Nodding negatively, Axion took out his phone and dialed a number.

” Hello Steven, come pick my car up at the mall now ” He instructed.

” Ok Sir ” The person replied and he ended the call before entering the mall.

On the other hand, Phoenix was hiding behind a car not so far from Axion’s car, waiting for him to get inside. Seeing as he had already entered, she heaved out a sigh of relief.

” You almost got yourself into trouble because of this running mouth of yours. Learn to keep shut sometimes ” She cautioned her mouth. Adjusting her hoodie, she went inside the mall.

On entering, she started looking around to see if she would see Axion so she could hide, but to her relief, she didn’t see him.

” Thank goodness. I pray I never cross his part again. I don’t have any money to pay for any car repairs ” She muttered.

Forgetting about her encounter with Axion, Phoenix focused on what she had to buy. And just when she was getting into her shopping on the way, she felt someone run past behind her at lightning speed making her turn swiftly. But she was surprised to see no one.

” What was that? ” She thought, looking around. Shrugging off the thought, she turned back and continued with her shopping.

This time around, her heart skipped suddenly as she felt a weird wind on her making goosebumps fill her body. She quickly dropped what she was holding as her heart skipped again. Placing her hand on her chest,

” Why am I suddenly having a bad feeling? Is something bad going to happen? ” She mumbled, confused. After some time, her racing heart stopped. She decided to ignore the weird feeling and was about to move to the next section with her cart when she felt the same person run past her with speed.

” No Phoenix, something terrible is going to happen ”

Axion, who was busy shopping too suddenly felt a figure standing behind him making him turn, but he didn’t see anyone. Frowning his brows, he turned back, continuing with what he was buying. Yet again, he felt the same figure standing behind him, but this time around, it placed its hand on his shoulder, making him freeze on the spot.

” I’m here to take what’s mine ” He heard a voice whisper to him before he felt the figure behind him leave.

“Are you okay, mister? ” A voice asked, snapping him out. He turned and saw a little girl staring at him blankly.

” I’m okay ” He forced a smile on his lips. The little girl smiled back at him.

” You’re very handsome, Mister ” She complimented. Axion squatted at her level, smiling broadly at her.

” What’s your name? ” He asked.

” Jessica ” The girl answered with a giggle.

” Who did you come with to the mall? ” Axion questioned again.

” My Mom. She’s over there ” The girl replied, pointing at a lady standing not so far from them. Looking at the lady, Axion frowned his brows deeply as the lady turned, glaring at him. A broad and evil smirk crept up the lady’s lips. Sticking out her tongue, she used her thumb to symbolize an ” I’ll kill you” on her neck as blood rolled down.

Axion sprang up immediately and stepped away from the girl, who too was now smirking evilly at him.

” I’ll take what’s mine ” The girl muttered with an evil chuckle as her head suddenly twisted to one side, making Axion step back the more in shock, his heart throbbing fast. The lady and the girl vanished, but surprisingly, only Axion saw them.

Closing his eyes and snapping them back open, his eyes turned dim purple. Looking over to the wall, his eyes widened a bit on seeing a huge handprint on the wall with writing on the hand.

” I’m here to take what’s mine ”

” He’s here ” He mumbled.

” Listen to me Sir, I have a strong feeling something terrible is going to happen here, please believe me,” Phoenix said for the umpteenth time to a security guard who rolled his eyes. She had been trying to convince the security guard that everyone in the mall was in danger but he wasn’t convinced at all.

” Listen to me, Miss, I think you’re maybe sick. That explains why you’re feeling bad or rather not too okay. It’s best if you go home and get some rest, then you’ll feel better ” He answered.

” I’m not sick Mister! ” Phoenix groaned in frustration.

” I’m sure that something bad is going to happen. I…” Phoenix couldn’t finish her sentence when her eyes landed on the huge handprint on the wall. It widened in horror immediately.

” Do you see that huge handprint on the wall? Can you see it? ” She asked the guard as she pointed at the wall. The security looked at the wall before glaring at Phoenix like she had gone nuts.

” What hand? ” He asked.

” Can’t you see the handprint on the wall? ” Phoenix asked, shocked at the fact the security guard couldn’t see anything.

” Enough, ma’am! I will be forced to throw you out if you keep bothering me. I’m sorry ” The guard hissed angrily.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

” But …

“Attention everyone. Due to some misfortune, the building you all are in is about to collapse. In order not to lose lives, everyone and I repeat, everyone should evacuate the building immediately…”

Immediately Axion dropped the announcement from where the handprint was on, the wall started cracking, making everyone gasp in horror. Before they knew it, the crack circulated the whole building.

Everyone started running helter-skelter, causing a stampede as they all tried to save their lives. Seeing that everyone was panicking, Phoenix ran towards the control room, as Axion and everyone inside the control room ran out. Getting to the room, she grabbed the microphone,

” Everyone calm down! ” She yelled, making everyone in the mall pull a brake on their legs.

” Everyone form a straight line. Starting from the children to the teenagers to the adults. After that, everyone should leave the building through the main door calmly and in an organized manner. Now! ” She commanded and everyone complied.

Axion and the security guards helped everyone evacuate the mall according to Phoenix’s instructions.

Seeing as everyone had already left with only Axion and the security guard remaining, Phoenix heaved a sigh of relief. She was about to leave the control room when the ground too started vibrating and cracking open.

“Holly molly! ” She exclaimed and ran out. The walls started falling off and so were the ceilings. Every product in the mall was now falling off their shelves, the glass ones breaking to pieces. Phoenix dodged the falling ceilings as she ran off to the exit.

But she pulled a brake on her legs when she felt goosebumps fill her whole body again.

” Help! Somebody help me, please! ” She heard a voice cry out.

” Someone is in danger ” She quickly diverted to where the voice was coming from. She stopped on getting to the restroom.

” Somebody help me, please! ” The voice cried out from inside the female restroom.

” Hold on, I’ll open the door from outside. You’ll be fine OK? ” Phoenix assured her and started kicking the door to break it open, but it was locked tight. Stepping a good distance away from the door, she ran towards it at full speed, and just when she was about to push the door open, it opened by itself and she fell in, crashing to the floor.

” Arghhh! ” Phoenix groaned in pain.

” Thank you for saving me, Miss, ” A tiny voice said, making Phoenix look over at the door and she was surprised to see a little girl standing by it. It turned out to be the same girl Axion met earlier.

” Bye ” The girl added before slamming the door close, making Phoenix flinch back in fear.

” Hey! ” She exclaimed and sprang up from the floor, rushing to the door. She grabbed the handle and made to twist it open but she was shocked to see it was locked.

” Hey, get me out of here! ” She yelled out, banging on the door. The little girl only let out a burst of evil loud laughter which echoed as she vanished.

” Someone help me! Open this damn door! ” Phoenix yelled out in frustration, banging on the door nonstop.

She eventually stopped calling out for help when she grew tired of yelling.

” But… who is that little girl and how was she able to bang the door this tight? ” She asked no one in particular.

” What am I going to do? This building is about to collapse soon, somebody help me out of here! ” She groaned angrily, kicking the door with all her might, but it still didn’t open.

Instead of the door opening, part of the restroom ceiling fell off, blocking the door.

” What the … ” Phoenix’s eyes widened in horror.

” Somebody help!! ” She yelled at on top of her voice.

” Can anyone hear me?! ”

Tears already wailed up her eyes as she ran her hand through her hair in frustration.

” Calm down Phoenix, don’t cry. Think of a way to escape this place. ” She tried calming herself down. Pacing to and fro the restroom,

” Think Phoenix, think! ” She snapped at herself. She looked up and her eyes landed on the window which was close to the ceiling. Hope flashed through her eyes as happiness ran through her.

She quickly climbed on the tiled skin and tried reaching out to the window, but it was too high. An idea hit her head just then and she climbed down.

Using some of the bricks which blocked the door, she placed them on the sink and before you knew it, she had already created some stairs which could boost her closer to the window. Climbing the stairs carefully since it was shaky, she finally got to the top. Reaching out, she was more than happy when her hands finally reached the window.

” Yes! ” She exclaimed in happiness and just then, the restroom’s door barged open, making her turn swiftly. Her left leg ended up slipping and she fell off…

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