Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Scarletts P.O.V

You're surprised to find the scenery vibrant and uplifting. The hike up the small mountain is faster than

anticipated, especially considering Oliver has distracted you with intimate caresses, and filthy promised


He's something else

Your mouth is a thin line when you near an area that overlooks miles of trees below, a few picnic tables

scattered about.

"What is this?"

Oliver twists to look back at you as you follow him to a picnic table, and waves you along. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

"Always one with the questions. I'm hungry"

The way he grins, and moves his tongue teasingly over his perfect smile, you shiver knowing he's

hoping you'll be the snack he gets to devour.

"Hm, well maybe we can do something about that"

He chuckles softly, tuning his attention back too the picnic table as you both near it, wind moving

through his hair, dishevelling the soft brown locks. You pull off your backpack and set it beside you. You

flex your fingers, wanting to feel the softness around your fingers but unsure exactly how much

affection he can handle.

"Sit. You've gotta eat"

"Oh, I have to now, huh?"

"Mhm. You're going to need all the energy you can get"

"You're bossy, you know that?"

He winks at you, and your grin like a bubbly idiot, and sit on the bench as he begins to empty the

contenders of his backpack, pulling out a bunch of picnic food. Your stomach rumbles, churning with

hunger which appears out of nowhere.

"If I'm going to fuck you senseless on our way down, I need you to be energised"

Oh my...

"Energised it is then"

You reach for the sandwich that's bagged up, and pull it out before examining it.

"I packed three different kinds. I realised I wasn't sure exactly what you like"

"Turkeys fine"

He nods, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth before his eyes shift to the beautiful view that lays

just behind him.

"The views great"

You give him a quick 'mhm' in response, but he's unaware you're staring at him. You're engrossed in

how relaxed he seems right now. How he sits, head angled towards the sun which looms above an

endless bound of trees and wildlife. So much worry can typically be seen carried in his stature, but at

that moment, he doesn't appear uptight or tense. He appears carefree. Purely happy.

I wish I could see more of this. I hope I get to.

He catches you staring at him. Despite the way he shakes his head and blinks a few times, you cant

deny the blush that rises to his cheeks the way you marvel, making him embarrassed.

He's adorable when he's embarrassed

"See something you like?"

He raises his brows, a knowing smirk on his lips. You match his smirk, tapping your chin to feign

contemplation, before you lean towards him and place a teasing kiss on his lips.

"You're not the only ones who's hungry"

He widens his eyes, snickering with shocked amusement as you bat innocent lashes at him.

"Hungry, Scar? We might have to do something about that"

Yes please.

You begin to get excited, ready to skip lunch completely to be devoured by him, but he shakes his head

and clucks his tongue at you.

"Eat first. I wont have you passing out on me"

You pout, crossing your arms over your chest as he pushes a small bag of chips your way. You stick

out your tongue before you pop the bag open and manage to inhale a chip.


He rolls is eyes, a usual, and shakes his head.

"Scarlett... just do as you're told and I promise you, you wont regret it."

You shiver by his insinuation, knowing there's so much truth behind his words. You peer longingly at

him before you tear your gaze away to calm yourself and begin eating thoughtfully.

"This was well thought out"

"Ive been envisioning it for a while"

He has?

As if he can read your mind, he nods, swiping his hair out of his eyes.

"The day I asked you to hike was the day I had this planned"

"Something as romantic as this?"

His smirk is evident by the amusement in his voice, and you glance at him to confirm the teasing tilt to

his lips as he shakes his head.

"Well, what I had in mind wasn't exactly romantic. More self-serving"

You gasp and swat at him, giggling when he chuckles and grabs your wrist playfully, bringing your hand

to his mouth where he places a kiss along your knuckles. You're breathless from the gentle caress.

He's being so vulnerable with me right now. I absolutely love it.

He squeezes your hand gently before he releases it and you stifle your pout by biting your lip and

looking away from him.

"I wanted to fuck you senseless here. Hell, I wanted to fuck you senseless everywhere. And still do of


He sighs, and takes a swig of his water bottle, his cheeks puffing outwards with the liquid before he


"This summer is moving fast"

He glances at you sideways.

"When are you supposed to leave for college?"

His tone is guarded, so you cant make out any emotions behind his words, but you shrug. You haven't

fully addressed the issues lately. Especially after everything that's happened between you two.

It just hasn't been on my mind

Silently, you chew your food, before you decide to answer him.

"Ive been pretty occupied.

He smiles, knowing damn well he's the 'distraction'.

"Honestly, I'm not really sure if I want to go anymore"

Its been hard to fully admit, but the thought of being away from him for so long physically hurts. He


"Since when?"

Since you.

You rubs the back of your neck after setting down your sandwich, warily approaching the subject.

"I don't know. Recently, I guess"

"Scarlett... you have to go to college"

The anger in his voice is firm and grating. He clenches his jaw, eyes swirling with a sternness you've

come to expect. Your narrow your eyes, scrutinising him as he clenches his hands into fists.

"It's important"

"Well, I'm not sure I want to do it right now"

"Why? Because of me?"

He presses a frustrated finger to hi chest and scoffs while shaking hiss head.

"I don't know what I want! Okay? Lately, I've been feeling differently about things"

"I don't care. You're not skipping out on college because of me... because of this"

He gestures wildly between you two, and you roll your eyes.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what I need to do with my life?"

Hurt presses over his face but its gone quicker than it appeared. He presses his palms against the

table, his nostrils flaring with agitation.

"Who am I? Oh, just some guy who actually gives a shit about you. I don't want to see you throw away

your dreams of college"

"It doesn't matter what you want!"

"It doesn't matter what I want, huh? Fine, just piss away your future, Scarlett"

Seriously, what an ass.

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