Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted

Unshift 320

Unshift 320

320 Ava: A Stronger Bond Than Before

Soon, Grimoire assures me. O


Selene sets her paw on the golden wolf’s head, shoving it down while she rubs her head against my hand.

“Jealous?” I ask her in amusement.

Why would I be jealous? she asks, even as she wiggles her way between us.

Unlike with Lucas, she isn’t trying to share affection with the golden wolf. It’s me she wants to snuggle against.

I guess she still doesn’t have a full connection with his wolf.

No, she agrees shortly.

As Kellan and Lisa approach, the golden wolf lets out a low, menacing growl in warning. Selene, ever protective, sits up abruptly and snarls back. He immediately cowers in response.

Kellan’s voice cuts through the tension. “It might be best to keep him in here. Not everyone’s seen their Alpha’s new form.”

The pack is already on edge; seeing their Alpha in an unfamiliar state could cause more unrest. He’s taking it in stride, but maybe he’s already seen it before.

Selene’s agreement comes with an unexpected caveat. It wouldn’t be good for them to see their Alpha wolf submitting to me, either. Unless… Her piercing gaze falls on me. Unless you wish to

become Alpha yourself.

Me? Alpha? The very thought sends a jolt of panic through my system.

“No. Absolutely not. No way!”

The vehemence of my refusal surprises even me. I’ve never wanted that kind of power or responsibility. I’m still adjusting to becoming Luna.

As if sensing my distress, Lucas‘ wolf squeezes past Selene. He bumps his massive head against my shoulder, whining softly, in tender affection.

Selene grumbles, clearly not thrilled with the display. I can feel her conflicted emotions through our bond–protective, jealous, and yet somehow resigned.

Lisa settles beside me, with slow and steady movements. He ignores her. She reaches out tentatively, her hand hovering over Lucas‘ golden fur. To my surprise, he allows her touch, though he remains somewhat aloof.

“It was hard to breathe when he first woke up,” Lisa says, her voice barely above a whisper. “Like all the air was suddenly pulled out of the room.”

I nod, understanding exactly what she means. “That was his alpha presence. It’s always hard for humans to take, especially when it’s unleashed suddenly like that.”



320 Ava: A Stronger Bond Than Before

Lisa sighs, her hand still absently stroking Lucas‘ fur. “Wolf business is way too complicated for humans.” She glances over her shoulder at Kellan.

“Are you having a hard time staying with Kellan?” I ask, concern coloring my voice. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own drama that I haven’t had a chance to really check in with her about her new living situation.

Lisa just shrugs, her expression carefully neutral. “It’s fine.”

But I know my best friend. There’s something going on.

“Do you need to stay with me instead?” I offer, even though I’m not sure how I’d manage it with Lucas in this state. What if he tries to eat her because she gets up to use the bathroom at night?

Lisa shakes her head quickly. “No, no. You need to focus on your mate.” She gestures to the golden wolf still pressed against my side. “This is way more important.”

Rubbing the wolf’s soft ears, I ask, “What have you been up to? Setting in here okay? How about the gnomes? Are they doing okay, too?” I need to be more present in pack life and learn about everything. I’ve spent all my time in this cottage.

Thankfully, the excuse of being newly mated means no one expects to see me around much for

the next week or so.

Lisa gives a thoughtful hum. “The Grand Sage is working on a new communications device. He’s still designing it. He thinks he might be able to make, like, a magical smartwatch.”

“Oh?” This is news to me. “That’s fascinating. Does he think he can do it?”

“He does, but says there’s a lot of things to work through. He wants to go to a local human city so we can buy a few watches to work on.”

Kellan’s voice cuts in, his tone a mix of surprise and concern. “This is the first I’m hearing of this.”

Lisa has the grace to look a bit sheepish. “We haven’t brought it up to you yet. It’s all very preliminary.”

A flicker of worry ignites in my chest. I turn to Kellan, searching his face for any sign of how he feels about this. “How safe would it be to do something like that? Going so far out right now.”

He frowns, taking a moment to think. “It’s probably safe, but I can’t guarantee it. Nothing’s certain these days. Still, Sister Miriam mentioned that it’s been quiet.”

I can see the wheels turning in his head as he considers the possibilities. After a moment, he adds, “I could bring along a few wolves for extra protection.”

Relief washes over me. “That’s a great idea.”

Lisa leans against me with a dramatic sigh. “More guards, right?” But her tone is playful, not


It’s crazy to think we were both once so angry and frustrated to have guards shadowing our every move. Life can change so quickly.


320 Avt A Stronger Bond Than Before

he wants to insist on going with her. The thought of Lisa venturing out into the human world, even with protection, sends a tendril of fear curling through my gut.

But the Luna can’t just go out on a whim so I can buy a bunch of watches. At this point,

something like that is a mission, not an errand. It has to be planned out to keep everyone safe.

I swallow hard, pushing down the urge to be overprotective. “Be careful, okay?”

She punches my shoulder lightly. “I’m always-” Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Lucas‘ wolf growls, his hackles bristling.

Selene snaps at him, and he flattens to the ground with a whimper.

Lisa snorts. “Never thought I’d see the day a husky can overpower a wolf”

I can’t help but chuckle at Lisa’s comment. It’s true–the sight of Selene dominating Lucas’s wolf form is amusing.

Kellan clears his throat, drawing my attention. “Luna, I’d like to request permission to accompany Lisa and the gnomes into the city for their shopping trip.”

His formal tone catches me off guard. It takes me a moment to remember that as Luna, I have the authority to grant or deny such requests. Yet another massive change.

“Of course,” I say, trying to sound confident. “That’s probably for the best.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, a wave of anxiety washes over me. Kellan is Lucas‘ right– hand man, the beta of the pack. He’s been taking care of everything in Lucas‘ place. Am I going to be able to handle anything that comes up?

Trial by fire, I guess.

His expression softens. Maybe the panic is written on my face. “Don’t worry, Luna. Vester and Vanessa will be here to help. They’re more than capable of handling things in my absence. And me, Selene points out. But let’s hope nothing happens. I’m ready for a lazy day.

Honestly? Me, too. My body’s exhausted. My heart’s exhausted. Every cell in my body and being wants a beach vacation with no stress, no worries, and no war.

It’s weird to think that a beach vacation like that might not happen for years. Not out of poverty, but because of the state of the world.

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