Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Abi looked at her hands, which were shaking in her lap. “You once asked me why I was dating Dean and I told you I had too. You never asked me why I had to. Didn’t you wonder?”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Gio stopped stroking the girl’s heads. “No, I just assumed you meant you had to because you were in love with him.”

Abi’s head came up and he could see fire in her eyes. “Love him? You think I love him? I hate that monster. He asked me to date him and I told him no. I told him I couldn’t date him because I was in love with you! He said he understood but hoped we could still be friends. Then he invited me to his house the next day for a Bar B Que as his friend. I figured it wouldn’t hurt. Once I got there, his dad asked me to step into his office. He showed me the same paperwork he showed mom and told me that unless I agreed to date Dean and be his girlfriend until mom paid the loan off, he would foreclose on the house. He said if that happened mom would be thrown in jail for failure to pay her debts and I would end up in an orphanage.

It wasn’t until today I found out that was a lie. He couldn’t have mom arrested. I’ve been with that monster to save my mom and been treated worse than an animal. And it was all because of a lie that I believed.”

Gio was livid. That Mister Chadwick and Dean would ever treat his friend and her widowed mother like that was beyond evil. “I’m gonna kill them!”

Becky stood up and walked over to Gio. “No Gio, that’s not the way. Any physical action taken against them is exactly what they want. They win, and they would have you arrested. They could sue you, and then the people you’ve promised to protect would be vulnerable. Trust me on this, they would exploit those venerabilities just to rub salt in your wounds.”

“Then what? How do we make them pay? What do you want me to do?” Gio yelled, “You said you wanted my help. How can I help you?”

“You claim us too.”

“What??” Gio and Abi exclaimed at the same time.

Becky looked at Gio. “I can’t speak for Abi, but for myself, I offer to be one of your sluts or slaves, whatever you call them. I would rather willingly give myself to you and belong to you, than keep letting that bastard touch me. At least, from what I hear, you could and would bring me as much pleasure as I’d give you. The only thing I would ask is that you keep Abi safe like you do Tiffany and Tara.”

“Mom, what are you thinking?” Abi asked.

Becky looked at her and smiled. “I’m thinking that we let the old bastard have the house. We move in here and experience the pleasure that these women are experiencing. Without the house to hold over us, we would be free. If we live here, an extremely virile young man, who has two black belts, would see to our safety. You break up with Dean and proclaim that you, like Tiffany and Tara, are dating Gio. From what I gathered, that’s not true for either Anderson girls, but Gio will claim them at school to keep them safe. I would resign from my job and try to go back to work for my old bosses or open my own office.”

“Gio can’t afford to pay for all of us living here, and the house is too small.”

Becky shook her head. “You don’t have all the facts, Abi. Gio can easily take care of all of us in a few months, maybe sooner.” She turned to Gio. “Have you thought more about what Ms. Gatki suggested to you today?”

Gio smiled. “I’ve already implemented her first two suggestions, and I think her estimations were way off.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I wrote the code and put the changes in place about four hours ago.” He opened his laptop and logged into his Money Friends account. He turned the computer so that Becky could see the screen. “This is how much I’ve made in just four hours. Mia estimated four to five thousand a day I’ve made Ten thousand dollars in four hours. Twice her high estimate in half the time.”

“You need to let her know that before she turns in her Valuation. She must adjust her numbers accordingly. Because as your legal counsel, I suggest you reject both offers. But wait to do so until you get the Valuation, because if I’m right, you could keep the app and probably clear a billion dollars by this time next year. I suggest you file articles of Corporation right away. Once I quit working for Chadwick, I can do that for you easily. We name you as CEO and COO you need to hire someone as you CFO. CEO his Chief Executive Officer, COO is Chief Operations Officer and CFO is Chief Financial Officer. You open a business account in the company name and pay yourself and your CFO a salary. For you I’d say around four thousand dollars a week as CEO, Two as COO with a clothing and business expense account of around two thousand total per week. Or two hundred and eight thousand a year as CEO. One hundred and four thousand as COO with a clothing and expense account of One Hundred and Four thousand a year. You offer whoever becomes you CFO the same as the COO but only half the expense account. Maybe your friend Ms. Gatki, she seemed a bright young woman, or your sister. I know her degree is in finance as well.”

“What about you, Becky? Would you be willing to work for me?”

“I would, maybe as the head of your corporation’s legal department. You could outsource that, but I have always thought internal was better. You could still do that if you sell because if I’m right, your Valuation is going to be close to twenty-five billion in the next ten years. That’s if you don’t sell, if you do, you shouldn’t take anything less than three hundred million. Both those companies know what their getting. The offers they made you were because they think you’re a dumb kid with an app. A kid who has no clue what he’s got. If you show them a Valuation, like I think you’re going to get, they’ll pay you real money. Instead of trying to steal the app from you for pennies on the dollar. If you put them off and build the app and institute more advertising options, you could even get more. However, you’d have to hire more people to help you. Advertising people, programmers. Secretarial and security staff at the minimum, and that would mean having to set up offices.” Standing behind Becky was Cecilia she’d been listening for a while. “Do you really think he could make close to twenty-five billion in the next ten years, Becky?”

Becky looked at her friend, who was smoking hot in her sexy businesswoman outfit. “Easily Cecilia, that’s just for Clicktalk. I bet it would be more because Gio could continue to create apps, especially if he had other coders and graphic artists working for him. Your son is set to be Bill Gates rich, no matter what he does. Either way, I suggest he set up a corporation to either handle the sale of Clicktalk or to grow the app on his own.”

Cecilia looked at her son. “What do you want to do Gio?”

“I don’t know mom. Honestly, if Becky is right and I could make a billion in a year just from letting you make professional ads and selling them on the app on top of what we’ve already done, maybe we should do that? But then again, three hundred million or more almost instantly is one heck of a nest egg.”

Becky laughed, “either way your set for life, that’s for sure. What do you say about my offer? Will you help us?”

Gio looked at the women in the room. He knew that Tiffany, Fiona and his mom would be fine with adding Becky and Abi to their family and probably Mia too if she wanted, but his eyes went to Abi alone. She had been quiet since her mom had offered herself to him. “I need to talk to Abi alone, please. The four of you go down to the game room for now and give us the den?”

The four women all stood and quietly walked downstairs. They all realized that with Abi in need, Gio was going to do what she wanted. He’d never lied to any of them. They all knew that she was the women Gio loved above all others. Her opinion mattered above all theirs. While he owned three of the four, he’d give them all their freedom if that’s what Abi demanded. They each hoped she could accept them, because none of them wanted to lose Gio as their master and Becky wanted to experience what the other three had found.

Gio waited until the other four were downstairs and he stood and closed the door, leaving him and Abi alone in the Den. “Can I sit with you Abi?”

She smiled at him. “Of course, Gio. It’s your house.”

He walked over and sat beside her. “Well, you heard about my crazy life and what your mom had to say. I have heard nothing from you besides your story. Oh, and that when we were kids, you were in love with me. What do you think about what your mom is proposing?”

“It was sort of shocking walking in here tonight and seeing your sister and Tiffany kneeling at your feet. What my Mom suggested was just as shocking. But honestly, I know that she really wants to be part of your group of women. That was obvious before we came over here. I’ve never seen her dress for any man like she did for you. She’s the one that suggested I dress like this for you as well. I didn’t know why, but now I do. She hoped that I’d offer myself to you also for your protection.”

Gio reached out and took her hands in his. “That’s not what I want from you, Abi. I don’t want you to be one of my sluts or slaves. I want more than that from you. Don’t get me wrong, I need those ladies downstairs and yes, that includes your mom and maybe one other. There is a real medical reason for me to have multiple sex partners around.”

Abi looked at him confused. “I don’t understand.”

“Can I show you what I’m talking about? That will probably make it more believable for you than just telling you.”

“Okay, I guess.”

Gio stood up and took off his pants and boxer briefs, letting his dick loose. “Holy Shit Gio! Mom said the rumor was you were porn star big, but that’s unbelievably gigantic! How fucking big is that?”

Gio blushed. “It’s just under fourteen inches. But the size of my dick isn’t the problem, it’s the size of my balls that’s the problem. If you notice they are bigger than average too.”

“Obviously.” Abi giggled, “they’re like big as lemons.”

“Yeah, and the produce like a ton of sperm a day. Seriously, just to keep from hurting, I have to umm… empty them like twelve times a day, sometimes more.”

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