Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Mia smiled and nodded. She could see that Abi was the top woman in this family but she had a very loving heart and she was happy about that. “Honestly, I told the head of the castle staff that there might be ten of us. I explained your family as I understood it. I can see things have changed a little and may change again. I told her that most of you preferred to sleep together and she assured me she would have a bed big enough to accommodate that. She is setting up the Royal suite for that and there will be a couple of smaller bedrooms that are part of that suite, so anyone not wanting to sleep with anyone else could use those. I can also have her prepare another suite if we need to. I just assumed that the Andersons were a part of this family.” Mia shrugged. “I mean, I didn’t know how they were connected. I knew from when I met him that Gio was involved with several women, including both twins.”

“Well,” Greg said, smiling at the young woman. “Gio was involved with both my girls and I will be forever grateful because he liberated them from being used mostly against their wills. He protected them from the guys who were using them forcefully. He himself had them both first, but he realized Tara is a Daddy’s Girl. And because Gio is a true Dominant and a Gentleman, he released her to return to me. So, I guess based on the information that was shared with me just before we arrived here, I would be Gio’s soon to be father-in-law and Fiona’s and Abi’s and I’m Cecilia’s boss and friend. But Tara and I are exclusive and not part of the group that all sleeps together.”

He said the last with a chuckle. Gio smiled back and just said, “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

Greg laughed. “Actually, Gio, for your information, when I was younger, I was a lot like you and had my own ‘harem’ a few times. But now that I’m closer to fifty than twenty and I’m not as blessed as you are, so less testosterone to create all those problems you have. I don’t need or want a bed or fuller of willing women. The one I have is horny enough, thank you.”

Tara smiled. “Oh Daddy, you say the nicest things.”

“So with that I think Tara and I will say goodnight because I can see if I don’t take her home soon, she’s going to seduce me right here at the table.”

Just then the doorbell rings and since the family wasn’t expecting anyone, Gio looks at Greg. “Not expecting more company. Mind hanging around as back up for just a minute? Had a brief run in with Dean and some of the team earlier and they indicated that retribution was coming and soon.”

“Sure, though they’d have to be idiots to come here and try something. I mean, trespassing alone would be enough to get them a night in jail.”

“No one ever said they were the sharpest tools in the shed here, Sir.”

“No, I guess they aren’t, are they?”

The doorbell rang again as Gio reached the door and he cautiously opened it and then stopped, shocked at what he saw. Standing at his door was Police Chief O’Brien and his daughter Gio couldn’t remember her name, but he knew that Tiffany, Tara and Abi would know it. “Chief O’Brien, how can I help you?”

The Chief looked stressed. “I’m not sure you can, Mister McLeod, but my daughter seems to believe you can. She insisted we come and talk to you.”

“We were just finishing dinner. Why don’t you come in?”

“Oh, sorry to intrude.”

Gio smiled, though he was still unsure about this visit. “You’re not intruding. We had finished and were just sitting around talking. You know how it is when you have friends and family over?”

“Yes, I do. You just want to relax and have fun with your family and friends. Not have to deal with random visits from the Chief of Police and his daughter. Again, I’m sorry, but Julie insisted I bring her by to talk with Tiffany Anderson and Abigail Long, who she said are staying with you now?”

Gio stepped aside so the chief and his daughter could enter. Julie O’Brien was cute. She wasn’t what Gio would call a smoke show like Tiffany, Abi, Tara, Mia and Fiona, but she was cute in that smart girl next door way. Her hair was light brown, but he had no clue how long it was because Julie always had it in a bun even when she was doing a flag girl routine. He’d never really been close enough to say how she looked up close and personal because while he had some classes with her, she didn’t draw attention to herself. “Tiffany and Abi are in the dining room. You can’t miss it. Just past the living room.”

Julie took herself into the dining room, and Gio led the Chief into the office. “So how can I help you, Chief?”

“I’m not sure if you can, and I’m mostly here to give you a heads up. Most of the cheerleaders, majorettes and flag team have still been having issues at school. The young men on of the football program don’t understand how serious these allegations against them are and they continue to harass those young ladies. Both Abi and Tiffany have been telling them they should all enroll in the online school and come hang out here where you will keep them safe.”

“Well, the girls and I withdrew and joined the online school. Mostly, so I don’t have to keep them safe. Honestly, my concern is that the guys will just keep adding more and more each time they try to come after us. I can handle a few of them with my martial arts training, but we both know if more of the team came at me at once, eventually I will be overwhelmed. But I thought it would be easier to protect them here and I do have private security coming starting tomorrow. So, I guess I can see the girls reasoning, but I sure wish they’d talked to me first. However, if you want Julie to stay here until this is finished, that would be fine with me.”

The chief looked at him. “Young man, I also know the other rumors going around about you. So I will say that while I appreciate your willingness to help watch over these young ladies, we both know you aren’t doing it because you’re some kind of hero or with no benefit to you. If my daughter gets caught up in all this, I don’t want to know anything about it. She’s a good catholic girl and she will remain a good catholic girl in my eyes. Even after she’s married and has ten kids, she’ll still be a good catholic girl and those kids will be miraculous gifts from God. Are we clear?”

“Well sir, I believe you are telling me you are adopting an old military style response to your daughter’s life? The ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ response?”

“I guess in a way that’s what I’m saying. Another way to put is to me my daughter will be pure and virginal her entire life and I don’t want to know any different. Especially if she is getting involved in something like I’ve been told you have going on here. Look, I don’t judge, I’m just the chief of police. I enforce the laws and from what I’ve been told, you have broken none. In fact, you are about the only young man this week I’ve talked with that I’m sure hasn’t broken the law. I also know you are going to take some flack when this whole mess with the football program reaches the end of its investigation. Because many people involved with be arrested and prosecuted. I had to go to the state’s attorney to make sure that happens. Because it turns out that the city’s attorney may well be involved. So just be aware that this alternative lifestyle you and your ladies are living will become public knowledge. While again, nothing you’re doing is illegal, we both know it isn’t and won’t be accepted by the more morally judgmental groups out there. So, you folks should start thinking about how you are going to deal with that.”

Gio nodded and then asked, “And when do you think those arrests you are talking about will start happening?”

“Honestly, it all depends. I and my investigators have hit a wall. We are trying to find the creator of this online app those involved are using to share videos on. Those videos may provide visual proof of the accounts we are being told about. But so far, we have no clue how to get in touch with the parent company of the app.”

Gio had a feeling he knew the answer to his next question. “What app?”

“The hottest new social media app, according to our IT guy and my daughter. Something called ClickTalk. All the kids are using it.”

“You’re trying to find out who owns ClickTalk? Why?”

The Chief nodded. “Well, according to the apps fine print everyone is supposed to read and agree to while the individual may erase video’s shared after sharing them the app stores them in its archives for five years in case of lawsuits or the need of law enforcement and every user agrees to that storage and release at the proper authorities request. If we could find that apps owners we might have a lot of evidence to what was or wasn’t consensual. Right now it’s mostly the football program saying the girls weren’t coerced, and that everything was consensual and several of the girls saying they often said no and were ignored or flat out used even while asking the men and young men to stop.”

Gio looked at the chief. “You want to access the archives to see which it was?”

The Chief nodded. “For starters, but if we find that the ladies’ claims are substantiated, then those videos would become evidence at sexual assault and even rape trials.”

“Chief, you know that app is owned by a company, right?”

“Yes, a company called G. L. Creations. They have a few online apps, but that’s all we’ve been able to find out so far. Well, that and the fact that the app has been making changes that are smart and business minded.”

“Your detectives or the state’s attorney haven’t been able to find the owners of the company?”

He shook his head. “No, not so far.”

“I own G. L. Creations. it’s me. ClickTalk is one app I am the creator of. I was just meeting the board of directors of the company talking about our expansion. That’s what tonight’s dinner was about.”

“This isn’t a joking matter, son.”

“I’m not joking. Come into the dining room with me.”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

The two men entered the room. “So, the chief was just telling me that the quickest resolution to the issue with the team at school. If the police could get access to ClickTalk’s servers and the video archives for the videos members of the team may have made and sent to each other on the app. But they couldn’t find out who owned G. L. Creations.”

Becky Long sat up straighter. “Would the district attorney be willing to issue us a subpoena?”

“Wait, you really are the board of G. L. Creations?”

“Well, I’m the company’s attorney, but Gio is the CEO, Greg Anderson is the COO and this young lady is Mia Giatak, our CFO, so yes, this is the board at present for G. L. Creations.”

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