Immediately Axion entered his office, there was Gianna already waiting for him. She stood up as Axion walked over to the chair.

” What did you just do Axion? ” Gianna spoke up.

” You left when it was almost time for the meeting. Why? ”

” Because you weren’t around, Mr. Albert refused to give us a chance and now you’ve lost such a crucial partnership ” She ranted.

” Why did you lie to me? ” Was the only question Axion threw at her which got her confused.

” Huh? ”

” What are you talking about Axion? ” She asked.

” Last night you said you saw Jason and Phoenix making out in the restroom whereas it was nowhere near to the truth. Why lie about it? ” Axion demanded.

Gianna’s eyes widened a bit in panic but she quickly hid it.

” I didn’t lie about it, I told you what I saw, ” She said, trying to hide the fear on her face.

” Really? Did you see everything with your own eyes? ” Axion scoffed.

” Not everything but someone told me she saw the two of them entering the ladies’ room and when I got there, I heard loud moans coming from inside. What else will they be doing there? ” Gianna received a hard glare from Axion.

” Someone told you? ” Axion snorted angrily.

” Are you aware of the danger of passing on wrong information Gianna?! ” He flared up making Gianna cringe back in fear.

” Do I also have to remind you to keep shut if you aren’t ? sure of what you’ve seen or heard? Really Gianna? You just made me look like a fool before Phoenix! ” He groaned and Gianna looked down, faking remorse.

” I’m sorry Axion. I didn’t mean to pass on the wrong information. I’ll be careful next time ” She apologized. Axion let a sigh.

” This better not repeat itself… ever again ” He ordered and Gianna nodded. She made to speak up when,

” You can leave, ” Axion said as he sat down.

” Ok,” She mumbled and left. On getting outside she let out an angry puff.

” That wussy just ruined my whole plan ” She sneered. Taking out her phone, she placed a call across Kelsey.

” Hello aunt ”

” There is something you need to know about Phoenix ”

× × ×

” Mom, what are you doing here? ” Axion asked, surprised. He was on his way downstairs only to see Kelsey marching toward him, steaming in anger.

” What is this I’m hearing Axion? ” Kelsey demanded with a stern glare, making Axion frown.

” What happened? ” He asked, receiving a scoff from Kelsey.

” Is it true that that lady you introduced earlier to me and Gianna isn’t your girlfriend but a stripper? ” Axion let out a sigh.

” How did you find out? ” He asked, not even surprised.

” So it is true? ” Kelsey huffed, pained.

” After everything that happened to us, you still went ahead and lived with a slut?! ” She flared up when she couldn’t hold back her anger.

Phoenix was about to climb down the stairs when she heard Kelsey’s voice making her stop.

” What are those two talking about? ” She wondered.

” How could you, Axion? ”

” Mom, please. I had my reasons ” Axion replied.

” What stupid reason are you talking about? Have you forgotten what a stripper did to our family?! ”

” I haven’t forgotten, mom! ” Axion too flared up.

” Do you think I’m happy living with her, having to see her face every day and be reminded of something I’m trying hard to forget?! ”

Phoenix knew immediately that they were talking about her.

” Mom, you don’t know how I hate and despise her. Seeing her face alone makes me disgusted, makes me want to hurt her but I don’t have a choice. I have to live with her even though I don’t want to ”

Phoenix’s face hazed in sadness as she felt a sharp pain thrust through her heart. She clenched her fist in anger.

” Then why are living with her? ” Kelsey demanded.

” Because she’s a Red Phoenix ” Axion answered.

” She was the one who revived you, mom. If not for her, you wouldn’t be here…

” I don’t care! ” Kelsey snapped him off.

” I rather remain in a coma than watch you live with that thing ” She spat in loathing.

Tears flooded Phoenix’s eyes as she let out a scoff indicating pain. It felt as though someone took out her heart and stabbed it repeatedly.

” What about me mom? Do you want me to live the rest of my existence waiting for you to wake up? ” Axion asked. Kelsey let out a sigh, her anger dwindling.

” That’s not what I meant Axion. Since you hate her, why live with her? ” She asked in a much calmer tone.

” We’re bonded to each other, that’s why ”

” Then reject her. It’s as simple as that ” Kelsey suggested.

” I have… but it’s not in my hands alone. Our bond can only be broken if she rejects me ”

” Then make her reject you. Make her life so miserable, that she wouldn’t have a choice but to leave. I just can’t bear you two living together ” Kelsey cupped Axion’s face, staring intently into his eyes.

Phoenix couldn’t tolerate listening to their conversation. She went back upstairs but bumped into Gianna on the way, who was grinning from ear to ear.

” How do you see my surprise? Love it? ” She asked but Phoenix ignored her and made to walk past her,

” Oh wait, hold on. Not so fast my dear Phoenix ” Gianna sassed, standing in her way.

” How do you feel? Does it hurt? Come on, tell me ” She ridiculed making Phoenix roll her eyes.

” Main looking at you, I can tell it must have hurt. I mean, not only does your mate hate you, but his mother too. The same person who you revived from a coma. Your heart must be bleeding badly ” Phoenix swallowed back her tears.

” I don’t have time for you ” Was all she said.

” If I were you Phoenix, I’ll leave and stay away from Axion,” Gianna said, halting Phoenix.

” He is mine. He loves me but can never feel anything for you apart from hatred ” A strand of tears rolled down Phoenix’s face but she cleaned it off instantly. Scoffing, she turned to face Gianna who raised a brow at her.

” For your point of information Gianna, I don’t see Axion that way. He might be bonded to me but that doesn’t mean I love him. I’m only here to fulfill my duty as his Phoenix…

” So don’t worry, he’s all yours. You don’t have to fight for him ” She indicated and left. Gianna grunted in anger.

” Why is everything I’m doing not even having any effect on her ” She fumed.

Phoenix on entering the room and closing the door finally allowed the tears she was holding back to fall. She rested on the door and slowly crouched to the floor.

As much as she was trying to act less concerned, it still hurts. She’s already getting used to Axion’s hate but Kelsey hating her too was new and blowing to her.

After sobbing and whimpering for some time, she wiped the tears and stood up. She was already tired of crying and couldn’t take it anymore. Since Axion doesn’t want her here, then she’s leaving for good.

She was about to open the door when it opened instead, revealing Axion. Seeing him, Phoenix’s anger started buckling up as everything he said downstairs came flashing into her mind. Not wanting to spend even the slightest second with him, she made to leave but Axion held her wrist and pulled her back.

” Where are you going? ” Phoenix yanked his hand off.

” I’m leaving… for good ” She hissed making Axion frown deeply. He held her arm this time around, pulling her back again.

” What do you mean you’re leaving? ” He demanded with a stern look.

” It means, I’m tired of living with you, Axion! ” Phoenix sneered.

” You hate me, don’t you? If it’s left to you, you’ll announce to the whole universe how much you despise me. What’s the point of keeping me here then? ” A huff left Axion’s lips.

” You overhead my conversation with my mom, didn’t you? ”

” Does it matter? You and that mother of yours are the same! ” What Phoenix said angered Axion. He banged the door close and pinned Phoenix to it.

” Watch the tone you use to talk about my mom ” He snarled, glaring dangerously at her.

” Just let me go, Axion. Haven’t you humiliated me enough? I’m already tired of it ” The words came out soft as a strand of tears rolled down Phoenix’s face.

Seeing the tears, Axion’s face softened a bit and he felt uncomfortable. But he shrugged the feeling off, hardening his face.

” Never ” He snapped to her face. He held her chin, tilting her face forward and bringing his closer.

” You’re my Phoenix and I’m never letting you go ”

” Not until you reject me. I’m going to make your life even more miserable until you say the words yourself. And don’t even think of escaping because even if you do, I’ll hunt you and take you back ” He snickered, letting go of her chin.

× × ×

Night came with Axion fast asleep on the bed. On the other hand was Phoenix who couldn’t sleep and kept tossing on the floor, uncomfortable. When she couldn’t force herself to sleep any longer, she snapped her eyes open.

Gazing blankly at the ceiling, she couldn’t help but ponder why her life turned out this way.

She’s a Red Phoenix yet she can’t use her powers unless provoked. The people she cared so much about, betrayed her without even looking back. The person bonded to her loathes her and is set out to ravage her life. Even though she wants to reject him and free herself from all this pain, she still can’t bring herself to do it and she doesn’t know why.

Is this how fate wants her life to be?

Thinking about all this, her eyes slowly began closing up and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

But just when she was starting to enjoy her sleep, she started having a bad feeling. A weird feeling that someone else was in the room with them.

She could see a figure moving toward Axion. The person stopped getting to the bed and lowered down to Axion’s neck. And just when he or she was about to dig their sharp fangs into Axion’s neck, Phoenix jerked up, breathing heavily.

Thinking it was a nightmare, she heaved. But looking up to the bed, her eyes dilated in horror on seeing the same figure trying to bite Axion’s neck.

It was the Princess of Terror!

” Stop what you’re trying to do! ” Phoenix halted her, standing up. The Princess of Terror turned immediately and was more than shocked to see Phoenix.

And just when she was about to vanish, Phoenix held her hand and they both ended up vanishing together…From NôvelDrama.Org.

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