Strings of Fate

Chapter 40

40- Greeting and glaring

“Uh, Ryann… did I… did I wake up earlier this afternoon? I remember… but I’m not really


..” He trails off and stares at the floor. Great, now I feel awkward too. I was hoping he wouldn’t remember that. He could have done us both a favour and pretended he did remember at the very least. He didn’t have to bring it up, now we have to talk about it. Darn.

“Oh, um… yeah. You were up for a couple minutes, although I wouldn’t have really described you as awake. I think you were practically sleep walking.” Come on Bellamy. I’ve just given you the perfect out for this discussion. Don’t keep going.

“I… yeah, you’re probably right. I had a lot of trouble trying to get to sleep in the first place.” THANKYOU! I am so ready for this conversation to be over. I can hear Megan’s heels as she comes down the stairs. She joins us in the kitchen. Darrien is following behind her with a slightly dumbstruck look on his face. He can’t seem to take his eyes off her. It’s adorable.

The drive down to the hotel is pretty relaxed., we might be going to Megan’s engagement party but I don’t think it has quite sunk in for the guys yet. Darrien drives and Bellamy takes the front seat so Megan and I can sit more comfortably in the back. Bellamy turns on the radio and Megan takes the chance to wow us with her singing skills. I hate to criticise her but they are somewhat lacking. Still, I join in when we reach the chorus since that’s the only part of the song I know. I’m an okay singer, at least I think I am. I used to join in my school choir when I was a kid, although I didn’t keep it up for long. By the time we reach the hotel, even Bellamy has joined in singing. I wouldn’t say he’s a star or anything, but his voice isn’t bad. He manages to stay in key at least, unlike Megan. Darrien is still quiet of course, but he turned the music up for us so it’s fine I guess. If it was anyone else I’d say they were trying to drown out Megan, but I suspect Darrien would listen to her sing all day without complaint.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

When we arrive, Darrien parks and he and Bellamy rush from their seats. Almost simultaneously my and Megan’s car doors swing open as the guys get them for us. Darrien of course got Megan’s door as she was seated behind him in the car, so Bellamy got mine. He offers me a hand out the car which I accept because as pretty as this dress is, it makes it hard. to move as easily as I do in my comfy leggings. Megan makes it out faster and far more gracefully than I do. She links her arm with mine and leads me towards the entrance. I notice Bellamy drop his arm which he automatically went to offer me as I got out the car. I see Bellamy’s black thread floating in front of him and repress a sigh. I let Megan lead me into. the hotel lobby where she drags me to a stop.


40–Greeting and glaring

“Tristan. You’re early!” She drops my arm and half runs up to where Tristan is waiting. He is in a suit and his blond hair is styled nicely. He should look handsome, but I’m distracted by the black thread between him and Bellamy. Maybe it’s just because I know there’s something up here, but everything about the man seems false. Like he’s trying too hard to look and act perfect. Megan introduces us.

“Tristan honey, this is Ryann my newest and best friend.” I have to fight a grin at that introduction.

“Ry, this is my fiancee Tristan.” She beams at me. I give him a polite smile.

“Nice to meet you.” I offer. He smiles politely.

“It’s lovely to meet you Ryann, any friend of my beautiful fiancee is a friend of mine. I’m sure we will get along just fine.” I nod along politely and try not to cringe. There’s nothing WRONG with what he’s saying, in fact it’s basically exactly what a husband to be SHOULD say. Which is probably why it sounds so fake. When do men ever say exactly what they should? It’s like he’s quoting those romantic comedies that Maggie loves so much and I occasionally indulge in.

“Honey, the DJ wanted to confirm a few things with us. If you all wouldn’t mind excusing us for a bit. Ryann, Alpha Kane.” He nods respectfully before taking Megan’s hand and leading her away. I frown. He totally ignored Darrien. Not to mention, who refers to their future brother in law by their title. It’s just so awkward. I examine the guys. Darrien seems to be attempting to perfect his impression of a blank sheet of paper. His expression is so forcefully plain and his eyes just look empty. Poor guy. Bellamy looks grumpy and is glaring after them. It’s actually a little scary.

“Uhm… are you guys okay?” I ask timidly.

“Fine.” Bellamy grinds out. Darrien just shrugs. I push forward.

“Are you

sure? Because you look like you’re about to hurt someone.” I point at Bellamy.

“And you look like you’re about to hurt yourself.” I gesture at Darrien. Both men stare at me like I’m crazy. Darrien still looks not quite with it though.


40- Greeting and glaring

“Bellamy, I need to talk to Darrien. Can you give us a sec?” a suspicious expression flashes. across Bellamy’s face. I glare at him and I can see him making an effort to smooth it away.

“Of course. I’m going to run to the bathroom anyway. I’ll be back in a minute.” Somehow that last part seems more like a threat than anything else. I repress the desire to roll my eyes, I need to talk to Darrien.

“Darrien. Remember what we talked about back at my place? You’ll get your chance. I’m sorry you have to put up with all this, but you’re my brother, remember. No one else.” Darrien looks. confused for

a minute, then he figures out what I mean. He knows I’m going to end up with Bellamy, so my brother will be the one with Megan. He seems to perk up a little. I poke him in the shoulder.

“So cheer up would you, you look like you belong in the before picture of a Snickers commercial.” He actually laughs at that.

“You’re like the little sister I never wanted. I’d hug you but Bellamy should be back soon and I like my arms attached to my shoulders.” I roll my eyes.

“I hug whoever I want thank you very much.” I can practically see the dread in Darrien’s face as I dart forward and hug him. He pats me on the back once awkwardly before I release him. I start giggling, in fact I can’t seem to stop.

“What’s so funny?” Bellamy asks from behind me. I jump, I didn’t hear him coming because I was laughing too much. Darrien stands up a little straighter.

“Drink! I need a drink.” He half runs from the room and I watch him leave. What’s his problem? I pull myself together and take a deep breath before facing Bellamy. If it’s possible, he looks even more grumpy than he did before. Shoot, that does not bode well for me.

“I hugged Darrien, he was awkward, it was hilarious.” I inform him. Bellamy takes a deep breath to calm himself. It doesn’t seem to work. Is he always going to get this grumpy when I hug Darrien? Because it’s going to get really old really fast.

“I can tell. Why did you hug him this time?” He remarks. Scents are stupid. Really, it’s entirely inconvenient being around people who can know things about me by smell. I roll my eyes at



40–Greeting and glaring

“Don’t be like that. I know you don’t like me actually being friends with anyone, but Darrien needs a friend tonight in case you hadn’t noticed.” Bellamy looks a little apologetic.

“Maybe you’re right.” He concedes. Did he just give in? Wow, did not expect that. I’m proud of him. He still looks grumpy though.

“Well, you need to put your game face on.” I inform him. He looks confused.


“This is a party, your sister’s engagement party. You look like you’re at the dentist to have all your teeth pulled without anaesthetic.” I point out. Bellamy frowns.

“I think that’s overstating it a little.” I shake my head.

“Nope, you look rather scary.” Bellamy takes a half step closer, his expression is still so severe that I automatically take a step back. He freezes in place. He’s a bit intimidating when he’s like this. His expression gets even darker.


you scared of me Ryann?” he demands. I shrug.

“Maybe a little.” I admit. I know Bellamy would never physically hurt me, but I wouldn’t put it past him to snap at me. Or to hurt someone else in order to protect‘ me or Megan. I don’t need that on my conscience right now. Bellamy backs up about three feet. His expression is one of horror. No sign of the intimidating Alpha who was making me so uncomfortable only two seconds ago.

“You never need to be scared of me.” He promises. It almost sounds like he is pleading with me to believe him. He looks so upset that I can’t help myself. I step forward until I’m standing directly in front of him. I hold his gaze, showing him that there’s no fear in my expression. He naturally places one hand on my waist before quickly snatching back and dropping it to his side. I grab the hand and put it back on my waist.

away from

“I’m not scared for me Bellamy.” My voice is quiet and I have to fight to not look him. Relief crosses his face and he takes another deep calming breath. He frowns a little as he does and without warning, yanks me forward into a tight hug. Just as quickly, he releases me. I stare at him but he totally ignores my shock and just offers me his arm.


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