The Alpha and His Contract Luna (Lauren)

29. I will spank you

29. I will spank you

I get outside and shift. No matter how many times I shift. I’ll never get used to the pain that

accompanies the breaking of my bones as they rearrange themselves.

I grit my teeth against the onslaught of pain and within minutes I’m on paws. My clothes lay on the floor

torn. I don’t waste time and take off. Afraid that Sebastian will catch me and then there would be hell to


His house was on a large piece of land surrounded by trees. By large I mean acres of land. Given he

was an alpha, I get why he needed that much land.

Alphas tend to be more volatile than the rest of us. More aggressive. Running and hunting through

dense forests helps them curb their inner beasts.

That’s why you’ll find that many alphas who have separate homes from the one they have in pack

lands, have more land.

As for pack land. Most packs are settled together but to humans, it always seems like posh community

house developments.

The leaders provide the funding for building the houses located on pack lands. This is usually done

through the different business and investments that the pack has.

There are those who prefer living in the main pack house instead of individual houses.

There are also those who don’t live in the houses provided by the pack and mostly come to the pack

lands when there’s a pack meeting or pack function.

For those types, the houses or apartments which they buy or rent are strictly on them because it’s

outside the limit of pack territory. Most werewolves choose to stay within pack lands though.

Darren and I stayed in pack territory. We moved out of the pack house later on and took our own

separate house when we found out I was pregnant.

He didn’t want Krystal surrounded by what goes on in the main pack house and I agreed


I still cringe when I remember finding an elderly couple going at it in the game room. They were like

wild rabbits. I swear I almost puked right there and then.

So the pack has ranks. There’s the alpha who is the leader. He is usually an heir to the former alpha

and luna. Usually alphas are the strongest in the pack but in the case the heir is weak, anyone who

feels they’re stronger can issue a formal challenge for the alpha title.

Next are the betas. They are usually the alpha’s right hand man or woman. After them there is the

gamma. Some packs have gammas while others do not. Darren’s pack didn’t have a gamma and I’m

beginning to think Sebastian doesn’t have one either because he hasn’t mentioned anyone.

The luna is the alpha's mate and in ranking, she ranks higher than the beta. Then there is the female

beta who ranks higher than the gamma. At the bottom are the omegas. Omegas usually have really

weak wolves and some don’t even have wolves despite having the wolf gene.

One thing novels got right is about mates. We do have fated mates but we also have chosen mates.

One can choose their own mate if they have been rejected by their fated, their fated dies or in rare case

like mine, when you weren’t blessed with a fated mate.

The thought still stings a little because I can’t help thinking that maybe if I had been given a fated mate,

then I wouldn’t have gotten my heart broken the way I did. Then again I can’t regret meeting Darren

because that would mean regretting Krystal.

I shake those thoughts as I reach a stream. The clear, clean water beckons me to go for a swim. I

change back to human form and get inside the water. The coolness of it relaxes me. A flowing river just

has a way of cleansing you.

“What happened that day Blue? Before I passed out I felt like I was being torn into two?” I ask Blue.

Now that I was alone without distractions. My mind went to how I felt. Like my mind was attacking itself

and fuck was the pain excruciating.

“I’m sorry about that Ren, but I had to fight for control” she answered. “We were losing it and I was

afraid of what would have happened if we had made it outside and ran”

“The fact that we tore a man’s throat without even flinching scared the crap out of me” she continued in

a shaky voice.

I wince, just remembering his blood splashing on my face. The thrill I got at tearing him to pieces and

watching his body crumble was disheartening.

I hate how it makes my skin crawl when I remember it and for the millionth time I curse Darren for

putting me through this. This was all his fault. He was too wrapped up in Miranda to see that the bitch

was only using him. Using him to cushion her fall from grace.

“You have to ask Sebastian to mark you. With everything going on I doubt he even remembers that the

mating ceremony was interrupted before he could mark us”

“I will Blue” I Float on the water trying to erase all my worries.

She sighs in annoyance. “That’s what you said the last time”

She was also right there. The problem is, I find it hard broaching the subject with Sebastian. Every time

I intended to go talk to him about the subject. I find him bent over his desk. His focus on the murder

mystery that was slowly escalating.

Probably due to frustration he would growl at me and I’d end up fleeing his office without speaking to

him about it.

“We’re in a serious situation. In case you haven’t noticed we’re losing control more and more often.

What do you think will happen when we lose control around Jax and Krystal?” she inquired shrilly.

That had me pausing. “I would never hurt them” I emphasize passionately.

“Are you sure about that?” she asks in exasperation. “You as a mother might not attack them, but what

about this other side? The feral version of us. Can you honestly assure me that you won’t lose it when

they do something that angers you? Because let’s be truthful. They’re kids and they’re bound to push

our buttons. What happens when you lose it and lash out? Because like it or not, our trigger is anger”

I get out of the water while thinking about it. I couldn’t lie to myself so I had to admit that I wasn’t sure

that they would be safe around me. I care about both of them but Blue was right. With how unhinged I

was, there was a chance of attacking them without even realizing it.

I sigh in defeat. “Okay then. Let me go and talk to Sebastian”

With that, I shift. I ran through the forest, feeling the wind blow past my reddish brown fur. I was

enjoying my way back when it all came crashing down. I start feeling uneasy. For some reason I felt

like I was being watched.

Like someone was trailing me. Sebastian had told me he had pack warriors stationed at different

places but this felt wrong. This felt like I was being hunted. Like I was the prey. I pump my legs harder,

zipping through the forest.

The feeling persists and dread starts creeping in. Right now when I was probably not even safe, it hits

me that I ran further than I had intended to.

I don’t know whether it was real or just my scared imagination but I started hearing a second set of

paws. Blue pushes us harder, afraid to look behind us. The one mistake that people do in horror

movies is looking behind them. I wasn’t about to do that, because it distracts a person.

Whoever the wolf was, was beginning to gain on us.

“You have to hurry Blue” I plead. There was no way in hell would I let us get attacked. Again.

She snapped angrily. “I am doing my damn best”

Why the hell was she so touchy? It was just a simple request.

Minutes later we break through the forest and I see the house. I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear the

steps stop then recede. Without breaking my momentum and still afraid, I continue running. Now that I

was somewhat safe I look behind me and see a pair of glowing yellow eyes.

The malice behind them makes me lose my focus and crash into a hard wall. I stand up on wobbly legs

and realize I didn’t crash into a wall. Instead I had crashed into Sebastian.

If I had thought me being away would cool him, I was wrong because he looked pissed off.

“Shift” he commanded authoritatively.

There was no way I was going to let him see me naked. I ignore his command. Instead I lower my head

and growl at him.

“I swear on the goddess if you don’t willingly shift right now Red I’m going to force your shift and I will

spank you for your insolence” he fumes, his jaw is hard as granite and he is gnashing his molars.

I am definitely stupid and I like playing with fire because I still refuse to submit. Without warning he

grabs me by the scruff of my neck. He lifts me up so we are eye to eye. His green eyes now glowing an

iridescent color.

“Fucking shift” he puts his alpha power behind the command and within seconds I am naked in his


“I don’t like repeating myself Red” he seethed. His arm on my waist tight enough to leave a bruise.

I glare at him, irritated. First because this was a position I’d rather not be in. Especially with kids inside

and the fact that I was standing naked outside where any of his omegas or warriors could see us.

Second, I hated that he seemed unaffected by my nudity while I had to force back the arousal that was

rising. I guess he really wasn’t attracted to me. How tragic for my stupid ego.

“That’s not my fucking…” I go to retort but still when I hear a howl in the distance.

I turn my head around to survey the forest but I see nothing. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“What is it?” Sebastian demands. Probably feeling the stiffness in my bones.

It must have been my imagination because it seemed like he didn’t hear the howl. Which just creeped

me out more. Why didn't he anything?

“Nothing” I respond, a bit shaken.

He studies me before letting go of me and I force myself to relax. No need of letting him know that I

was beginning to lose my mind.

“Let’s get inside, there’s something I want us to discuss” he says, grabbing my hand.

I follow him all the while feeling a chill down my spine. Someone was after me and it seemed I wasn’t

safe. Not even in Sebastian's territory..

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