The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 17

While I was making my way to my room, I heard soft cries coming from Emily's bedroom. making me stop. I knocked on the door and I heard her yelp, causing me to immediately walk inside. I though the worst. I thought she was hurt in any way, but I found her balled in he Woah what's going on! Are you hurt!" 1 asked approaching her.

"S-storm," she whimpered. It was a stormy night, but I didn't know that she was scared of storms. It had been five days since my mum's birthday party and the two of us had been


"Are you scared of storms?" I gently asked and she nodded. Instantly, I got in bed with her and pulled her in my arms, goals the whole no cuddle rule in our deal. I didn't care about the rule though. She was petrified. The moment I pulled her against me, she latched onto me "It's okay. Nothing is going to happen to you," I assured her and kissed her forehead.

tran in her beautiful green eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm not usually like this. I'm not usually a mess," she whimpered, looking up at me with

"That's fine. You have nothing to apologize for, okay? We all have our fears" I assured her as I stroked her blonde hair. She shuddered in my arms when it thundered and all could do was tighten my hold on her.

1 sat up and pulled her with me. 1 looked at her beautiful face and wiped away her tears. She looked adorable with her red cheeks, but I didn't like how the reason behind their redness was crying.

"You're breaking one of the rules," she mumbled, making me chuckle,

"Well I don't mind breaking all the rules if it will make you feel better, 1 admitted. She smiled through her tears, causing my heart to melt. I had already broken the kissing rule at the party and I had no regress. "Can I know why you're scared of storms?"

"My mum she died because of a storm" She looked down and played with the end of my tshirt. "She was driving back home, and it was storming. She had a horrible accident. She didn't die on impact. She died two days later at the hospital" She didn't know how much I app

I knew that it was bad, because I didn't want to get attached to her, and having her opening up to me meant that we could form a sort of connection. I had a feeling that the damage land already been done. I was already attached to the beauty in my arm.

"She would have been so proud of you you know."1 pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"She would?" Her eyes lit up

"Yes. You're smart, beautiful, hardworking, passionate and kind" I didn't know what I was doing I didn't know why I was speaking my thoughts out


"Is that what y

you think of me!" Her face brightened upon hearing me. I would do anything to always see that look on her flawless face.

"I would be stupid to think otherwise." I was digging myself into a deep hole and I wasn't sure how I was į going to get myself out. Resisting Emily had recently become impossible.

Lightning struck, making her jump in her place, but I quickly soothed her and tightened my hood around her small body. "Listen, I'm not leaving you on your own tonight, okay! I won't let anything bad happen to you. I want you to trust me on this, so just close those beautiful had a long day at work:

"I will try," she whispered as I let my body slide down and pulled her with me. She stared at me for a second before closing her eyes. "Aren't we breaking another rule like that?" she murmured, causing me to chuckle.

"This night is for breaking rules," I replied, kissing her nose, and making her giggle.

I wanted to get some deep too, but I needed to make sure that she was relaxed at first. I felt her flinching every once in a while whenever it thundered and only when she stopped flinching did I know that she was finally asleep.

I looked down at her and my heart almost leaped out of my chest. Her head was resting on my chest and one land was resting on my shoulder while the other was lazily draped over my torso. Why did she have to be so beautiful and perfect like that!

When I woke up the next day, I didn't find her in my arms, which was enough to ruin my mood. Where did she go? It was a Saturday, and we didn't have work. I knew that Emily was an early bird, but I kind of liked having her in my embrace. I didn't want that night to end. I made my way downstairs and found her making breakfast for us. Today was different though. There was more food. Was she waiting for


"You're awake! I was about to head upstairs to wake you up. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her face was free of makeup. How was she that beautiful without even trying!

"What's all of this?" I asked, looking at the plates on the kitchen island.

12:30 PM.

"It's a funk you for not letting me sleep on my own last night when I was scared." She blushed

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her small body. "First, no need to thank me. Second, if you ever feel scared for whatever reason, just tell me and I won't let you spend the night on your own.

"Thank you," she mumbled, and kissed my cheek, I wanted to kiss her lips again. I hadn't kissed her since the party and I was craving the taste of her lips.

"Did you sleep well?" Lasked her as the two of us sai idown to cal

"Yes" She nodded, "I have been thinking and do you mind if I united your parents over for dinner? Why did she feel the need to ask me that question?noveldrama

"Of course not. You do whatever you like." I said, making her smile.

"Tomorrow is line by you?" I nodded.

As if my parents would say no to her. I bet my mum would come back from a trip if

Emily told her she wanted her to come over.

At first, I couldn't understand why they easily loved her, but now I got it. It didn't take a genius to realize that she was amazing.

"I want to ask you something," she said and I gave her my full attention. "Ar the party, you sad that you heard things about me. What did you hear? She seemed nervous, produbily scared of my answer.

"When Fiona was my lancé, she used to tell me a lot of terrible things about you. To be honest, I believed her, but after living with you. I now know that they were all lies," I silinatcil

Terrible things like what Lier voice was small and held something that resembled fear. I wanted to hold her and tell her that I no longer believed any of that. I wanted her to be sure that I had her back no matter what and I was not going to let anybody hurt her no matter what,

"She used to tell me that you were jealous of her, and you were willing to do anything to sabotage her life. She once told me that you ruined one of her dresses a day before an important event because you didn't want her so go, I told her and all she did was let out a scoff. "It's actually the other way around," she said. "It was an important event in another comtry, and I had my dress with me and everything. When I went to put it on, I found Isaks in it. Things I couldn't fix, Jellicy said that they were already running late, so they left me at the hot "She said she didn't want me to spend a lot of tinue with you, because she knew you would make move on me just like how you had done it nace in high school." I watched how my wife's mouth parted in shock upon hearing me.

"I caught her kissing my boyfriend in high school!" she exclaimed, dropping her fork in rage. She got up from her place and went to the sink. Her back was facing me, and it was easy to see how she wanted to hide from me

I sighed and got up from my place. I headed to where she was and wrapped both of my arms around her from behind. "I now know that she's a liar. I don't believe her." I wasn't sure if she cared about that or not, but I wanted her to know that I had her back, I wanted her "For years. I lived like a ghost in that house, I wasn't seen. I wasn't heard. I was marginalized by my own father. I endured it all and kept telling myself that sooner or later, I was going to leave." She didn't turn to face me, but I let her pour her heart out. "Do you know that J I suddenly had the urge to destroy Harok's company, I wanted to make them suffer for the way they treated her.

"What can I do to make you feel better!" I felt helpless, "Can you please turn arounii?"

It took her a while to comply. I expected to see tears on her face, but she was an expert at suppressing them.

"There's nothing I want you to do," she said, looking at mr.

There had to be something she wanted to do. There had to be a desire for revenge inside of her. Maybe she did not trust me enough to tell me. "You think about it and if you want me to do anything, I will do it." I was serious. I was more than ready to do any of the dirty worl "Why?" She tilted her head to the side er question caught me off guard.

"Because you're my best friend and I won't let anybody mistreat you."

It was probably stupid of me to friendzone a girl I was falling for, but I had to start at some point, right.

12:38 PM c

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