Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


He slowly entered the kitchen.

“Michael, if you ever want to sleep with any of us again, you’re going to answer this question, and it better be nothing but the truth,” Emma said, taking the lead and glaring at him.

Mike swallowed hard. “Okay.” he said, quietly.

“You’d better this right or I’ll fuck you up Dude.”

“Did you have sex last night?” Emma asked.

Mike’s head reeled. ‘What the hell am I supposed to say?’

“For once, I’d say the truth just like she said.”

‘Okay.’ he thought back to the voice.

“Yes.” he said simply.

“Well, it had better have been with Sarah or Danni, because it sure as hell wasn’t with me,” Emma fumed.

“It wasn’t with me,” Sarah said, glaring at him.

Danni had a hurt look in her eyes, and Mike almost felt like crying when he saw her reaction.

“Me either,” she said quietly and lowered her head.

“Who the fuck was it, Mike?” Emma yelled. “What little bitch did you snake a piece off of?”

“Settle down Em,” said Sarah, then turned to her brother/lover, her arms crossing her chest, “Well Mike?”

Mike’s head was going in twelve different directions at once. ‘Well now what? I can tell them it was Beth, or I can lie and keep our secret.’From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can’t tell you.” he said finally.

“Like hell you can’t tell us,” Sarah said, standing and putting both palms on the table and leaning forwards towards him.

“I can tell you,” came a quiet voice from the living room, “It was me.”

All heads turned simultaneously to watch Beth as she walked into the kitchen.

“What?” Emma said.

“You?” said Sarah.

Danni was quiet, but looked much relieved and smiled at Mike. He, in turn, immediately began to feel better.

“Yes. It was me,” Beth said again, calmly entering and sitting down at the table next to her stunned sisters. “I couldn’t help it anymore. I had to have him,” she said, looking directly at Emma, then Sarah. “He couldn’t tell you because he was protecting our secret.”

The room was eerily silent for several long moments while everyone processed the information.

“So, if it was you…” Sarah began.

“Why the hell did Ashley say it was her?” Emma turned and looked at Mike.

“I think she must have figured out who it was at breakfast,” Beth said, having already realized that Ashley knew it was her. “She knows that Mike is having sex with one of his sisters,” she finished, her gaze drifting to Mike.

“Oh fuck,” Mike said, panic growing in his voice.

“Calm down Mike,” Sarah said.

“Calm down? Sarah, what we’re doing is illegal! I could go to prison!” he said, looking genuinely scared to the girls for the first time in his life.

“That’s not very likely,” she said, putting a hand on his arm.

“It’s still a concern,” Emma said, her face and demeanor finally calming. “We need to talk to her, see what has to be done about keeping her fucking quiet.”

“I have a feeling I know what she’s going to want,” Danni said, looking around the room as her gaze finally settled on Mike.

“Blackmail?” Emma asked.

“Blackmail,” Beth confirmed.

“Bitch,” said Emma simply.

“Wait… what? Aw, damn it to hell.” yelled Mike.

“Hey, that’s my line.”

Mike ignored him, and continued, “I don’t even like that little ginger psychopath. She practically raped me in the hot tub and you four weren’t doing a thing to stop her. Then, you were actually gonna get mad at me for fucking her when you were actually the cause of it? What gives?”

“Mike, the point is that you did nothing to stop her last night. If she had come to fuck you, you could have just said no,” Sarah said.

“She did come in, but she sort of… interrupted Beth and I… sort of. Beth ended up having to hide under my bed, and Ashley did try to… get things started between us. I kind of… gagged her when I stood up.”

“She was blowing you?” Emma asked, her eyes going cold again.

Mike held his hands up in surrender. “I made her stop Em, it was for like 2 seconds, and I basically stabbed her in the throat when I made her get off of me. Beth pinched a plug out of my leg.”

“You deserved it, you big jerk,” Beth said, not looking at him.

Emma continued to glare at him, but fell silent.

“Look,” Mike said, still feeling the need for some damage control. “I don’t care that most people think what we’ve been doing is wrong. I love you, and as more than just sisters. You four are obviously the only ones I want to make love to, all the time. I don’t want anyone else, and I don’t need anyone else. I haven’t really worked out how I’m going to keep up my duties making love to all four of you, but… now you’re saying that Ashley might blackmail herself into our little circle of sex? How the fuck am I supposed to make love to five women?”

“Next time, think before you speak idiot. This little situation you have here is something that most guys would kill for. No, fuck that, ALL guys would kill for. They might not admit it to their wives or girlfriends, but they would. ALL guys want this. Well, you have it Slick. Quit the fuck-ass whining and get to fucking.”

The mood seemed to lighten at Mike’s outburst.

“I know lots of guys that would give anything to be in your situation, stud,” Sarah said, inadvertently echoing the voice in his head, grinning at him. “Don’t worry about all of us. There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s enough of you to go around, and you’ll be able to take care of all of our needs. What we need to figure out right now, is what that little space cadet is going to want.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Emma said, reaching for her phone.

As she was flipping through her call list, the door bell rang, causing her to look up and glance at her sisters, then over to Mike. Solemnly, she stood and headed for the door.

As all heard the door open, then close back, Emma strolled back into the kitchen with Ashley following close behind.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, until Ashley finally broke it.

“I just wanted you to know that it wasn’t me that was sleeping with Mike last night,” she informed them. “I know who it was and I’m guessing it was just the alcohol that caused it. Nevertheless, I can’t allow my sudden advantage pass.”

“Ash…” Beth started.

“It was Beth,” she said. “She slept with her own… all of ya’ll’s brother.”

She looked around the room but was met with faces that showed no surprise. Suddenly perplexed, her thoughts raced at what else she could add.

“We already know,” Sarah said, “she told us a few minutes ago.”

“Oh… well then…” Ashley said.

“What do you want Ash?” Emma said, growing impatient.

“Want?” she asked smiling, “Me?” doing her best to sound innocent.

“Cut the crap you little loon,” continued Emma, “What do you want from us to keep this a secret?”

“Alright!” Ashley said, conceding to the moment. “I just want some private time with Mike every once in a while. I know from his reaction this morning that he will never care for me the way I would like,” she said, her head drooping slightly and her expression falling to one of near sadness, “but I don’t care, and I can’t help it. I’ve always been head over heels for him for as long as Emma and I have known each other. She knows that.”

She glanced over at him, but he purposefully ignored her gaze.

“Ash, it’s not that I don’t like you,” said Mike, fixing his gaze on his sisters, “it’s just that I’ve just got other women in my life.”

“IDIOT! The girls have this under control, dickhead, keep your fucking mouth shut.”

She scrunched her brow up at his statement, until realization hit her again.

“Mike, shut the fuck up!” Emma said, suddenly irritated that her idiot brother was giving away the whole of their secret.

“What?” he asked, confused as to what he’d done wrong.

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