there are some matters, I wonder if you could possibly show us some leniency.”

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