Strings of Fate

Chapter 11

11- Arguments and agreements

Bellamy immediately turns to me.

“Are you okay?” he asks in a hurry.

“Of course I am. He’s an Incubus sure, but he isn’t going to hurt me.” I assure him. Bellamy looks doubtful.

“You sure he didn’t try anything? You know how Inccubi, can be.” His voice is thick with implications. I glare at him.

“Now that’s just rude. He’s a person like anyone else. He has a soul mate just like anyone else. I’m not sure who, I don’t know if they’ve met yet. It just takes a while for Inccubi, and Succubi to settle down is all. He’s basically harmless.” Bellamy looks confused.


“I’ve e seen people run into Inccubi, and leave with them after only a minutes conversation once they turn on their charm. It doesn’t seem to affect you at all.” I shrug.

“Harry wasn’t really trying. Inccubi like games. As long as you let them know that you aren’t playing, they lose interest.” Bellamy nods.

“Fine, it’s good that you aren’t really affected by them. Just remember that I promised to see you home.” he reminds me. I glare at him.

“I don’t need a babysitter.” Bellamy opens his mouth to argue but stops himself.

“Oh just forget it. It’s not worth the argument.” The awkwardness is terrible and made worse. by the fact that Bellamy is still sitting close beside me. He hasn’t returned to his original seat. I’m saved by the pretty girl from the counter coming and placing our food on the table in front of us. I pick up my fork and start eating. I’m finding it really difficult to ignore how crowded I feel with Bellamy sitting next to me, particularly with the empty seat directly across from us. Bellamy doesn’t seem to share my problem. He just settles into the seat further. I watch him out the corner of my eye as I eat. I am pretty sure this is the most relaxed and happy I’ve seen him all day. That must be some seriously good steak I guess. I endure the rest of the meal in the most frustrating silence. If this is what life is going to be


like with a soul mate then I think I should return him. Am I being too judgemental? Knowing

what I know, it’s really hard not to judge and evaluate everything about Bellamy. Seeing that Bellamy has also finished eating, I gesture for him to get up so we can leave and begin standing slightly so I can slide out of my seat once he moves. Suddenly, Bellamy grabs my wrist and gently, but firmly, pulls me back down. I glare at him but return to my seat.


“Wait… I didn’t intend to imply earlier that you aren’t capable of taking care of yourself. It’s just… I told you earlier that offering you my arm is offering my protection right? It’s sort of connected to that. It might seem paranoid, overprotective or like I think you need a babysitter, but that’s not what I mean. It’s for my sake more than anything else, I offered you protection, I have to feel like I’m giving it or I’ll be incredibly frustrated.” Bellamy groans and

leans his head onto his hand.

“I have no idea how to explain this. I would never have to explain this to another Shifter.” he grumbles. Honestly, that stings a bit. I find that more offensive than anything else he’s said so


“Well I’m so sorry that my species is so inconvenient to you. Now would you move already so I can go home?” I glare at him and push against his chest slightly. He doesn’t budge. He raises his eyes to the ceiling. I’m pretty sure he’s praying for patience, or counting to ten.

Whatever it is he does to calm himself.

“I didn’t mean that. I was just trying to say that this is part of Shifter culture. I’ve never had to explain it before and I don’t really know how.” His golden eyes are pleading with me to

understand. I take a deep breath.

“How about we just forget about this?” I suggest. I’m sure Bellamy will jump at the chance to drop the topic but he hesitates.

“You’re going to be around for a while, this is bound to come up again at some point. Particularly if you’re going to be friends with my sister. Maybe… Maybe you could ask Megan about it tomorrow? She can probably explain it better than I can since she’s on the receiving end of this pretty much all the time.” I can tell from his tone that Bellamy is nervous just suggesting I discuss it with his sister. Whatever it is that I’m apparently not getting must be really important to him if he is willing to encourage me to discuss his behaviour with his sister of all people. I suppose since he is my fated mate I’m going to have to learn about Shifter culture eventually. He is right in saying avoiding the problem won’t solve anything. It Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

occurs to me that Bellamy tends to be rather direct when facing problems. Note from a


stranger? Track them down. Someone won’t listen? Kidnap them and make them listen. I’m so lost in my thoughts that it takes Bellamy clearing his throat to remind me that he is still waiting for me to respond. I sigh and nod.

“Fine, I’ll talk to Megan about it tomorrow. She promised to help me learn more about Shifters anyway.” Bellamy releases the breath he was holding. Finally he stands up and moves so I can slide out of the booth. We make our way to the counter and I start to get my purse out to pay. Bellamy stops me with a hand on my arm.

“Let me, please. I’ll pay and we can call it even okay?” I frown but decide to let him pay if he really wants. I do notice that, yet again, he has avoided outright apologising. He did try in his OWI WAT

way to make it up to me by buying dinner though, so I guess I can let it slide just this once. As we head out to the car I decide to try and reduce the tension between us a little.

So, you’ll probably be happy to hear that Paul from downstairs in my building moved out the day after he met you. I was surprised how fast he managed it. Maggie is already advertising for a new tenant. Hopefully it will be someone nicer this time.” I say conversationally. Bellamy looks smug.

“Good. He was an asshole. He’s not someone you should be forced to endure.”

“Oh, well thanks, I guess? I can’t say Maggie was happy about him leaving, it is inconvenient after all. But she wasn’t too upset. She had already noticed he seemed a bit judgey and she is far too sweet to deal with that kind of behaviour.” I inform him. Bellamy shrugs.

“I didn’t scare the guy off for her. But I’m glad you’re pleased with the results and that it didn’t cause too much trouble with your friend.” He opens the car door for me and I climb in. The drive to my home only takes about another minute. Once again he parks the car and climbs out.

As I unlock the door, Bellamy notices a plate of brownies on my window sill with a note.

*I’ll keep you updated on any potential tenants we get. Stop by for tea sometime soon.

-Love Maggie.*

Bellamy reads the note aloud. I head inside and Bellamy follows me. He places my shoes on


11–Arguments and agreements

the floor by the door where I left them the last time he stopped by. Next, he places the plastic wrap covered plate of brownies onto the bench.

I will see you at some point tomorrow, probably after whatever activities my sister has planned for you. I believe she intends to meet Tristan for dinner. I am hoping we will be able to follow him from there.” Bellamy suggests. I nod my agreement. He shuffles slightly towards the door, glances back at the bench where the brownies sit before sighing and seeing himself out. He closes the door behind him. I am about to head to my room when I hear him tapping on my window. I glance out and see him gesturing for me to lock my door. I roll my eyes but


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