Tangled in Moonlight: Unshifted

Unshift 326

Unshift 326

326 Lisa: Shopping Mission (II)


The moment I step out of the car, a chill runs down my spine that has nothing to do with the temperature. Something’s off.

People hurry across the parking lot, their eyes downcast and shoulders hunched. Shopping carts rattle past, piled high with bottled water and toilet paper. It’s like everyone’s preparing for some impending disaster. O

“What’s going on?”

Kellan appears at my side. “You feel it too, huh?”

I nod, watching as a mother hurries past with two small children in tow, her face pinched with worry. “This isn’t normal, is it? I thought these towns were supposed to be… I don’t know, untouched by everything.”.

He shakes his head grimly. “Looks like nowhere’s really safe anymore.”

Another car pulls up nearby, and I recognize some of the wolfy bodyguards from our group. Kellan leans in close, his breath warm against my ear. “They’re going to gather some essentials, if there are any left.”

“Good luck to them,” I mutter, eyeing the frantic shoppers streaming in and out of the store.

We make our way towards the entrance, the Grand Sage and Elverly trailing behind us. It’s strange to see them so subdued, their usual chatter silenced. As we pass through the sliding doors, the tension only seems to increase.

Inside, the store is a hive of barely controlled chaos. People jostle each other in the aisles, their carts overflowing with canned goods and other non–perishables. The shelves are picked clean in places, gaping holes where everyday items used to be.

“This way,” I murmur, leading our small group towards the jewelry and accessories section. It’s quieter here, removed from the frenzy of the grocery aisles.

The Grand Sage’s eyes widen as we approach the watch displays. “Fascinating,” he whispers, leaning in close to examine the various timepieces.

I point out different styles, keeping my voice low. “These are digital watches,” I explain, indicating a sleek black model. “They use electronic displays to show the time. And these over here are analog watches, with traditional clock faces and moving hands.”

The Grand Sage nods, stroking his beard thoughtfully. “And which would be most suitable for -our purposes, do you think?”

I consider for a moment. “Probably digital. They’re easier to modify, and the display could potentially show messages or other information beyond just the time.”

He picks up a chunky sports watch, turning it over in his hands. “This one seems sturdy. Built to withstand various conditions.”

“Good choice,” I agree. “Those are designed for outdoor activities, so they’re pretty durable.”


326 Lisa: Shopping Mission (II)

As the Grand Sage continues to examine the watch, I can’t help but glance around nervously.

“Have you decided on one?”

He holds up the sports watch. “I believe this will suffice. Now, we’ll need to acquire the necessary tools to modify it…”

As he speaks, I notice a small group of people approaching our section. They look different from the panicked shoppers–more purposeful, their eyes scanning the area with a predatory

intensity that makes my heart race. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“Kellan,” I whisper, nudging him gently.

He follows my gaze, his body tensing beside me. “I see them. Stay close.”

The Grand Sage and Elverly pick up on the change in atmosphere.

“We should go,” I suggest, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice. “We can figure out the rest later.”

Kellan nods, his hand coming to rest protectively on my lower back. “Agreed. Let’s make our way to the checkout.”

As we start to move, I catch snippets of conversation from the approaching group.

“…definitely picked up a scent…”

“…not human, that’s for sure…”

My pulse quickens. They’re looking for something–or someone–supernatural. And we fit that bill perfectly.

Well, not me. But the rest of them.

We weave through the aisles, trying to blend in with the other shoppers while making our way to the front of the store. The group seems to be following us, though they’re trying to be subtle about it.

“Almost there,” Kellan murmurs, guiding us towards an open checkout lane.

As we approach, I notice the cashier giving us an odd look. Her eyes linger on the Grand Sage and Elverly, widening slightly. I hold my breath, praying she doesn’t say anything to draw attention to us.

The group is getting closer. I can feel their eyes on us, burning into my back. My palms are sweating as I place the watch on the conveyor belt, fumbling with my wallet.

“That’ll be $49.99,” the cashier says, her voice sounding unnaturally loud in my ears.

I hand over the money with shaking hands, willing her to hurry. Every second feels like an eternity as she bags the watch and hands me the receipt.

“Thank you, have a nice day.”

We’re almost to the exit when I hear a shout behind us.

“Hey! You there! Stop!”

Kellan’s orin on my arm tightens “Run” he whisners urgently


326 Lisa: Shopping Mission (II)

We burst through the doors into the parking lot, the sound of pursuit close behind us. My heart pounds in my ears as we race towards our car, the Grand Sage and Elverly struggling to keep up. “Get in!” Kellan yells, fumbling with the keys.

I dive into the backseat, pulling Elverly in after me as the Grand Sage clambers into the front. Kellan starts the engine just as our pursuers reach the car.

“Go, go, go!” I shout, my voice high with panic.

Kellan floors it, tires squealing as we peel out of the parking lot. In the rearview mirror, I catch a glimpse of angry faces and raised fists.

“The others—”

“Already warned them. We’re splitting up. That might not be the only group.”


my adrenaline rush fades, I slump back into my seat with ragged gasps. Even that short run across the parking lot was too much for my body.

“What… what was that?” I manage to ask between gulps of air.

Kellan’s knuckles are white on the steering wheel. “Hunters, I think. Or some kind of supernatural– aware group.”

The Grand Sage clutches the bag with the watch to his chest. “At least we accomplished our mission,” he says, though his voice lacks its usual cheer.

Those untouched towns I’d imagined earlier seem like a distant fantasy now. The reality is far grimmer–a world on edge, where even a simple shopping trip can turn into a life–or–death situation.

“Good thing we weren’t close to the haven.”

“That’s exactly why we weren’t. And now we know someone’s hunting supernaturals.” Kellan taps his fingers against the wheel, his voice tight.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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