Strings of Fate

Chapter 157

Strings of Fate

157- Organising and ordering

Bellamy reads over the emails I wrote and without saying a word, hits send on each one.

“Bellamy! You didn’t even fix anything!” I object.

“That’s because there wasn’t anything that needed fixing. Have a little faith in yourself sweetheart. You’re doing well. Oh and I see you’ve been organising too. I’ll do my best to follow along with your system. It will definitely help. Thanks.” He adds.

“I have no idea how someone as obsessively organised as you can have such a chaotic mailbox. It must be the only disorganised thing in this house. Other than Megan’s closet that

is.” Bellamy laughs.

“Maybe. I clean and sort things to avoid thinking about work. Sorting my mailbox would be at dreadful combination of the two and the exact opposite of relaxing. I am completely happy to

hand the task of sorting it to you.” Huh, I hadn’t thought of it that way. I guess as someone who has to make a lot of important decisions that affect other people’s lives, there would be something satisfying about something as simple as just organising and putting things away where they belong.

“Now, eat your food then you can answer more emails. We should link my mailbox up to your laptop. Not that I mind you working at my desk, but you seemed far more comfortable curled up in the recliner.” Bellamy notes.

“You’re not wrong. But my laptop barely functions well enough to play movies. I think If I used it for much more it would probably stop working all together.” I admit. Bellamy shrugs.

“Well that’s not a problem I’ll just buy- I mean, could I buy you a new one? It would be for work as well as your personal use so you can hardly even count it as a gift.” Bellamy backtracks his original statement and makes it a request.

“I don’t know…” I trail off. Bellamy seems encouraged by the fact that I didn’t outright refuse

and just carries on.

“In that case I will just buy myself a laptop and you can borrow it.” He decides. I raise an

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157- Organising and ordering


“How is that any better? You still spend money on something you won’t use.” I insist.

Bellamy just shrugs.

“Ry, I can’t help myself. You don’t seem to get it yet but it’s still true. What’s mine is yours, that won’t change so I don’t see the point in holding back. Besides, this is for work, let me do this for us. It helps me too. Then we can both work and get things done twice as fast.” He reasons. I take my time and finish the last few bites of the pastry he bought earlier.

“Well… if it’s for work.” I give in. Bellamy beams. He is far too delighted to be spending money. Or rather he is too excited to be spending money on me. I’m just going to have to make sure to save him enough work for it to be worth it.

“Okay, move over. I’m done eating and there are emails to answer.

I move on to answering some of the less urgent emails. I stop and ask Bellamy for advice a few times, but most of the issues aren’t actually the kind of thing that are specific to Shifters. Mostly it’s just asking for clarification on rules or permission for various projects around the compound. Eventually I do come along to an email with an actual issue. Two Shifter men are arguing about, typically enough, a woman. From what I gather, the email is actually from the woman herself. The men have both been trying for her attention and despite the fact that she has done her best not to encourage either of them, they have both become excessively territorial over her and their arguments have gotten increasingly heated to the point that they are getting physical. I call Bellamy over to help.

“Bellamy, do you have any idea who these people are or what the hell is going on with them?” I enquire. Bellamy frowns.

“I hadn’t heard anything about this. I know the individuals and it’s a little strange, neither of them are particularly hot–tempered men. Though I suppose love makes people do crazy

things.” He says with a wink. I roll my eyes.

“What, like starting fights over a woman who they’re not even dating?” I say dryly. Bellamy


“I started a fight with your neighbour the day I met you.” He reminds me.


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“I guess. But that was a little different. You were defending me and you didn’t really start that fight, he did. You just… finished it. Either way, if this woman is asking for help, they have clearly taken it way too far.” I point out.

“Yes they have.” He agrees.

“I’m not sure this can be solved with an email.” I admit. Bellamy nods.

“I agree. We will have to talk to them in person. I will contact all three of them and have them come here first thing tomorrow. If nothing else it can keep you distracted for a few extra minutes.” He suggests.

“But… won’t it be weird for me to be there for that?” I ask nervously. Bellamy shrugs.

“You’re my houseguest. They already know you’re in the house. There is no issue with you being around, if they object I can just say I thought it would be more comfortable for there to be a woman present as well. I can say that Megan is busy.” He waves off my concerns with a smile and he sounds so reasonable that I find myself agreeing easily enough. I send an email back to the Shifter woman informing her that she will need to be here at nine am tomorrow.

I sit back and push myself away from the desk. Despite my best attempts to stay distracted, my mind keeps looping back to learning about my magic and learning more about Kiara. How can something as common as magic still be so difficult to learn about? Actually, all the magic

involved in the murders and kidnapping has been excessively difficult to learn about. Not that I’m much of an expert. What I really need is to talk to a Witch, but they aren’t generally very open when it comes to talking about their spells, they couldn’t charge nearly so much for it if everyone knew what was involved after all.

“Bellamy, do you know any Witches who might talk to me about magic? I want to ask about the spells used in Kiara’s kidnapping but I don’t know anyone who would talk to me.” I ask. Bellamy contemplates for a minute before sighing.

“I… I don’t think I do.” His tone is apologetic. An idea strikes.

“What about Dr Dae? She had all those healing potions. She must have a Witch contact who

trusts her fairly well because there is no way she purchased that many potions at a regular

store.” I point out. Bellamy shrugs.


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“You’re probably not wrong, but Alpha or not, I don’t think Dr Dae will tell me anything, she is incredibly secretive about her contacts. I understand why, a Witch could get in a lot of trouble for being so generous with their magic.” I appreciate that he is unwilling to push Dr. Dae and I agree that it wouldn’t be right to force her to share, but… she did say to contact her if I needed help and surely if she knew that a little girl’s life is in danger she would want to help. The Witch contact too. It can’t hurt to ask.

“I’m going to message Dr Dae. The worst she can do is say no.” I reason. Bellamy shrugs.

“Do as you like, I doubt she will agree but it’s worth a try.”

Dr Dae is as uncooperative via text as she is in person. But she does agree to ask her contact if she will speak to me. She warns me that she won’t force or pressure anything. She will only pass on my request. I thank her and, finally satisfied that I have done everything that I can tonight, I let Bellamy convince me to go to bed and get some much needed sleep.

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