Strings of Fate

Chapter 72

72- Videos and vampires

I’ll make sure she knows how to take it safely.” I assure them. The witch agreed but I had to provide my ID and let them take a copy of it. Potions that alter a person are considered a controlled substance and they need to keep a record of exactly who purchased it. Should it be misused, I would still be responsible for it as the person who purchased it. They wrap up a little bottle of the potion with written directions and warnings. They also give me a small blue box that has my special order in it. I pay a painful amount of money and collect my warranty paperwork for the spells. I get a full refund should they fail unless someone actively casts a s

spell to break them or they come in contact with nullifying magic. Purchases in hand, Aaron and I walk back to my place. I quickly head in and change out of my work clothes into something more comfy. Nothing impressive, just some leggings and an oversized t–shirt. Then we drive to Bellamy and Megan’s place. I sit in the car out front nervously for a few minutes, fiddling with the box my gift is in. Aaron gets out and opens my car door. He gives me an approving nod and gestures at the little box. Feeling encouraged, I climb out of the car and let him lead me to the front door.

The door opens before I can even knock..

“Thank you Aaron. We will call if you’re needed again.” Bellamy calls out, dragging me inside by the hand. Without waiting for a response from Aaron (not that he necessarily would have gotten one) he closes the door in his face. Before I can so much as blink Bellamy pulls me into his arms and presses his lips against mine. The kiss is hard and passionate at first. After a while, it could have been minutes or hours for all I know, he slows the kiss into something more gentle and relaxed. This is the least cautious kiss he’s ever given me. He eventually pulls back and we’re both breathing hard. I realise my back is pressed against the front door and Bellamy must be supporting most of my weight right now because my legs certainly aren’t. I meet his gaze. Bellamy’s golden eyes are practically glowing.

“Uhm. Hello to you too?” I greet him. Bellamy chuckles and gives me a bright smile.

“Hello beautiful.” He responds, his voice low. He begins running a hand through my hair at my scalp and I very nearly collapse into him at the feeling. It takes me a minute to

gather my thoughts.

“Bellamy… Don’t take this the wrong way… but what the hell was that all about?” He laughs



72- Videos and vampires

“I’ve been waiting to do that since you sent me that video last night. I didn’t think a text would cut it.” He mentions the video and I realise the situation I’m in. It’s like I suddenly remember to be embarrassed and a red flush runs across my cheeks. I realise I’m tightly clutching the little blue box and the bag with the potion in one hand. I take a few deep


“Uh, can I get some water?” I ask in a shaky voice. Bellamy makes sure I’m steady before releasing me. He does grab my hand though and leads me to the kitchen. He gestures for me to sit and he brings me a glass of water. I drink the whole thing immediately.

“So how was your day?” Bellamy asks, his expression somewhere between happy and smug. I


“It was fine. Nothing special. How about yours?” His face falls a little and he groans.

“Today was long. Last night was a stressful night and I’ve been tired and distracted all day.” He sighs and his shoulders droop forward a little. I drop my shopping on the bench and hop up from my seat. I do my best to stay nonchalant but I’m not sure I succeed because Bellamy looks wary when I approach him. I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug and I swear the man melts. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my hair. It’s not too different to the position we were in a minute ago but it feels very different. That was passion, this is comfort. It’s not going anywhere and I find I am far more comfortable initiating this kind of physical contact because I know exactly what to expect. After a minute I let go and drag Bellamy by his arm, into his office. He goes to sit in his desk chair, but I’m feeling brave today. I direct him towards the recliner that is still where he left it for me previously. He sits, and I cautiously perch on the edge of the wide arm on the recliner behind him, leaning into his shoulder. I angle myself so I can see his face. I can practically see the tension draining from him. Everyone keeps telling me that physical contact is important to Shifters and Bellamy has made it clear that he is no different. I might not be comfortable with everything just yet, but being close to him like this I can definitely do, particularly since it so clearly has a positive effect on him.

“Tell me about last night then.” I prompt him.

“The meeting was with a Vampire representative. They’ve finally caught word that I’ve been on a warpath towards the Vamps for a few months now. Since they attacked us. They’re not the most organised of groups and don’t generally have much in the way of official leadership. Apparently the reason I haven’t been able to find the Vampires who attacked us is that they


72- Videos and vampires

have been in hiding since that day. Their representative came with a peace offer. They owe us one favour and in exchange I stop hunting them.” He explains. Huh, that’s not what I was expecting to hear.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“What did you tell them?” I ask. He sighs.

“I didn’t answer. I want to say no, but since they’ve gone to the representative they’ve made an official offer of peace. If I refuse it makes me look petty. But they tried to hurt you, how can I just forget that!” Bellamy is agitated, he drops his head into his hands, running his fingers through his hair and avoiding my gaze. It takes me a minute to work out what’s wrong. He feels ashamed? But why?

“It wasn’t personal and they haven’t tried again since. Is there some particular reason why you can’t just let it go?” He stares at me like I’m insane.

“Of course I can’t. They attacked you, they scared you. You’re my mate. It’s my job to protect you. If they knew what you are to me they would never show up here with this cowardly offer. They would flee to the far ends of the planet to get away from me.” as he speaks he becomes more agitated until the final words are practically a growl and a threat. I sigh. That’s what this is about? He’s ashamed that he hasn’t made them pay for what? Frightening me? Threatening me?

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