Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


“That should be everything,” he said, “Dad left me all the tools we’ll need.”

They paid and carried the stuff outside, placing it all into the bed of his truck.

“So, now they’re flashing you and rubbing up against you…” she said.

“… and other stuff.” he confirmed as they started out and headed for home. “Emma baited you this morning in the bathroom, and had you walk in on me in the shower.”

“Well, at least there’s an upside,” she said, smiling.

“What’s that?” he asked skeptically.

“You’re spending more time with me,” she said, winking at him.

He smiled. Then, after a few moments of silence between them, he said, “Beth, I really like how you are coming out of your shell.”

She smiled back at him, and replied, “Well, all of this has finally encouraged you to take up an interest in me after all these years,” then added with a chuckle, “that and our dear Emma having become a slut.”

Mike laughed at that.

“Wha… what’s happened, you guys bored me to sleep. Where are we, what’d I miss?”

“So, again, what happened this morning at breakfast?” she asked, casting him a prying eye. “You never answered my question, as if you thought you could get away with something like that. With me?”

Her reopening the subject brought another smile to his face. He’d hoped that she’d forgotten having asked the question, and he’d gotten out of having to answer it. He should have known better to expect that. This was Beth, after all.

“Well,” he explained, “I really did keep seeing things.”

“Such as?” she asked.

“Things,” he said again.

“What THINGS did you keep seeing?” she asked again, emphasizing she was going to get an answer to her question.

Mike sighed. “Well, Sarah and Danni kept ‘not having clothes on’, for one. Emma and you were naked for a bit. You also… uh…,” he stopped, unsure if he should finish, but he had said enough for her to prompt him further.

“I what?” she insisted.

“Well,” he said, clearing his throat, “you were naked, and…”

“Go on,” she said, but with the beginning of a slight blush in her face.

“Well,” he started again, “you had put maple syrup all over your breasts and Emma was licking it off. She was quite enjoying herself, I might add.”

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, she said simply, “My goodness, Michael.”

“Sorry,” he replied.

“No, no,” she said, waving a hand at him. “It doesn’t embarrass me. Well, it does a bit, but that’s not what I’m referring to. You have… dirty thoughts about me?”

Mike turned red again, and looked at her like she’d asked him if he liked breathing. This was Beth. She didn’t need to hear this! She was the good one, the sweet and innocent one!

“Hopefully not too fucking innocent for too fucking much longer.”

“Well, not necessarily dirty thoughts,” he explained, but confirmed nodding his head, “but sexual, yes.”

They pulled up to the house, thankfully, and Mike jumped out of the truck, unloading the oil and filters. Heading into the garage, he got the jack out and a socket set and the filter wrench, along with some shop rags.

“Are you in stuff that you can get dirty?” he asked her.

She nodded and kneeled down beside him. He showed her where to place the jack, and had her start the process of pumping it up; lifting her car several inches off the ground. Grabbing the oil pan, he crawled underneath and beckoned her to follow. He showed her where the oil plug was and which socket to use, before having her ratcheting it off.

“Just let that drain out and we’ll take the filter off,” he said, positioning the pan beneath the spurting oil. He grabbed the filter wrench and showed her where the filter was. She began to turn and spin the filter off.

“So, you’re not immune to being aroused by me?” she asked him as the filter popped free.

He chuckled, grabbing the new filter, and handing it to her. “Make sure you oil down the seal and follow the instructions on the box on how much to tighten the filter. And yes, in layman’s terms, you turn me on.” he said, nonchalantly.

She took the new filter from his hands as she set the other on the garage floor beside her, wetting the seal with some fresh oil from a new bottle and sliding it on the filter bracket, then tightening it accordingly.

“That’ll help my research regarding our current situation with our sisters,” she said. “But the answer to my question was ‘no’, you’re not immune. So I suppose my own response in layman’s terms would be, ‘that’s good to know’.”

“Now we just replace and tighten the drain plug and fill it back up with oil,” he said. He grabbed the socket and handed it to her, taking it back as she finished and ensuring that it was tight enough. “Perfect,” he said.

“Thanks.” she giggled.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I mean…” he started, but realized she was flirting with him again. “Very funny, very funny.” he said, flicking an oil-covered finger at her.

Black flecks of liquid splashed her face and she gasped open mouthed at him. “I’ll get you back for that,” she promised, grinning.

“I know you will,” he responded.

They pulled themselves out from under the car and he showed her where to fill the oil back up, and how much to put in. As they finished, he wiped his hands off with a shop towel then slammed the hood shut and smiled. “Now you know how to change your own oil, not that you’ll ever have to.”

“Useful information, nevertheless,” she said, then smiled as she added, “Just like the fact that I turn you on.” She stepped up to him and gave the impression of putting her arms over his shoulders, but instead wiped an oil covered hand across his face. Mike shook his head, chuckling.

“Okay, I guess we’re even.” he said.

Beth giggled and turned to go inside. “Have fun,” she called, walking up the steps, “and you’re still looking at my ass.”

“Busted,” he called after her, causing her to laugh.

He turned back around and began to work on the next car. “One down, four to go,” he said.

“I have never been so damn bored in our whole fucking life, dude. Hurry the fuck up and let’s get back inside. Damn it. If you won’t let us fuck any of our house pussy, we can still let it put on show for us.”

‘House pussy,’ Mike thought, ‘I’m putting you on ignore now’.

It felt good to get out of the house for a bit, and away from the sexual hurricane inside. Just as that thought crossed his mind, Emma came out of the house, making her way to the garage. She was wearing a bikini top and really short, but loose cut-off shorts. He pushed the jack under Sarah’s car, and began lifting it.

Emma smiled as she watched her brother’s arms and back muscles flex and bulge up as he pushed down on the jack.

‘Damn, he looks so sexy’, she kept thinking over and over to herself.

He glanced over at her. “Can I help you?” Then reprimanded himself for leaving that question wide open for scrutiny and a suggestive response. Fortunately for him, she let it go.

She smiled and shook her head. “Just watching.”

He chuckled. “Just watching, huh.” he said, unconvinced.

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